
Chapter 30): Cousin!

Chapter 30): Cousin!

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

{Do not do drugs, I am not promoting them either as I write these. This is purely for fun nothing more, nothing less.}

{20+ Advanced Chapters on Buy-meacoffee/flaminglines}


(A/N: So I wanted to expand on his family some just to give him a little more to do before I go to supernatural with this story, plus I like this idea. It won't be something that is heavy in this fic so don't worry.)

Ryan woke up before Leah did, he chuckled as she was laid out all over him at the same time she was hogging all the covers, they were wrapped around her so tight like she was a burrito. He kissed the top of her head and watched her smile, "Come on Leah you need to wake up." He whispered.

"Why?" She mumbled back relaxing into him more.

"Because, we have a date tonight so I figured you would want your mom's help getting ready." He said nonchalantly.

Leah jumped up though her eyes wide as she looked at him, "A date?! Really!!"

He pecked her lips at her excited expression, "Yes, now go wake your brother while I make breakfast then I will send you back home so you can get ready. It is a t Seven tonight though."

"That is plenty of time to find an outfit." She said then left the room going to wake Seth like he asked.

Ryan didn't question that, it was literally nine in the morning, there was more then nine hours for her to get ready, but if she wanted to spend the day looking for things then he wouldn't stop her. Lighting up he walked downstairs and went to the kitchen, he began to cook, he took out everything needed for a classic breakfast as he did so.

[+1 Level to Cooking]

[Cooking Level 6

Description: Cooking classic dishes now have a 30% chance of healing injuries that someone has been afflicted with. Eaters instantly gain a positive mood with eating your cooking.]

Ryan nodded smiling at that, he knew that his cooking was getting better when it instantly put people in a good mood with his cooking, maybe now he was catching up to Sue. He knew that hers had to be maxed even if it wasn't shown, because hers always put her family and him in a good mood, plus it also seemed to relax them no matter what.

He should really take cooking lesson from her.

"So, what is fro breakfast?" Leah asked as she walked into the kitchen with a pep in her step, Seth lagged behind yawning.

"Why are you still so tired?" Ryan asked ignoring Leah for the moment.

"Mel. Even after she got home we still messaged one another. Turns out she is just a freshman, but she was invited by her cousin which is why she could get into the party. She is amazing." Seth said with a happy sigh.

"Does she know your real age?" Ryan asked with a raised brow, his birthday was in two months but still.

"Yeah, I didn't want to lie to her. She was okay with it though, we are only a year apart after all." 

Ryan nodded, "And we are having Cinnamon waffles, sunny side eggs, sausage with your choice of toast or biscuits."

Leah sighed happily while Seth just nodded taking a big drink of the orange juice that was set out, he was still slowly waking up.


Ryan got a call as he was making his lunches for the weekend, looking down he saw it was his mom again, "Hello." He said not super happy about the call.

"Hey Ryan," she said with some hesitation in her voice, "Your cousin needs some help with some lighting fixture at her house. Do you think you could drive up here and help?"

Ryan paused, he hasn't seen his cousin since she went off to medical school, and then she finally moved back to her hometown in Seattle, she also got put into the surgical program there. He knew she was busy which is why they did not talk much, but he actually wouldn't mind seeing her today, and he could be there and back within hours.

"Yeah, is she at a new place or?" He asked as he packed the last lunch seeing that it was just after 11am.

"No, she moved into her mother's place for some reason, she is off today so you can just head right over." She said her voice happy as she spoke.

"Alright. Let her know I am coming and send me her number." Ryan said asking for it just in case she heads out for any reason at all.

"Wonderful. I love you Ryan and thank you so much for this." His mother said.

"Hmm, bye." He hung up but heard her sigh right before he did.

Going to his room he packed clothes ina bag before he went ahead and grabbed his electrical bag by the door, he dropped Leah and Seth off earlier so he had his mothers car today. Not that it mattered, he could have just as easily put it in the inventory but then his cousin would question how he rode in his bike with both bags.

