
Twilight beginning

Guy gets transported to twilight verse thousands of years before the start of the saga and is reborn as a human. How will he come to power? Will he die in a measly few years? Or become a true immortal. ———————- This fanfic won’t be 100% the same as twilight due to me not know what happens thousands of years before the saga but I will try to keep it as close to accurate as possible so it matches with original story line when it comes I DO NOT OWN TWILIGHT.

asgardianDgod · Derivados de obras
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11 Chs

A long journey

For me to truly understand the power that I've obtained, I have to experiment with it very carefully and get a good understanding of what I'm capable of. So to start with I went to request of my father to go on a journey exploring our neighbouring lands. That didn't turn out well, not only did he not recognise me be he ordered guards to throw me out, only later on did understand why, I'm now 6,6 ft with wavy black hair down to my broad shoulders and deep purple eyes, my human form looks like a regular cold one otherwise, perfect white skin, perfect teeth, perfect eyebrows, perfect everything.

It's been a month since I left the cave where i got experimented on and from what I can see of my basic ability's is strength thats approximately 6 times stronger than a newborn, for example I can pick up one of the pine trees I smelled with one hand and throw the tree with that very same hand a distance of 26 miles. That sort of strength was never documented in the films or books, so to hold power able to break the most powerful of vampires in half with a single punch was quite overwhelming.

The second obvious ability I obtained is speed. Speed so fast that I can travel tens of miles within a few seconds,

I wasn't sure if my immense speed had anything to do with my very fast childhood but I could make a wild guess and say it did.

Other than the main ability's that come along with being this tribrid, there was also a worry for me. I can't be 100% sure that I'm immortal, sure I got immense speed and strength and I can turn into a 17ft tall wolf, but it wasn't for certain if I would recover from life threatening situations or live forever without dying. From the feel of the diamond hard abs that rest upon my body I can be safe from any human weapon as i would be able to brush it off with ease.

but back to the present I have traveled several thousands of miles within a day and have finally stopped at a well built town. Walking through the streets I had many people looking at me, mostly women from age 16 all the way to 80 from what I could see, after walking around looking like a Greek god I finally decided to find myself a place to stay.

Walking into a expensive looking hotel and up to the bar, looking at my looks the man ignored my messed up clothes from running through a forest thousands of miles and hour and immediately gave me my requested room and told me the time food was served. After getting more information about the shops and where there's a clothes shop. He pointed me towards a clothe shop the nobles usually buy at so I thanked him with a tip from the large amount of money I stole from my father and went on my way.

Getting my self some tight fitting cloths and a large dark robe over the top I explored the large town more and basked in its beauty the type of beauty I never experienced in my old life due to me living in the city.

But my joy was soon disrupted because a couple of men started to approach me when the sun was setting, a bit annoyed that they would ruin the sun set I was witnessing in this amazing town I turned around to see what they wanted, but as I turned around the one on the right immediately lunges at me with his knife aiming for my throat, although pretty fast for your average joe, this knife in my eyes was moving at a excruciatingly slow pace . Stepping side ways and then strolling behind the human man before he even finished his thrust I karate chopped and the back of his neck intending to knock him out. But to my surprise with the little force I put into the chop had my hand sliding right through his neck cutting it clean off, although used to seeing blood, knowing I was the one who caused someone else to die left a impact on me, but not the sort that would make me brake down and cry but the type that confused me about why I didn't care, With no effort at all I turned to the second fellow and sliced him in half from the bottom right of his stomach out of his top left shoulder.

A bit weirded out about my lack of reaction I decided to skip town and travel to the next town across, and then from there I traveled over hundreds of town bouncing from one to another experiencing different things and learning to control the powers I have received.

Through doing this almost all my doubts about my powers have been cleared up I don't age and have extreme healing powers. It took some time as there wasn't any weapon in this time period strong enough to penetrate my skin, even when I'm the one wielding it the weapon would just collapse under the strain. But after a lot of thinking the only way to hurt myself would be to use my own powers against me. Knowing my bones will probably be stronger than a average person I tried to rip them of at the joint so that I wouldn't have to try snap them.

after the hell I went through to get my arm off it finally succumbed to my strength and departed from the rest of my body. But 30 seconds into inspecting the changes that would appear a new arm sprouted from the socket that it was once in and my original arm in my hands turned to dust leaving only the blood. a little surprised of the outcome I looked at the remaining blood in my hands, Feeling a connection to the blood I tried moving it, and as if apart of my body it moved at my will even at speeds to fast for the human eye to see although impossible to make it fly. Getting it to come back to my body it went up to me and seeped through my skin disappearing to the naked eye But I could still feel it laying dormant within my body just like the rest of my blood.