
Twisted Blossoms: Tales of a Transformed Vampire Girl

Yuki Matsuri is a 17-year-old boy who dreams of becoming his ideal person: a girl with long silver hair, blue eyes, and a petite frame. One night, after making a wish, Yuki wakes up to find himself transformed into his dream girl. Though he's shocked at first, he soon embraces his new form and begins to explore his identity as Yuri. But as Yuri navigates her new life, she discovers that her transformation has not only changed her appearance, but also granted her vampiric abilities. With the help of her supportive family, Yuri must learn to control her powers and face the challenges that come with being a transformed vampire girl.

WeebWrites96 · LGBT+
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14 Chs

Chapter 5: Their Feelings

I looked at Ai-chan and Riho, I could see the subservience in their eyes, but I also felt a sense of closeness and connection to them that I had never felt before.

"Thank you, both of you," I said, feeling grateful for their willingness to help me and be my blood servants.

They both smiled at me, and said in unison, "Please continue to be with us from now on, Yuri." I could feel the bond between us growing stronger with each passing moment. I knew that with their help and Rika-san's training, I would become a strong and skilled vampire, able to protect my loved ones and live up to my family's legacy.

"My, my, it seems you were able to successfully make Aiko and Riho your blood servants." Rika said after walking back into the kitchen with my mother and father.

I could feel my face become bright red remembering those moments with Ai-chan and Riho. I stated, "Ye...Yes, I was able to, and I feel a strong bond between us."

"You know Riho has wished to see you again all this time, she really missed you, so as her mother, I ask please continue to take care of her and cherish her, Yuri." Rika-san stated to me with a serious expression.

"Mama, please don't embarrass me!" Riho squealed out with her face bright red.

"I promise I will cherish Riho from now on and forever." I answer Rika-san with sense of resolve.

"We ask the same of you too, Yuri. Please continue to cherish and take care of our Aiko." My mother said with serious expression as well.

"Of course, I love Ai-chan as well, I promise I will protect and cherish her for all eternity." I answered with equal sense of resolve as with Riho.

"Good, and Aiko, I'm glad your wish came to be with Yuri forever come true. Please continue to take care of and cherish our daughter Yuri and protect her as well." Our father stated.

"Yes, I promise, and please don't mention in front of Onee-chan. Also, Onee-chan." Ai-chan stated.

"Yes, what's wrong?" I ask noticing Ai-chan fidgeting with a red face.

"I don't want to call you, Onee-chan anymore, don't take this wrong way, but I don't want to be seen as your sister, but rather as your friend and girlfriend. Is that okay?" Ai-chan asked me with puppy dog eyes.

Gosh why is she so cute, I think to myself before answering. "Of course, it's okay, I understand, what do you want to call me then?"

"I want to call you Yu-chan, like how you call me Ai-chan." Ai-chan answered.

"I like that nickname, it's cute, like you Ai-chan." I giggled before answering.

"Mou, don't just flirt by yourselves over there I want to join in to, Yuri, Aiko." Riho said while pouting.

"Haha, sorry Ri-chan. Please feel free to call my Ai-chan as well." Ai-chan stated while laughing.

"Sorry, Riho, please feel free to call me what you wish as well." I stated.


"Huh?" I ask.

"Call me Riho-chan from now on and I will call you Yuri-chan as well." Riho stated.

"Haha, very well, Riho-chan." I state slightly embarrassed.

"Good, thank you, Yuri-chan." Riho-chan thanked me.

"I know a three-person relationship isn't normal today and you three will probably face a lot of judgment, but as long as you communicate properly and think of one another, I am sure you will have fruitful and loving relationship." My mother stated, while looking at us three with loving eyes.

"It is getting late, I suppose it is time for Riho and me to leave, girls be ready early in the morning tomorrow, because starting then for the next three weeks I will be trianing you three on how to control your powers. Also, I forgot to mention, Riho and I moved into the house next door, so Riho can better serve and protect you, Yuri." Rika stated, with a giggle.

"Really, that's great." Ai-chan happily stated.

"Yeah, I'm so happy Riho will be right next door as well. I promise we will be ready for the training in the morning. Thank you for everything, Rika-san, Riho."

"Your very welcome, now let's be on our way Riho." Rika-san said.

After we said our goodbyes, my mother and father turned to me, and bowed their heads and stated.

"We are so sorry for keeping the fact that you were adopted a secret until now, but we promise we have always loved you like you where our own."

"Please raise your heads, Mama, Dad. I know that you loved me, and we will always be family. Thank you for taking care of me for all these years."

"Thank you, sweetheart. Now for the matter of you and Aiko, I am fine with you two accepting each other's feelings and being together, but we will set some ground rules, okay." My mother stated,

"There will be no hanky-spanky, until you move out on your own. You are marriageable age, but Aiko and Riho haven't graduated yet, and you are going back to school Yuri. So please wait on performing the mutual servant contract until you three graduate at least."

As my mother continues to list off different rules, my and Ai-chans face become redder and redder by the second. Finally, Ai-chan caved in and yelled out,

"Okay, okay, Mama, we get it. We promise! Come on Yu-chan, let's take a bath I will teach you the proper way to wash your hair."

"Ba...bath?!" I yell out and ask.

"This girl, she didn't listen at all did she?" My mother stated looking exasperated.

An hour or so later, after Ai-chan taught me how to wash my hair, and we enjoyed the bath, nothing happened I promise, we were sitting in living room watching, a tv drama when Ai-chan turned to face me and stated,

"Thank you, Yu-chan. Thank you for accepting my feelings, and it made so happy to hear that you had feelings for me too, I was scared you would be weirded out by me."

"Of course, I wouldn't Ai-chan, I have always had a hunch that we weren't related, before I transformed, we didn't look alike at all, it just hurt me earlier because it was confirmation, I was right, and it scared me. I was scared you were made at me for also having feelings for Riho-chan." I stated with a tightening in my chest.

"It surprised me at first, but I just happy if I can be with you, that's why I chose to become your blood servant as well. I promise I will protect you along with Ri-chan. You have always been by my side ever since we were little, I love you, Yu-chan." Ai-chan states to me with a serious expression in her eyes.

"Thank you, and you have always protected me from the bullies even though you were younger, you have always been own my side no matter what, I love you too, Ai-chan. I truly don't deserve you, but I will happily be with you forever from now on." I state before leaning in to give Ai-chan a tight hug when I hear...

"Ahem! I swear you two. Go to bed already, you have a early morning tomorrow." My mother stated, catching us.

"Yes Ma'am." Ai-chan and I state before getting up and heading to our rooms.

"Also, Yuri." My mother called out to me.

"Yes Ma'am?" I ask.

"Happy birthday." She stated with the brightest smile I have seen from her today.