

We began to jog back to college, my lie working perfectly as expected, "So dude where's your next class at?" Jaymesh asked.

"It's on the other of the study hall where my previous lesson was." I replied.

"Ohh cool cool, make sure you look for me at 3 alright?" He said as we entered the study area.

I felt a giant smile manifest itself on my face, as we opened to the door to the study area. 'WTF where have they gone?! we spent no more then 5 mins in the corner shop....' as I began to scan both sides of the study area. They truly wasn't here no more.... 'FUCKKKKKKKK'

"You alright dude? you seem agitated." Jaymesh asked looking at me.

"Yeah... I'm alright... just realized no one else I know is taking economics.... and you know how bad I am at talking to new people..." I answered him.

"Ahh yeah your royally fked dude" he laughed at me, as I desperately scanned the study area more closely.

'Damn... they truly aren't here.... maybe the common room'. "Ohh dude I totally forgot I need to look for Nikki (My ex Best friend from secondary school), he said he wanted to return something to me." I informed him.

"Yeah sure..." he agreed, and we both began walking back to check the study room. 'Damn shes not here either'.

"Hmmm he doesn't seem to be here" I said taking a quick look opening the door.

"Heyyy Paul Jay" I heard Jamie call from us from the back of the room.

We both began walking towards them, most our friends group there sitting together. "Wassup guys.." I said approaching them.

"Nothing much we all have a free period right now" Zia responded.

"Really?..... I'm the only one with a lesson?... that fkign blows." I replied.

Everyone started to talk about the hot girls in their classes and which ones they wanted to get with, as all hormonal teenage boys do.

"How about you Paul see any hotties yet?" Kyrie asked.

"You guys should have seen him in Form class, he could keep his eyes of this Chinese girl call Jade i swear it was like the first girl hes ever seen." Zia revealed laughing at me.

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHH" they all yelled in excitement.

"Sorry guys as much as I'd love to stay I need to get to lesson, Laters" I said to them trying to get the hell out of there.

I began making my way to my next class, pretty nervous as I have no friends taking it with me. Arriving at the class room, I took a peak too see if anyone was in, it seems I was super early to the lesson. Waiting outside the door, I pulled out my mobile putting on my headphones and listening to Capital FM.

About the length of two songs passed when the double doors to the study area opened pulling my attention, a largish man appeared with six students following behind him, two I recognized to be Scot and Tom from Math, and four girls one Caucasian and the other three Asian, one of them seemed very similar like I've seen her somewhere before... "Paul?" the large man dressed in a shirt and trousers holding a stack of booklets asked me.

Pulling out one earphone "Yeah" I replied nodding.

"Great the whole class is here, I'm Mr Faralley" He informed me and entered the class.

"Hey Paul I didn't know you studied Economics." Tom and Scot said passing me and entering the room with the four girls following close behind.

The class too had a normal layout except all the tables were up with two chairs. Forcing me to sit alone, which to be honest was my preferred layout, I didn't want to be sitting next to a stranger.

"So there will be another Economics teacher called Mr. Coffey, this booklet will contains the syllabus and the layout of the year." Mr Farroley said to the class handing each of us a booklet. Standing back at the front of the class, "So lets start with introducing ourselves to each other and why you picked economics, lets start with Paul." He said with a jolly smile.

"Hi..... I'm Paul and I picked Economics because well.... Mr Robbins our headteacher suggested ill take it based on my liking and my strength in math" I introduced myself, to which everyone replied "Hi".

Scott and then Tom followed up introducing themselves, then the girls began introducing themselves the Caucasian one named Rebecca and the Asian ones named Julia, Annie and Robin.

Mr Farrolley began talking to us, explaining what economics was about and why its important and the stuff things we are going to be learning about. My concentration drifting in and out thinking about Emilia. 'Hmmmm so she won't be in economics.... maybe chemistry, although very unlikely....'

Like most lesson today Mr Farrolley let us out early, allowing us more time to reach our next lesson or chill out a bit.

Leaving the classroom and making my way back to the study area to meet back up with everyone specially Ransford since hes taking chemistry with me. Taking a quick scan of the study area in the desperate hope to see Emilia again, my eyes happened to drift to Jades who was sitting in the corner of the study are with a number of her friends. I saw a smile creep on her face and a small hidden wave barely lifting her writs.

Frightened with how to respond, I ended up looking past here pretending not to acknowledge her and made my way around the other side of the study area making my way to the common room. Looking back every so slightly to see her frown a little and turn back to her friends. 'WOW I'm an ass hole.... WHY AM I SOOOOO SOCIALLY INEPT?!!!!' I cursed myself as I lowered my head in shame and left the study room.

Arriving back at the study area meeting up with my friends again, who still happen to be in the same place this time talking about TV shows and Football.

"Hey guys wassup?" I said arriving and taking a seat with them, their discussion about football, coupled with my disinterest in it, I just sat and laughed as they cussed each other and their football teams. Jaymesh seems to have also gone somewhere during my economics class...

"Hey Paul you just have Economics right?" Jamie asked me eagerly.

"Yeah why?" I replied slightly curious, as he doesn't really take it himself.

"Ohh my god is Julia in there?" he asked eagerly.

"Yah i think so why?" I said with a confused face.

He slapped me in the back of the head, "Dude I told you that's the Hot Asian one in my media studies class, shes so fine...." He said day dreaming a little .

"Ohhhhh that's the same Julia? yeah shes quite pretty." I replied to him.

"Dude you gotta teach me some Chinese so I can impress her, like Chris Tucker in Rush hour." He said laughing impersonating him.

"Well I only know Cantonese, and I have no idea if shes Cantonese or Mandarin." I answered him.

"Well teach me anything man, like NI HO MA Gurl!" he yelled, learning the phrase from rush hour.

I couldn't help myself laughing at him, his accent butchering the pronunciation. "Nah you got this, it'll defiantly be an ice breaker." I replied to him.

"Eyy Paul its time for Chemisty" Ransford said getting up.

"Alright cool, later guys" I said leaving with Ransford.

Opening the door I froze petrified as if I just looked into the eyes of a Gorgan, nothing in the world could prepare me for who stood in front of me looking directly into my eyes.