
Twilight: Omega

The story is about a Chris who gets put in Twilight but he doesn't have much knowledge of the world, because he didn't see the movies... how will he survive in the world of Twilight.

confused4you · Película
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53 Chs

Ch.18 Prom

A few days passed easily, Sam or anyone else who was free would keep an eye out for Charlie at his work and I was there at nights and in the early mornings. Victoria hasn't shown herself at all which is smart on her part but it is just annoying for me.

Brushing that aside, today is Prom and I am a little bit nervous about today. I was in my room getting dressed and Bella was getting ready as well.

I was wearing a three piece suit with a jet black coat, a silver jacket and a purple tie. I was looking good actually, it was a good deviation from my rugged look. After I was ready I went to check up on Bella.

I knocked on the door and she said "It's open." I walked inside and she was doing a bit of makeup which was such an unusual thing for her. She was wearing a yellow dress with sleeves and it had lacing on the neck and on the waist but the lacing was very minimal and she had done her hair in a very free flowing fashion. The dress looked a bit heavy and the dress was very smooth.

She looked at me and asked "How do I look?"

I smiled and said "Oddly like the girl from the beauty and the beast."

She smiled and asked "You think I look like Belle?"

I shook my head and said "No, more like the beast." She threw a glare at me and I said "You look beautiful Bella."

I then heard the Car and I said "I will leave now since I have to go and pick up Cat."

Bella shook her head and said "You are not going to take her on your bike right?"

I said "Yeah, no we will go with others."

She then smiled and said "See you at Prom."

I nodded and I went down. I saw Charlie and Edward talking. I then walked up to the fridge and opened it and got the Corsage out of it.

Edward said "Hey Chris."

I said "Hey." I then looked at Charlie and he said "Going to pick up Cat?"

I said, "Yeah."

He said "Well, have fun, but not too much fun and stay off the punch."

I smiled and said "Alright." I then looked at Edward and said "Best of luck."

He nodded and said "Same." Charlie then looked at me and I nodded and I got out of the house.

I got on my bike and I went to Cullen's house. I reached the house and I parked it and then I walked up to the door. I rang the doorbell and it was Emmet who opened it.

I looked at him and I tilted my head. I was a bit confused. He was wearing a Black suit with white shirt and a dark blue tie with a silver tie pin. He said "Cat wanted us to join so."

I nodded and said "Ok, alright." We were then walking up and I asked "When did you go shopping?"

He said "It's an old suit."

I said "hmmm, that is a good hack. You look good though."

He said "Thanks man, you look good as well."

We reached upstairs and I saw Esme and she looked at me and she walked closer and she placed her hands on my arms and she said "Oh, you look so handsome Chris… Cat will be so pleased."

I smiled and said "You humble me Esme." I then asked "They aren't ready yet?"

Emmet said, "Probably will take like half an hour or so."

Emse looked at Emmet and then said "It will be well worth the wait." She then looked at me and asked "Would you like to eat something Chris?"

I said "Ah, today I will have to decline your offer Esme but I can't afford to eat anything today, I need to protect this suit."

Emse laughed a little and said "alright."

I then saw Jasper sitting on the couch. We also sat on the couch and Jasper was wearing a plain blue smooth suit with a white shirt and a black tie but today he was wearing a silver ring on his right pinky finger.

I smiled and said "You look good Jasper, going for the minimal look or something?"

He just shook his head and raised his eyebrows.

We then heard foot straps and we looked at the stairs and the first one to come was Alice. She was wearing a black sleeveless dress with spaghetti straps and it was velvety in texture and gave a vermillion hue.

Jasper got up and buttoned his jacket and nodded and said "My date is here."

He then took Alice's arm and they walked outside. Next was Rosalie. She was wearing a long dress. It was red blood red with one strap on her left side and she had a white rose on her left side but the rose had red spots on it. She looked at Emmet and he smiled and said "See you at dance."

I was a bit confused, but they already left. Next up was Cat and my heart was racing with anticipation. I got up and here she came. She was wearing a mermaid style backless dress. It was Egyptian blue in colour. She looked so elegant and she had open hair. She looked at me and I walked closer to her and I took her hand and I said "You look absolutely beautiful." She smiled and then said "You look handsome as well."

We went down stairs and they had already left so I turned to Cat and I asked "How are we going now, they already left."

Emse then tapped on my shoulder and she said "You are taking my car."

I looked at Esme and said "Thank you."

Then I walked into the garage and there was a car under a silk cover. I removed the cover and it was a porsche. I got in and I started the car and I pulled it in front of the house and I went outside and I opened the door for Cat. I then walked up to Esme and I kissed her on the cheek and I said "Again thank you so much."

She smiled and said "Have fun." I got into the car and I started it and she waved us goodbye.

Afte like 15-18 minutes we reached the venue of the prom.

It was the View Point Inn, it was a large building considering this scale of this small town. It had a large backyard and a considerably large building. It was also surrounded by the forest.

There were a lot of cars parked outside and many students were walking into the building, there was music blasting from the building it was pouring on outside as well.

I parked the car we got out and I presented Cat with my hand and I said "My lady."

She giggled and said "My lord." We then walked into the building. As we entered they took the pictures of the couples that came to prom.

We posed for the photograph. Honestly we looked a little too good compared to others, except of course. Our own friends and family, but still.

After the photo we went inside and there was a disco ball hanging from the ceiling, and there were tables arranged for playing cards and stuff. It really gave off the vibe of a James Bond movie.

Cat looked at everything and she was so excited it looked on her face, it was always nice to see her unwind like this, it will always be amusing for me.

She took my hands and dragged me to the dance floor, where many people were dancing. She put her arms over my shoulders and I placed my hands on her waist and we just moved with the music. It was the Jazz music in the Bond films, the ones that used to play in old drinking clubs during the prohibition period.

It was so soothing just to forget everything and just relax. We danced like this for sometime but then the songs changed and it was a lot more energetic.

So then she said "Let's go outside."

I said "Alright." We walked outside and the mood was a lot quieter than the inside, there was no one outside.

We then walked there and I took one hand of Cat and placed my other hand on her waist and she placed her hands on my shoulder.

We were dancing and I looked into her eyes and she said "I love this moment. I never want this to end."

She looked at me and then I leaned in and kissed her. She then pulled back and said "No-no will be home tonight..."

I smiled and said "Let's go then." We then walked to the car and we went on our way a bit early.


I hope you guys liked the chapter. Now the thing is this is a bit of a challenge for you guys for the readers. I have referenced something in this chapter and if you guys correctly guess what it is you will get 2 chapters on Sunday as well as a draft chapter of the new Dc ff. You guys have time until the next chapter.

And I want to clarify the part with Billy is mostly about testing Chris and nothing else cause we all know wolves would have protected Charlie anyways.

And I wanted to ask if I should share my IG id or make a facebook group so that you guys can ask some stuff and all that, because a very few joined the discord.

Anyways good luck.