
Twilight: Rebirth

Death is a constant, but what happens when you get a chance at a second life? Gabriel was given a second chance in a world of supernaturals. Being gifted with powers beyond his comprehension. All he wants to do is find the meaning to a happy life, with friends, family and possibly some love? ********** (Beginning chapters are a bit rough, but the pacing and writing do get better a little after chapter 10. I was worried about my novel not being interesting, so I used overly complex words that really weren't needed. I'll try and go back at a later point and fix any glaring issues. If I mess up with the lore, please understand that I'm writing this novel for fun. I'm not getting paid for anything, this isn't locked behind some paywall. So please be kind.) #Romance #Reincarnation #R18 #Overpowered #SliceOfLife #Twilight

DumbedDown · Película
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26 Chs


(A/N - Last chapter for the day, your sect leader is under the weather due to Qi deviation. Some cultist that complained about MC's body shape attempted to review bomb the novel, unfortunately their eyes could not see Mt. Tai!)


**Cullens POV**

Carlisle had sent a message to Rosalie. She had gone through no contact since the hospital, and he grew slightly worried about her situation. The family knew that she would eventually tell Gabriel about what they were, and tonight might have been the time.

Jasper leaned forward, placing his head in his hands. "You don't think he chased her away once she told him?"

Esme and Alice shook their heads in protest. "He's too kind to do that. At least that's what I believe. Maybe they are just spending some quality time together?" Alice chimed in, her bubbly personality never failing to shine.

Listening to his family members talk, Emmett hugged Jasmine as she sat in his lap. "No way that would happen. Have you seen the two together?" Jasmine nodded merrily; their minds were almost always in sync, so they rarely disagreed with one another.

Carlisle picked up his phone once more, dialing Edward's number, but it rang through. No one had heard a word from him since the incident at school.

"Don't worry, Carlisle. He's watching Bella right now." Alice grimaced awkwardly at her brother's stalker tendencies.

Amidst their light conversation, each family member turned their heads to the entrance of the home. The distinct sound of Gabriel's car parking near their home pulled their focus.

"I guess we'll have an answer soon."


**Third Person POV**

After being interrupted by Carlisle's message, Gabriel and Rosalie quickly fixed their clothes, leaving his home behind and driving towards the Cullens.

"Are you sure you want to tell them?" Rosalie held a small doubt within her mind about how her family would react to what Gabriel was. Not for judgment, but possibly fear. Their family was always cautious with outside influences, and Gabriel's existence was possibly the biggest one they'd ever challenged.

Grasping her tender but icy hand, Gabriel squeezed it. "Don't worry. They're your family. If I want to be with you, I need to be honest."

Humming at the warm feeling his hand gave, Rosalie turned to face the road.

The car drive itself was quick. Ten minutes down the winding road at 2 AM, Gabriel didn't hold back the car's engine, blasting through at blistering speeds.

Turning the car, they drove across the gravel driveway before parking.

The duo walked to the front door hand in hand, imperceptible smiles dancing in their eyes. Entering the house, Rosalie heard the family whispering in the living room. Pulling Gabriel along, they hastened towards the room.

Upon entering the room, Gabriel smirked as he looked at the Cullen family, their faces and bodies showing slight apprehension about how he would react to the news.

"So… is this house like one enormous coffin? The modernization of vampires really takes the scary away."

A pin-drop silence surrounded the room. Everyone was too stupefied by the joke to acknowledge the meaning behind Gabriel's words.

"Hahaha! Fuckin' hell, Gabriel." Emmett shot out of his seat, barreling towards Rosalie and Gabriel before pulling them into an enormous bear hug. He jumped around, holding the couple as he continued laughing.

"Oh, dickhead. Unhand me," Gabriel scowled, not liking the feeling of an old man hugging him.

Pulling himself out of his stupor, Emmett let go before sheepishly running back to Jasmine. She held a gentle smile, watching her oaf of a partner act like a child.

"So, I take it Gabriel is aware?" Carlisle asked, his focus on Rosalie. She simply nodded before clutching Gabriel's arm tighter.

Sighing, Carlisle slumped into his chair. He wasn't sad that Rosalie had finally told her mate, more that he disliked the fact that to become her true partner, they would have to take away his humanity and turn him into a vampire.

Esme placed her hand gingerly on Carlisle's shoulder as she understood what he was thinking. "So, you understand the implications of knowing about us, Gabriel?" she questioned, her voice still tender and motherly.

Rosalie interrupted Gabriel before he had the chance to mess with the family once more.

"We need to talk about that. We can't turn him."

Confusion spread across the family at the turn of events, each person waiting for Rosalie to continue.



The Cullen family was currently outside their home, specifically in the backyard, watching a spectacle they hadn't prepared for.

Jasper had launched himself at Gabriel, his body swift as he threw a punch directly at his face. Gabriel simply turned his head to the side, deftly dodging his hand that was mere inches from striking, with minimal movement.

Grabbing Jasper's arm, Gabriel hoisted his body akin to a judo throw, launching the unsuspecting vampire into the woods at an alarming speed.

Jasper twisted in the air, nimbly landing on his feet as he rushed once more toward Gabriel. A volley of fists and kicks rained on his body, though they hit nothing but air as Gabriel danced in the same position, his body dodging each strike as if he knew they were coming a second before.

Tiring of the fight, Gabriel's arm snaked through another barrage of fists, his elbow displacing each strike, before his arm snapped shut on Jasper's neck, lifting him off the ground.

The Cullens were astonished by how easily Gabriel subdued Jasper, who was known as the fighter in the family.

Feeling his neck held onto like a vice grip, Jasper tapped at Gabriel's arm, signaling that he had forfeited.

Gently placing Jasper on the ground, Gabriel scratched the back of his head. "Sorry, man, I didn't mean to grab that tight." Stepping forward, he dusted the dirt off Jasper's body as an apology.

"It's no issue. It was a lost fight the moment I missed my punch." Humble to the core, especially in his shortcomings, Jasper smiled at Gabriel as the duo walked back to the family.

Each family member held a different reaction, be it shock, confusion, apprehension, or glee. Though the one that stood out to Gabriel was Rosalie. She held a tender and loving look in her eyes as she understood that Gabriel had held back much more than he showed.

"You're telling me this is you, without trying?" Carlisle asked, the cogs in his mind turning at light speed as he compared the violent but quick combat that was displayed to the vampires he knew from the Volturi.

Gabriel had explained to the family about his sudden origins, though there were still major questions they wished to be answered. It was up to Gabriel to explain at a later date.

He had displayed his telekinesis and telepathy to the family, which added more to the confusion of him having multiple powers.

Coupled with the strength, speed, and combat ability that trumped tens of newborns, Gabriel was a veritable mixed bag of power and confusion.

The family, plus Gabriel, resigned to the living room, where they spent some time talking about their current living situation.

"So you're telling me you spend a couple of years in a small town, acting like students, and then head off to university? Once graduated, you'll either work for a bit or restart the entire cycle again?"

"That, or we cancel the plans because we stayed too long and people suspect we're abnormal. If that happens, we just restart the whole process," Carlisle said, while the family nodded in confirmation.

"That's insane." Gabriel gaped at how blasé they were about the whole situation. He knew this was the truth, but it still irked him they would spend hundreds of years in repetitious schooling. They didn't even try to socialize!

Gabriel felt the atmosphere progressively ease as the family opened up to him more about some of their funnier times living with humans. As the conversation toned down, Gabriel dropped another reality-bending question for the night.

"You know, I can help you guys sleep?"


(Should I make a discord?)