
Twisted Sisters: An MHA Story

*Updated Weekly... sometimes bi-monthly... :)* All orphaned at young ages, Luna, Nyoko, Misaki, and Kokoro have led very different lives. Despite this, they all find themselves accepted into the best hero course in the country: UA, assigned to class 1A. Four new students, four new stories, four new quirks. One searches for a killer, one battles villainous stereotypes, one hopes to save others from her tragedies, and one struggles to belong. All fight to prove society wrong. !!Warning!! Mature themes depicted Language

KidaJ_ · Cómic
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7 Chs

Chapter 1: Roaring Muscles


When I think about the night that changed everything I can still feel the sting of my opponent's glove on my cheek. I hear the whistle of the referee, I feel my opponent's spirit crushed under my fist. For a second, I still feel the high of the win and I feel okay again. But only for a second. Because then I remember everything else from that night and the tortured nights after.

I can't dwell on the memories, but I do allow myself to feel their effects all over again. It's the only thing that calms my nerves and cements my plan of action. With every punch I throw, the punching bag in front of me turns into my mind's version of the mock hero test I'm about to take. The test that decides whether or not I get into the school with one of the best hero program's in all of Japan. The one that, if I pass, gives me the best chance at finding Maita and bringing down the organization that ruined my family.


Not if I pass… when I pass.

Failure is not an option today.

I grit my teeth, sweat drips down my muscles, hair sticks to my forehead. But I won't stop. I run through every fighting technique, every move, block, every strike I know. Then the sun begins to peek through the windows and the nerves that previously threatened to force my breakfast from my stomach are now just a small buzz in my muscles.

I'm the only one here so the showers in the locker room are nice and hot. Plus no one complains when I turn off my headphones and BABYMETAL continues through the speaker on my phone.

Aunt Keiko hasn't called yet so I assume she's still asleep and hasn't seen my note. Good. I hadn't wanted to make a big deal out of this and knowing her… she would have.

By the time I'm out of the shower, my phone buzzes with a text saying my ride is here.

It's cold outside, but not as cold as it was at the beginning of the year. It's the kind of cold that tells you spring is right around the corner. Birds haven't yet started chirping, but the sky is getting more blue each day.

The detective is waiting for me by a black sedan parked on the street in a trench coat, slacks, and a tan hat. He's a younger guy with short black hair, though he's quite a bit taller than me.

"Morning detective," I plaster on a fake smile as he opens the car door for me.

"Good morning Nyoko," he responds in a deep baritone.

I slip into the passenger seat and he gets in the driver's side.

"You know it's been five years. I think we're past the point of you calling me detective."

"My aunt's not here, you don't have to try for brownie points," I say to which he gives me a look. "Plus it gives me more street cred. Makes it seem like I'm bad enough to be familiar with a detective."

"You're not a bad kid," he says, pulling out onto the street. "You just make bad decisions."

"I make 'fun' decisions," I correct.

"Yeah, well, I'm not sure UA will see it the same way."

"Well I won't have to worry about that unless I actually get in. Plus you putting in a good word for me probably puts their minds at ease."

"Sure it got your foot in the door but I can't help you if you get expelled."

"I know I know," I say, dropping the joking mood. "Graduating from UA is too important."

"You're really serious about this." I'm not sure if he was trying to ask a question or just make an observation because it sounds like both.

"Yup," Is all I say because I don't really feel like discussing the matter.

"And how does your aunt feel about it?"

"What she doesn't know wont hurt her."

"She's going to find out eventually."

"I'll deal with it then." I say then look at him. "You promised you wouldn't tell her."

"I know, and I'm a man of my word." he says. "I just don't see why you haven't told her."

"Uh because she's clingy and makes a big deal out of everything. If she knew, she'd throw me a stupid party or something."

"She's just proud of you. Things could have ended very differently for you-"

"Yeah I know." the words come out more aggressively than I wanted but it drops the conversation all the same.