The drive to Seattle took him two hours, so when he reached he sped quickly to her house getting there just shy of two in the afternoon, there were two cars in the driveway as he parked. Getting out he walked up to the front door while smiling fondly at the porch swing, he use to sit on it with Meredith when he was a baby.

Knocking on the door he only had to wait a few moments for Meredith to opened the door, "Ryan!" She said happily bringing him into a tight hug as she did so.

"Hey Merbear, how are you doing?" He asked hugging her back, she was shorter then him by a good five or six inches.

She sighed into his hug, "Getting better."

He didn't question what she meant, unless she wanted him to know then he wouldn't ask, "So, what needs to be fixed!"

"Follow me." She said which was unneeded as she pulled him by his hand into the living room.

He winced as he saw the ceiling fan was basically hanging by the wires from.the ceiling, it looked like it could fall any moment, really not safe at all, "Alright, I am going to cut the power to the living room for some time, then I should get you a new fan, this one is not going to last. Unless you want something different?"

She shook her head, "You do as you please, how about I make you lunch as a thank you?"

He shuddered, "Meredith, if you even attempt to make me food I will physically tie you to the tree out front in nothing but your underwear."

She nodded quickly knowing her was serious, he was too as her food was something that could be used as a chemical weapon, she really did not know how to cook at all, "Well I am going to read while you get started."

He nodded and went ahead and got everything out, thankfully he did not need to buy a new fan as she had three in the shed out back, they were still in unopened to so that was great. Grabbing on he walked back into the house and began to assemble it, while doing do his shirt guy caught on a screw ripping it down the middle, he shrugged it off of that.

"Really? Are you that hot?" Meredith said with a laugh as she walked in thirty minutes later.

"No, I ripped my shirt."

She hummed but said nothing else as she walked off, he shrugged and got back to work, he was almost done as he had to also put in new wiring to seeing that was what inside was damaged.

"Well hello handsome!" A voice said as two sets of footsteps walked into the living room.

Ryan looked down to see a blonde with a giant smile on her face, next to her was a man with brunette hair, he looked slightly panicked when he saw Ryan shirtless fixing things. The blonde was taking her time looking him over as if she wanted to devor him, he chuckled while getting off the ladder he was on.

"Hi. Names Ryan, you are?" He asked while cleaning his hands.

"Izzy Stevens, surgical intern at Seattle Grace hospital, 27 years young and currently single." Izzy stepped forward first and said with a giant smile.

The guy next to her rolled his eyes at her introduction, "George O'Malley, we're roommates of Meredith's, where is she?"

"Hey Merbear!" He called out and they all heard her walking to the room, "I think your roommate is hitting on me." He told her as she walked into the room.

Meredith laughed patting his shoulder before turning to Izzy, "Back off Iz, he is still a couple of months away from being legal, despite what he looks like. This is my cousin Ryan."

"Nice to meet you all." Ryan said as George looked relieved while Izzy pouted some.

She bounced back though as she winked at him, "Well call me when you are legal okay? We can have some...fun."

"Izzy! Stop hitting on my cousin." Meredith said slapping her arm.

Ryan chuckled and got real close to Izzy before whispering in her ear, "Are you sure you can handle me?" He whispered and noticed her shiver.

"Ryan!" Meredith laughed pulling him away from a flustered Izzy.


"Here you go Ryan, my homemade cupcakes." Izzy said with a smile as she handed him a tray of them as he was packing his things.

"Thanks." He said with a smile biting into one, he moaned as he did so too. The girl could bake, it was obvious from the way the cupcake was perfectly moist while also being firm, she did it right. "This is fucking delicious."

She laughed as he began scarfing down three more, "Well thank you."

"Are you sure you don't want to stay for dinner Ryan? I am ordering pizza." Meredith said walking into the room.

"Sorry Merbear, I have a date tonight and I already have to shower here so I can make it there in time to pick her up." He said while seeing that it was four-thirty.

He would be just making it back in time to pick up Leah.

She nodded but looked to understand, "Okay, well go ahead and use the shower here. I would off your my bathroom but it only has a tub in it, so you will have to use the shower that everyone else uses."

"No problem." Ryan kissed her cheek before going upstairs to shower, along the way he passed George who was texting and walking down the stairs.