I only own the MC MC is Lesbian. a girl with a big secret is in Forks watching over Bella.
Thals POV
As we were about to pick up the kids from school but we could tell we were being watched but not by the Cullens aren't as it was Dickward plus Carlisle as we parked.
Thals: Never learns.
Bella: Let me handle it this time.
Thals: Alright.
I stood to the side as Bella walked out annoyed greatly really as Dickward and Carlisle came out.
Bella: You just keep annoying me.
Dick: Bella please, she's controlling you.
Bella: No, she was there for me when you decided to leave.
Carlisle: Bella, your Edwards mate.
Bella: No I'm not, I feel nothing for him.
Bella smirked to flip him off which angered dickhead more.
Then the Cullens showed up.
Rose: Glad we made it.
Carlisle; What are all you doing here?
Alice: Making sure you don't mess with other people.
Carlisle: I'm your leader and you follow my rule!
Emmett: Don't talk to her like that!
Jasper: This stops now, your outnumbered so you better follow what we say.
Bella: Doesn't matter, if I see Dickward near me again, I'm killing him or Thalia will kill him.
Dickward: That freak is not you mate!?
Bella sped to slap Edward through a tree as I laughed.
He got up shocked.
Dickward: You turned my Bella into a vampire!?
Thals: Yes, now beat it, you come again I'm going to roast you alive.
As I summoned fire as this got Dickward growling.
Dad: What's going on out here?
Dad walked out the house but when Esme saw him she was in a trance.
Esme: Your my mate?
Thals: Oh wow.
Carlisle: NO!?
He ran for Esme but I sped to kick him into Dickward.
Thals: Both of you beat it, you falsely claimed and every vampire will know it, take your asses off my property!?
Carlisle: You'll regret this!?
They ran off as Dad walked to me.
Dad: Nice job pumpkin.
Thals: Thanks but Dad, you know your Esme's mate?
Dad: Yeah I've been known.
Thals: Well I got step mom now.
Dad: You okay with that?
Thals: Yeah, Esme is like the perfect mother.
Bella walked to me to hold my hand.
Bella: I think we should tell them who you are now.
Alice: What do you mean? Who are you?
Thals: Time for a story.
I told them that I was an Olympian guard to the Gods of Olympus, falsely framed and betrayed I left but not before being adopted by my Dad whose Chaos, The Creator in Greek Mythology.
Esme: You Chaos?
Dad: Yep, but anyway the Gods are looking for Thalia.
Alice: Why?
Thalia: Cause they want me back, they threw me away like trash, very few I can forgive but they did it to themselves plus the Titans are coming along with the giants.
Emmett: Damn, earth gonna be battle ring.
Thals: No it's not, I'll kick there asses before I let that happen.
Dad: Guess who there going to send after you next?
Thals: Hercules, the dumbass.
Rose: Hercules?
Thals: Don't let the stories fool you, that guy has raped women and he didn't accomplish his deeds like the stories say, there made up.
Rose: That's just wrong.
Thals: Yep, let him come, I'll enjoy beating his ass too.