
TVD: Death is inevitable

Born to a father of great strength, human at the core but many agree on one fact he cannot be human. Witches do not dare to cross or betray him, vampires fear him, humans respect and fear him, wolves would rather stay in their mountains then cross him. “What do you know of him?” Someone once asked “Do not hide do not run he will enjoy the chase because at the end of the day when ‘HE’ chases after you. Death is inevitable,” ---- Second world: supernatural I do not own anything from The vampire diaries/ The originals. Nor do I own anything from Supernatural.

Booggie · TV
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40 Chs

Bank Robbery

They both looked at me in shock, "how did you know?" one said surprise evident in his voice

The other one slapped his partner's shoulder, "idiot! He could have been testing us!"

"Well?" I said prompting them to start talking

The smarter one huffed in annoyance, "listen we weren't friends. They knew of our expertise and we wanted money so we teamed up,"

"I see, and what was your role in this whole thing?" I asked curiously

"We staked the place out, and if the police arrived and barricaded them in like this we would step up," he replied

"I see, what's both of your names and expertise?" I asked

"We are masters of the illustrious art of the occ- "

"Novice warlocks!" the dumber one blurted out earning him another smack

"Idiot! Listen, guy, we are warlocks my name is Logan and this is Gary, we were hired to use several luck charms and if we needed hex bags to help this heist," Logan said to me

"Then how did they get so unlucky," I said amused

Gary looked embarrassed, "that would be my fault, I accidentally made bad luck charms,"

Logan sighed, holding the bridge of his nose he said, "listen I get you don't believe us but we are the real deal, we might not be old and powerful but we know a couple of tricks,"

I got up and walked toward them, they both seemed scared and took out a bag each, "listen, I believe you. Now let's escape,"

Clapping my hands I began to follow through with my plan, I saw the other guy come back, "hey what's your name?" I asked

"Uhhh, Flordia?" he lied horribly

Shrugging my shoulders I replied, "well Flordia, what do you think about playing a little game?" I asked

"What kind of game?" he replied wearily

"The brutal kind," I told him

"Um no?" he said nervously

"It would clear you from the crime," I said calmly

"What does this entail?" he asked

"I am going to rough you up a bit, don't worry It will seem worse than it really is," I told him

"Okay," he said with some conviction in his tone

Turning to the two warlocks I asked, "is there some type of plan they had? What can you guys do right now,"

Logan seemed thoughtful for a moment, "well I can perform a small distraction spell, anyone who walks through that door will feel dizzy," he said gesturing to the front door

"And?" I promoted them further

"I have two more hex bags, and I have the ingredients for a spell that works like a smoke screen," Gary told me

I nodded, I could work with this.

"The fuck?" Florida uttered

"What?" I asked with amusement knowing his issue

"You believe this shit?" He asked pointing at the two warlocks

"Yeah," I said simply

"Oh man, I'm so screwed," Flordia groaned leaning against the wall

"Listen, I can get out of here when they rush in but I'm not sure about you three, so if I leave with the money where do you want it to be dropped off at?" I asked

"Fuck that we leave together!" Florida yelled

"Yeah man we stick together I don't trust you," Logan sneered in anger

"What he said," Gary added in his two brain cells

"So, what's going to happen when the police figure out you all are missing? With the dead bodies here I would bet they would think you killed them," I replied calmly

"Yeah but, what about you?" Logan said sounding annoyed

"Oh? Don't worry about me worry about yourselves," I replied

I was careful to dodge the cameras.


It took some time but we all agreed on a general level of the plan, they just didn't trust me with the money, personally, I wouldn't trust myself either.

Florida was now in his civilian clothes, we took him out of his disguise, for this part of the plan we need the hostages to confirm that Flordia, Logan, and Gary are all innocent.

The vault was open a crack, I watched as Flordia went close to the crack and began to whisper to them.

Speed walking over to him I began to shout, "what are you doing!? You think we are fools!"

*bang!* I clocked him in the jaw, he fell over hitting the wall




I hit him over and over again, the hostages were screaming for me to stop, once he was bloody enough I opened the vault and tossed his body in.

Closing the vault but, making sure I left a crack I began to walk away, Flordia was now going to establish the innocence of Logan and Gary by feeding them lies.

Logan and Gary were placing the hex bags strategically for the most effect, I walked over to the phone, picking it up I dialed one, "hello again-"

I cut him off, "Where is my food? And the armored car! If I don't get anything in the next thirty seconds I will execute someone!"

"But that's no-" I cut him off

I then took a chair and began to tie one of the dead original robbers to it, finding a hood I put it on his head.

He looked relatively alive, perfect for what I'm going for.

I saw someone approaching the door with what appeared to be food, I rolled the dead man in front of the door, clear for everyone to see, taking my gun I lifted it and pulled the trigger.



Going over to where Gary and Logan were I held Gary's arm tightly and pulled him along, as we walked toward the door Gary said, "hit me with the pistol,"

He began to try and wrestle from my control, I did as he said, *pah!* I hit Gary, "Ahh!" he groaned in pain.

The door opened, and the man seemed nervous, "here, can you let go of some hostages we are trying to do everything you ask,"

"Grab the food," I told Gary he slowly grabbed the bag of food from the man

We went back inside, I didn't bother to answer his question.

-pov agent Thomspon-

"Sir, the hostage passed me a note," my agent said to me handing me a small broken piece of paper

'They beat some guy pretty bad, HELP!' the note read

I rubbed the bridge of my nose, this is getting ugly.

One dead and one badly beaten.

What's next?

-Taban pov -




Picking up the phone I said, "the armored car here yet?"

"No, but it's coming soon. Listen if you could just release one or two hostages it might make things easier for you," Agent Thompson said, he sounded tired

"No!" I denied him sounding frantic

"Sir, please just one or two,"


"It will show us you are sincere, the armored car would come faster," he said once more

"Fine," I purposefully ground out my words

I released Flordia and an old man, now phase two of Flordia's role will come in.

"We are ready," Logan said to me sounding nervous

"Good," I replied throwing them uniforms

We began to pull out random people and throw them in rooms, some we would throw them one of the disguises we had available, and others we would just put hoods over. Routinely we would swap Logan and Gary around along with some others. I even had them start to do meaningless tasks so their minds would wander to my escape plans.

I tried to appear frantic and wild, cussing and hitting people when I could.

Checking the time I went to the phone, picking it up I yelled, "where is my armored car!"


"I'm done with your games! I don't FUCKING care about the money! I WILL KILL EVERYONE IN THIS BITCH!"



I dropped the phone and began to fire my gun randomly, screaming ensued, I could feel many people approaching they were rushing in.




Several flashbacks were thrown, and they rushed in.

Smoke began to fill the bank, "I feel weird," one officer said

Taking the bags of money I navigated through the bank, to the farthest wall, specifically the wall leading to one of the alleys, Logan and Gary placed an Hexbag here.

Picking it up I gave it a little shake, then tosses it at the wall, the bag exploded, and some slime coated the wall, I could feel people on the other end. And more approaching from inside the bank, craning my neck I decided to forgo my discreteness.

I ran full speed at the walk, weakened by the magical acid I tore right through, *Bang!* I felt several bones breaking and my skin melting, I healed instantly.

"What the fuck?" one of the agents posted here said

I didn't reply, rushing forward I incapacitated the agents.

Then I removed the manhole cover and jumped down. I started to run along the path I picked out for my own robbery.

I was home free.


A/N: reader interaction is at an all-time low:/ I will continue to update anyways but, idk.