
Chapter 3: Start Of The Series


"Ah fuck I really got to change that fucking alarm clock to something more soothing instead of this demonic screech" I said as I got up and rubbed my eyes as I turned over to turn off my clock

After I turned off the clock I got up and went to prepare my shower until I got it at that perfect temperature


On the road there was a motorcycle currently speeding down the road seemingly in a hurry and on that motorcycle was miles as he was in a hurry to get to school after all he wouldn't want to be late on the first day of school

~Wee Woo~

As miles was speeding he heard a police siren so he hurriedly pulled over, the police car followed in his footsteps and pulled over as well

"Why hello misses Forbes it's nice to see you" miles said as he pulled up the helmet he was wearing to talk to the cop who pulled him over

"Oh it's you miles, how are your parents" Liz said with a smile on her face as she recognized him

"They're doing fine, but could you let me off the hook, after all it's the first day of school and I was in a hurry, plus I didn't want to be late to the first day of school." miles said with a bit of pleading in his tone as a imperceptible flash of blue light flashed in his eyes

"Yeah it wouldn't hurt to let you off the hook as school is just starting and you wouldn't want to be late to the first day of school" liz said as her tone became monotone like a robot, with a blue light flashing fast in her eyes

After liz said that, miles started up his motorcycle and drove off as he said in a low voice "man. is magic so convenient, amplify a convenient low level magic, that can amplify emotions. too bad it doesn't last long and can only amplify certain thoughts"


As miles walked into the hormonal populated high school, he sensed something lifeless and dark, but strangely alive at the same time.

Based on those characteristics, Miles deduced that the aura belonged to a vampire.

'That must be Stefan, so that means that this must be the time of the beginning of the series.'

Miles thoughts were interrupted by a tap onto his shoulders.

Looking over, Miles saw who it was, Jeremy, Elena's little brother whom after he gave him some of his defective magical weed, became addicted to it and every time he saw him he asked for more.

"Hey, Miles Man do you got anymore of that stuff that you gave me last time?, it was reallyyy good stuff."

Seeing Jeremy like that made Miles feel weird, it made him feel some type of enjoyment, he felt as if he just got done kicking over a kids sand castle at the beach.