I don't want to think of what could have happened… It's messy and depressing because honestly I could have ended up dead if it weren't for the detective. Or tortured… or sold… or who the hell knows. But I didn't and I don't want to think about it. Thinking about it only makes me think of Maita.

"How is she doing?" The detective breaks the silence.

"Who?" I ask confused.

"Your aunt,"

I shrug. "Good I guess, got a new job that she likes."

"Doing what?"

"Same thing," I answer. "But these people are nicer."

"Have you guys had any problems?"

I shake my head. "Not since she changed her last name."

"Good, the less people that recognize you guys the better."

I nod and hesitate before I say what I say next. "She's gonna get mine changed too."

"How do you feel about that?"

I shrug.

I don't say anything else. I don't want to talk about it anymore and I think the detective gets the hint because he doesn't ask any more questions. That's what I liked most about him. When I was arrested, and the police questioned me, they treated me like I was some kind of delinquent. The detective didn't. He put up with my sass and smartass remarks. He personally drove me to my aunt's and sat outside the house for days after we got broken into and death threats were made. He even picked me up from school after I got kicked out for fighting and encouraged my aunt to sign me up for organized MMA.

I guess that's why I trusted him enough to talk. And when he stayed around after the trial, I trusted him enough to tell him about UA and wanting to become a hero for Maita's sake.

Detective Tsukauchi lets me change the radio to a station that just so happens to be playing a song by my favorite group. The hard rock simultaneously calms me and pumps me up for the fight ahead. When we pull up to UA's campus, the nerves and fear are gone and I feel almost excited.

The detective parks and we both get out of the car.

"Sorry to burst your bubble but I don't think spectators are allowed." I say.

"Ha, very funny," he says sarcastically as we walk towards the main gate. "I have some business with the principal."

"Ohhh sounds secretive," I joke.

"Extremely," he entertains. "Good luck,"

He walks ahead, but I stop and take a moment. The gate is massive… the school is massive. I'm sure my jaw dropped a little when I saw it. I've never seen anything this big before. I feel like an ant.

Other kids walk down the wide stone path towards the building. None of them look half as capable as I thought. And the best part, no one has recognized me yet. Maybe these kids are too snooty to know about underground organized crime.

This is going to be a breeze. I am going to pass. I'm one step closer, Maita.



"Come on Denki!" I pull my best friend off the bus.

"Watch out!" he calls right before I bump into something.

"Ouch, sorry about that," I say with a laugh as I look up. "I guess I got a little too excited."

It's a girl with long curly purple hair pulled into two low ponytails. Intimidating green eyes narrow at me as she scowls.

"Watch it," she grumbles, then walks forward into the school in front of us.

"Wow, someone's taking this test wayyy too seriously," Denki says.

"I can't believe it," I giggle. "Wow, this school is awesome! Can you imagine the raw potential waiting for us in the auditorium?!"


I know he has a hard time keeping up with my tangents but really, we've been friends for years now. He should know how to keep up.

"That girl! I could practically feel the intimidation radiating off her!" I squeal. "This whole school is full of competition and future heroes! I wonder what her quirk is. Must be a power type, or maybe a transformation type? She didn't look like she had any mutations, but hey who knows!"

"You're so embarrassing," Denki is looking around at the other students who have stopped to stare.

"Who cares!" I exclaim and grab his arm. "Come on, let's get our seats early so we can scope out the competition!"

We run through the gate, every step feeling as exhilarating as the last. I take a mental note of every feeling and sight that my brain can handle. I'll have to tell grandma every last detail of course.

Inside the auditorium are hundreds of rows of desks and a stage. I stand in awe, because the space makes every other I've seen shrivel in comparison.

"Wait, I thought this was a physical test not a written, I didn't study!" Denki exclaims.

"No dork, this is probably just for orientation. Come on."

There are so many students piling in, and still so many open seats. I go to the back because it's the darkest and I can see everyone from up here.

