
Trying to be a superstar

Waking up in an alternate universe, Ji Hoon takes advantage of his memories and knowledge from his past life, step by step, he left a mark forever in the entertainment industry. "Let's do better in this life." P.S. Story will involve movies, songs and variety shows.

dexxterzxc · Real
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72 Chs

Chapter 11 Queen of solo

Jee Eun's POV

"It's been a minute after the performance ended, but Ji Hoon oppa is still standing there in deep thoughts. Did I not do well? Did oppa not like it? But he did sing with me for a bit? Ugh... I messed up again didn't I. Maybe I should just call it a quit..." Questioning herself, teardrops start falling from her eyes.

"Ahjussi, it's pretty late now, I should go home." Didn't even say goodbye to her favourite singer, she just wanted to leave this place.

Back to MC's POV

"Hmm? Where are you going Jee Eun? And why are you suddenly crying?" Just when Ji Hoon comes back to his thoughts, that's what he sees.

"It's nothing oppa, I just remembered something important I have to do, I'm just going home now." Quickly wiping away her tears, she tries her best to smile, but it just makes her face even wierder. ಥ‿ಥ


"Now that I see it in person, she really is kinda wierd sometimes." Ji Hoon thought to himself.

"Before you leave, here's my number. Call me when you decide to join my company, we will talk about your contract situation. Don't forget to being your parents too, you are underage. See you soon~" Waving his hand, Ji Hoon leaves the shop.


Staring at the card on her hand, Jee Eun was left dumbfounded. Then after a few seconds, she screas in joy, and runs back home.

"YA! (Something like HEY! but in a rude way) Be careful on your way back! Watch the road!" The shopkeeper ahjussi shouted behind her.

"Nae ahjussi~!"


Back home

Ji Hoon is discussing the new song he thought about with Soo Yeon.

"There will be no singing in this song, it's going to be an EDM. We gonna need someone who is good at DAW too."

"I know someone who can in the company, I'll contact him later, I'm excited about this!" Soo Yeon is always eager to try new things.

Suddenly, Ji Hoon's phone rings, he receives a text message from a stranger's number.

"Ji Hoon oppa, this is Jee Eun here. I've talked about everything with my parents and we decided to visit the company tomorrow in the evening. I will call you when I arrive tomorrow. Thank you for the opportunity oppa. " ₍꒢ ̣̮꒢₎

"Who is it?"

"It's a pretty wierd girl, but I think both of you will get along just fine. And in my opinion, she is more talented than you."



The next day in the office

"So here's the contracts, this one's for trainee and this one's for after she debut."

Jee Eun's parents examine the contracts carefully.

"I can assure you won't find another contract like this anywhere else. Furthermore, I can guarantee she will debut as a solo artist in the next two year. During those two years, I will train her personally. In the future, we will also provide her the resources she needs, whether it's her career as a singer or as an actress."

"Erm.. Ji Hoon ssi, everything seems too good to be true. Forgive me if I offend you but is there any ulterior motive here or..?"

"None taken, you are her parents, nothing wrong being a little careful. Let's just say she is one of the most talented person I've ever seen at such young age. Her vocal is already strong, she knows her guitar and she told me awhile ago she writes her own song in her free time. She's got a pretty face, she does need to slim down a bit though, just a little bit... but don't worry, it's not a strict diet routine, we will make sure she is healthy always."

Hearing those words, the parents turn and look at their daughter beside them.

(๑☉﹃ ☉๑) < Jee Eun slowly munching the cake on the table.


Let's just pretend we didn't see any of that.

Jee Eun's parents fell silent. Therefore, Ji Hoon decides to give a final push.

"She also possesses the one thing that a lot of people don't have, perseverance. Her love for music is something special, it's not often you see a person failing almost twenty times ans still doesn't give up. The only thing she lacks is confidence, which can be solved in a lot of ways."

Jee Eun's parents look at each other and finally both of them nod their heads.

"Please take care of our daughter." The father said so while holding Ji Hoon's hand.

"Don't worry, I will make sure she becomes a superstar."


"Jee Eun ah, come take a look at the contracts, if there's no problem, you can sign it. Appa and omma have already agreed to your decision." The father said so to Jee Eun.

"Jinjja?!(Really?)" Jumping up from her seat, Jee Eun rushes to her parents.

"Yeap, so think carefully for one last ti..."

Without finishing his words, Jee Eun snatches away the contract and signs it immediately without even reading the details.


(ʘ^ʘ╬) < the father right now


"Now, you can choose to stay with your parents, or you can stay in the dorm near the company. If you are afraid of being lonely, there's one where nine trainees are staying in it, I'm sure they won't mind you joining them. Just know that if you join them, you are going to be the maknae(youngest) of the group."

"Will they mistreat her?" The mother asked worriedly.

"There will be some small pranks here and there, but none harmful. I'm sure they will treat her like a princess."

"Hmm, we will think about it once we have discussed." The father said.

"Cool, before you go, wanna look around the company? I'm going to the studio later."

"Oppa is going to record a new song?! Let's go!!!" (⭒•͈ 𓎺 •͈ )

Without asking her parents, she pulls Ji Hoon's arm and runs out the office without knowing the directions.


(ʘ^ʘ╬) < again Jee Eun's dad


P.s I'm gonna be busy tomorrow, so... if I don't update tomorrow, I will double the updates the next day.