
Twilight: Son of Hades

Transmigrated into the body of a young teenager who had just moved to the small town of Forks, Ethan discovered that there were much darker things he had no idea about. Not only was this city the center of one of the movies he watched in his previous life, Twilight, with various monsters from the supernatural world like Vampires and Werewolves, but in a short time he discovered that he himself had supernatural power. Able to control shadows and induce fear, Ethan understood that he would not be as helpless as he initially imagined. While others needed to become vampires to be immortal, Ethan as the son of a god already had the possibility of immortality flowing in his blood. Follow Ethan as he understands his powers and evolves to become the next ruler of the Underworld.

Toruu · Película
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51 Chs

Chapter 18 - "Are You Afraid?"

"Thank you, Ethan!" She said, then walked into her house, without looking back.

Ethan waited for Jessica to enter her house and then hurried off in the direction of his house. He needed to shower and get ready to make it to Alice's appointment on time.

Ethan arrived home tired to death of running, but even so he desperately ran up to the bathroom, taking off his clothes halfway and rushing into the shower.

He finished showering, dried himself off, and went to his room to get dressed.

Ethan took a beige long-sleeved shirt with a turtleneck and put a black jacket over it. He put on black jeans and the sneakers he wore to go out with his mother last night.

He went back into the bathroom and started blow drying his hair, while looking for his stored perfume. Ethan sprayed the perfume all over his body and inside his jacket, so that if she wanted to wear it, it would smell like him.

He didn't have any accessories to wear with his clothes, so he went into his mother's room and started looking through her jewelry to see if she had a more masculine necklace that he could wear with his clothes.

Then he found a dark red bag, with the letter 'H' written in black on it, at the bottom of the jewelry box, which caught his attention.

When he opened the bag, there was a very shiny silver chain necklace. He put the chain around his neck and felt more confident as he looked in the mirror. The chain looked perfect on Ethan's neck and seemed to make his eyes look brighter, for some reason. As if it was made for him.

While admiring the chain, his cell phone rang.

"Hey Ethan, I'm coming to the movies. Are you there yet?" Alice sent it to him.

"Hi Alice, I'm leaving the house!". Ethan replied, running into his room while looking for his wallet and simultaneously putting on his shoes.

"Want me to go buy the tickets?". She sent to him.

"No! I'll pay for us!". Ethan sent to her, being kind.

"Stop being silly, lol. There's no time. I'll buy it for us here!". Alice sent back.

Ethan rushed down the stairs and opened left the house in desperation, almost forgetting to lock the door.

He ran through the streets as if there was no tomorrow.

Then he got to the movie theater, panting from running so hard, and in the doorway he saw Alice.

She looked beautiful. Alice was dressed in a beige overcoat and black clothes inside, holding a bucket of popcorn. It even looked like she had matched her outfit with Ethan's before they went.

"Alice!" Ethan said, taking a deep breath so as not to look like he was exhausted.

"You're here! Hi Ethan!". She said, with a gentle smile. "I didn't think you were coming." She added with a laugh.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I had to do some things for my mom before I came here, so I got held up." Ethan said, letting out a low laugh.

"Well, shall we go in? The movie's about to start." She said pointing to the entrance.

"Sure!" Ethan said, extending his arm for Alice to hold. "What movie did you pick?". He asked.

"Oh, you'll like it!". Alice replied, trying to be mysterious.

The two of them entered the considerably crowded room and sat in one of the middle rows, further to the left corner.

- I really hope I don't sleep through the movie, I'm so tired. I could sleep right now," he thought, as they settled into their seats.

Before anything else, Ethan texted Enid, letting her know that he had gone to the movies with a friend and would text her as soon as he got home. Before his mother could even answer, he turned off his cell phone and put it in his pocket.

Ethan gently took the bowl of popcorn from Alice's hand and placed it on his lap, forcing Alice closer to his body to grab the popcorn. She then looked up into Ethan's face, realizing what he was doing, and lifted the arm of the movie theater seat, becoming glued to his body.

Ethan felt his body freeze for a moment, a little nervous about what she had done, but not showing it to her.

The theater lights began to dim, and then the movie started, and the name of the movie appeared on the screen: 'House of Wax'.

The moment the lights began to dim, Ethan began to feel his body being invigorated. The sensation of thick smoke covering his body was beginning to appear, but in a much weaker form than usual, because of the strong light from the big screen.

Time went by and the movie was quiet, not much had happened yet. Then Ethan looked at his hands and realized that he could see shadow particles all over his body. He widened his eyes, freaking out, because he was nervous about Alice being able to see it too, since those guys from last night were able to see Ethan's powers.

"Are you scared yet?" Alice said, laughing at Ethan for getting scared at the same moment that a jumpscare appeared on the screen.

"Aren't you scared at all?" Ethan said, pretending that he had been startled by the scene.

"Not me! This movie is too weak for me. Alice said, shrugging.

- Well, she looked at me... That means that only I can see the particles. But if I move the particles around more, can she see them? - Ethan thought, trying to understand how his abilities worked. - I'd better not risk it for the time being. I know they're fine with peaceful vampires, but other species

Ethan kept thinking about this, even forgetting where he was, but in the middle of his thoughts, he felt Alice's hand touching his, causing him to come back to reality and his heart to speed up a little. As the movie went on, it became more and more frightening.

In one scene in the movie, one of the guys named Nick was looking for his friend Carly, who was trapped in a room underneath a gas station where he was.

Carly ended up having her finger ripped off by one of the supposed kidnappers with pliers, which causes a lot of blood to come out.

At the same time, Alice wriggled a little in her chair and leaned on Ethan's arm, trying to straighten up in the chair.

- Could the image of blood also cause something in her? I thought it was because of the smell... It must be a coincidence. - He thought, wondering if Alice could control herself like Carlisle.

Ethan put his arm around her neck, causing her to move closer to him and perhaps relax more with the movie. Alice rested her head on Ethan's chest and put her arm around his waist, hugging him and ignoring the popcorn. Then Ethan began to pet Alice's cheek, with the hand he had run down her neck.

Towards the end of the movie, the main characters began to figure out what was going on and what all those wax sculptures in the house meant and why their friends were disappearing. Then a tense chase began. Alice hugged Ethan's torso tightly, hiding her face a little, agonized by the whole scene.

"You're afraid, are you?" He whispered in Alice's ear, who felt her body shiver.

"No!". She replied pretending to be angry, looking up at him, her face very close to his.

"Oh yeah?" Ethan said, teasing her and moving closer to her with his face.

Alice bit her lower lip and moved closer to Ethan.

Then Ethan pulled her with his arm, which was around her neck, and kissed her slowly.


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