There. Are. So. Many. Quirks! So much competition! Who's going to get in?! Who isn't?! How many of these faces are going to be my new classmates?

"Wow, some of these guys are kind of intimidating." Denki scratches the back of his head.

"I know right?!" I say excitedly. "Can you imagine what they're all capable of? What awaits us on the battlefield."

"I think you're taking this a little too seriously. Relax Lu, worry about getting in first."

"Oh, I'm gonna get in," I cross my hands over my chest. I have to get in.

Finally, lights in the back of the room turn on.

"What's up, UA candidates?" the voice echoes from the front of the room.

"Denki!" I whisper squeal and grab his shoulder. "It's Present Mic!"

"Let go of my arm, you're crushing it," he hisses.

I do as he asks and focus on the Hero now standing on the stage below us.

"Thanks for tuning in, come on, let's get this party started!"

The room is silent, but I'm so excited, my legs won't stop shaking.

"Alright, let's get to the main show. Are you ready? Yeah!"

Still silence.

"Alright, like your application said, you all will be participating in mock battles in super-hip suburban areas. After I drop the mic you will head to your specified battle center ya dig?"

I look down at the Exam Ticket I had received after my application had been submitted. My test location is at Battle Center A. I take a look at Denki's. His says Battle Center C.

"Awe man this sucks! We totally could've taken out some bad guys together." Denki complains.

"That's probably what they're trying to avoid." I say. "They want to see how we work on our own and keep us from cheating our way through."

"I guess,"

I have to laugh because he sounds so disappointed.

"Okay, okay, there are three types of faux villains. You earn points based on their level of difficulty."

On the screen behind Present Mic shows shadows of three villains and how many points they're worth each.

"Your goal is to use your quirk to shred these villains and raise your score. But check it, we're keeping things heroic. Attacking other examinees is a UA no-no, sounds good?"

"Excuse me, I have a question." I hear from below. A bright spotlight shoots to a guy with neat blue hair and pristine suit.

"Hit me!"

"On the print out there are four types of villains, not three. With respect, if this is an error on official UA materials then it is shameful. We are exceptional students and we expect the best from Japan's most notable school. Additionally, you with the unkempt hair. You've been muttering this whole time. Stop it. It's distracting." The boy turned and pointed at a student who's now shaking in his seat. "That is all," he says, then sits back down.

"Man, that guy's intense." Denki mutters.

"Seriously," I say. "But he does point out something interesting."

"Thanks for calling in examinee number 7-1-1-1." Present Mic acknowledges. "The fourth villain type is worth zero points. It's just an obstacle we will be throwing in your way. My advice to my listeners, it's best to try and avoid it and focus on the others."

"Thank you very much," the boy says.

"So it's kind of like a trap," I say.

"Yeah, but what's the point?" Denki asks.

"To see how we react under pressure maybe." I speculate.

"Isn't that what this whole test is about?"

I shrug.

"That's all I got for you today. I'll send you off with our school's motto. As Napoleon Bonaparte once laid down: A true hero is one who overcomes life's misfortunes."

Finally we're almost there! This school is so awesome!!

"Are you ready to go beyond? Let me hear a Plus Ultra!"

"Plus Ultra!" I let my excitement get the best of me and shout the words at the top of my lungs. No one else did and now my face is beat red with embarrassment.

"Oh that was so bad," Denki is holding back howls of laughter.

Everyone in the room is staring at me.

"I'm going to kill you," I say through gritted teeth and let my wings circle around me.

"There we go! Good luck!" Present Mic dismisses us.

"I can't believe you did that!" Denki is laughing so hard I want to punch him.

"Yeah yeah yeah," I cross my arms over my chest. "Whatever,"

Denki laughs more and more so I reach my hand out and smack him on the back of the head.

"Hey!" he grabs the back of his head.

"Get to your battle center before you're late." I order then start to walk towards my own.

I hear Denki chuckle. "Good luck Luna!"

I turn and crack a smile to my best friend.

"You too!"