
Tryan Magical Palace

In the enchanting realm of Ethinora, Tryan, a formidable and mystical being, wielded unparalleled power that rendered him invisible to any would-be conqueror. Yet, in his relentless pursuit of greater invisibility, he finds himself inexplicably transported to an unfamiliar world, stripped of his identity and purpose. Embarking on a quest to rediscover himself in this new reality, Tryan becomes ensnared in a tapestry woven with threads of love, hatred, unwavering loyalty, and an insatiable thirst for both magic and redemption. In a world where the boundaries between enchantment and reality blur, only the potent forces of love, magic, and the elusive whispers in the silence hold the key to his rescue. Join Tryan on a journey where the boundaries of the seen and unseen converge, and where the echoes of his destiny are whispered in the wind, waiting to be unraveled. In this spellbinding tale, the power of the invisible and the might of the intangible collide in a symphony of emotions, beckoning readers into a world where the heart's desires dance with the unknown...

Nikkybrien270 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
68 Chs

Chapter 7: Preparation(2)

"We were all born into the history that, we should never fight or reunite with each other. But today, for a good cause, we will come together as one, to eradicate the evil that is disturbing all and the self-proclaimed terror of all Time!

We shall look death and evil in the face without going back, for nothing, but victory we shall go for!" Owen announced with a loud voice filled with courage, and strength, and without an iota of fear.

"I know we all have a lot that we left behind, but the best death is the one you die, knowing that you died as a free person. Also knowing that those that you left behind are doing great, free from any sort of oppression and they have love in their heart.

Let us march forward into death, and without the fear for our lives, we shall overcome!" Monae declared with a courageous roar.

"I never dreamt that this day will ever come, however, today marks a big history in the story of freedom and a fight for what is right. We shall take out that evil Lazaro, and the story shall be told forever, from generation to generation!" Eddie howl as the hair on his skin is almost turning into that of the beast.

"As I believed, the Fiko kingdom warriors and Lazaro will surely be expecting us only, from the Hazizuz kingdom. So we will attack from the front leaving them to believe we come alone. While the Ethinora warriors will attack from the back, climbing through the hills and Ti'amo shall split among us as they will help in fighting and would mostly heal our wounded warriors." Eddie said as he pointed to all the directions he spoke about.

"Great plan!" Monae said as she split her warriors among the Ethinora warriors and the Hazizuz.

As the Hazizuz warriors matched onto the gate of Fiko's kingdom, to their surprise and astonishment, the gate opened to them.

"I have been waiting for this day quite a while now. I'm giving you all the last chance to surrender and become one of the kingdoms under my rulership! I shall reward your kingdom handsomely." Lazaro said with a very loud voice, as he was standing afar from them surrounded by his warriors.

"You are a fool to believe we are here to banter words with you, for your carcass shall be fed to the beast and the birds of the air!" Eddie roared in rage as he ordered his warriors who had transformed into beasts to attack.

The war began and it was a big blood bath, as Lazaro and his warriors started their attacks with swords, bows and arrows, and the most powerful dark magic.

The Hazizuz warriors fought with all their lives, as some that did not die instantly were partially healed by the Ti'amo warriors among them.

"The kind of dark magic here is too heavy and I have never seen anything like this in my entire life. I don't think we can hold up any much longer" one of the Ti'amo warriors voiced out as he was covered with blood.

As the Hazizuz warriors and the Ti'amo were about to get outnumbered, the Ethinora warriors came through the back climbing through the hills and it was not expected by the Fiko warriors.

Their arrival gave more strength to the Hazizuz and Ti'amo warriors that had been fighting before and they started overpowering the Fiko warriors.

Monae then made a strong magical spell that healed so many wounded warriors all at the same time. Her eyes turned blue and the light that came out of her eyes was enough to light up the whole place where the battle was going on.

This came as a surprise to Lazaro, but he was so powerful that he could match against any situation he found himself in. He started chanting continuously and immediately he finished the spell he was chanting, he ascended upward to the clouds and the earth.

He started casting a strong spell that hit the ground like a fireball destroying all the three kingdoms warriors! Most of them started fleeing for their lives as the spells were too strong for them to withstand.

"You are a coward, Lazaro, you claimed to be the greatest evil of all time and all you could do was hang up in the sky to fight? Come down here to fight me like a man and the terror you claimed to be!" These were the words of Owen that was covered in the blood of the Fiko warriors that he had killed. He roars out in rage.

Lazaro was angered by the statement of Owen and he decided to come down to fight as he was challenged by Owen. He got down and it was a fight between two great warriors.

Lazaro was not just a magical being, but a very great swordsman! When Lazaro saw that Owen was so determined to put an end to his life, he had no option but to use magic.

Lazaro brought out his magical knife from his side and started fighting, with both his sword and knife. He finally got the better of Owen, when he stabbed Owen by the side. The great king Owen fell into his pool of blood.

Unknowingly to all the warriors, all this time the war has been going, Laura, the wife of Owen disguised and was among the warriors fighting. She goes against the order of her husband who told her to stay back home and watch over the kingdom while he is away on the battlefield.

Laura could not hold it anymore as Owen was in the pool of his blood and life was leaving his body.

She screamed out as she ran to Owen and grabbed him, but his eyes were closed and he wasn't breathing anymore.

"So, what that wretched old wizard said was true. You are pregnant of him, that will unite the four kingdoms and possess the power of all!" Lazaro let out as he was walking towards Laura. She moved back in fear because she wasn't aware of her pregnancy at that moment.

"I will not naturally kill you, but I will conjure all the dark magic I have in my power to kill you, and that little Maggot you have growing in you!"

Lazaro began conjuring and casting a spell, stretching out his hands with the forming of a dark sword in a fire. As he was about to fire it towards Laura, the great wizard Tao showed up and he was the one that received the fire sword spell from Lazaro, in place of Laura.

Immediately the wizard was on the ground bleeding to death, Lazaro felt a sharp pain in his ribs, as he was stabbed in the back with the martial knife that he dropped on the ground by Owen, who was struggling for his life with his last strength.

Instantly Lazaro got stabbed, he roared out in pain, as he was bleeding tons of blood out of his body. Life left his body and the great, powerful lifeless Lazaro was on the floor.

Laura then moved quickly to hold Owen who was almost dead. Even as he was about to die, he smiled while holding the hands of his wife and the last word he uttered was;

"He shall be called Tryan!"