
Trust Me [BL]

[+18] ~ A book about male-to-male relationships in the paranormal world where shapeshifters or other fantasy/paranormal creatures aren't anything unusual.~ Gabriel is a young man in his twenties with a slightly destroyed mind. The story begins after he moved to the new city. He is a wolf shapeshifter who rejects his wolf nature, but this does not absolve him of his obligation to obey the shapeshifter laws. He must meet the Alpha of the local herd to obtain permission to reside in its territory. He doesn't know yet how much it will change his life so far. Who will he meet? And will this person bring joy to his life and heal him? Or maybe it will only cause more pain and will plunge into darkness without hope? Will he give himself a chance for happiness or will he reject it?

Coffee_Fox · LGBT+
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61 Chs

12. Silence before the ''storm''

Leonardo - a name which associated with a great artist with a completely different physiognomy, somehow suited him strangely well, as if the name belonged to him and he belonged to that name. As if they were one.

Hmm... I wonder if he can draw?

I studied his figure again carefully but I'm not found an answer to my silent questions. But it's okay, it will turn out in time.

Because if he can and if he is an artist, he will not be able to go on without creating something. Artists are known to have to create, otherwise, they fall into their strange state of dullness.

Although at the moment all this is not important. Artist or not, I can't afford to maintain him. My savings ran out pretty quickly, so even to support myself and this flat, I will have to find another job soon. So he too must have a job to stay here, especially since no matter how interesting an object he is, I value my private space and solitude too much to keep him here for a long time.

Ah, I need to enlighten him on this point so that he doesn't create some misconceptions in his head.

With that in mind, I told him he had to find a job. He immediately agreed with me by nodding his head and promised to go look for something today.

I was surprised by his readiness to live, I probably would not be able to start to grasp everything right away and think like a theoretically adult person. Theoretically, because age is one thing, but the psyche is quite another.

When I was lost in thought, the Being... Leonardo got up and began to bustle around the kitchen, hiding all the things I had taken out to make coffee and tea and washed the mug after himself. I find it strange to immediately switch my mind from with calling him a Being and start to call him a Leonardo so suddenly, but I guess it's just a force of habit that should be overcome quickly.

I casually reached for my mug with coffee to drink it, but with regret, I noticed that the mug was empty. Sighing heavily, I got up from the table.

- You need to change clothes before you go on a job search? - I asked Leonard, walking lazily towards the balcony to look at the forest.

Leonardo silent for a moment, probably in thought, and then spoke up. I had to concentrate hard to hear him whisper this time as we were further apart than before.

- ... I think so...

I wonder if he just doesn't like to talk if he has a damaged throat or some kind of trauma... Hmmm, I will have to watch him more closely to find the answer on this matter, unless he tells me about it himself, but who knows.

- I'll bring you some clothes. Most of them will rather hang on you, but I don't have anything in your size - Saying this, I moved towards the bedroom, one last time looking at the forest plunged in the illusionistic silence.

From the gout of the wardrobe, I dug up white, slightly worn trousers, and a white long turtleneck. I had these pants before I be homeless, so they should fit him more than the ones I bought later. The turtleneck, on the other hand, was quite new, so it would definitely hang from it and probably reach almost to his knee, but at least he will be able to cuddle up to him.

On the way back I picked up some white shoes. They probably won't be good for him, but at least he won't have to go barefoot, although if he wants to, it's nothing to do with me, it's his choice.

I used to have a mania for the white color and I still have a lot of clothes from that period. Even now, I still happen to me buy something white, although it mostly hung unused in the closet.

I put the clothes I had accumulated for Leonard on the couch.

I had a strange feeling that I forgot about something, only what it could have been... Hm... I mentally compared my set of clothes with what I had picked up for him and at first, I didn't notice any differences. Only behind the second time, I did discover what I forgot. It was clean underwear and socks. Well, it can happen to anyone that they forget about it. Oh, such a little trifle, or rather two trifles.

Running my hand through my hair, I headed back to the bedroom. After taking the previously forgotten clothes, I decided to give him a scarf. Most likely Leonardo has a throat problem. And although I don't have any convincing evidence for this, I prefer to be careful and give him extra protection for his throat. For now, I'd rather not go back to previous silent guesswork.

Having made sure in my mind that this time I had taken everything, I put the things I was holding into the pile of clothes for the white-haired man.

- For you - I said, pointing to a pile of clothes. - You probably want to wash oneself before you change your clothes, so feel free. I'm going to the balcony and I would prefer you not to disturb me today.

Time was passing quickly today, so although I got up recently, the day was already approaching evening.

I headed towards the kitchen and pulled a red semi-sweet wine from the refrigerator. On the whole, I didn't like wines, I always sensed some bitterness or sulfur in them, which disturbed me in their consumption. I preferred beer or cider, but this wine was different. This particular alcohol was with the top shelf, a remnant of my deceased brother. I wanted to leave them for some special occasion or some bigger event, for a day that would have some meaning for me, but today I was in a strange, melancholic mood, and on top of that I had the feeling that my wolf wanted to go out, so I decided that the wine would be useful to me. Also, I chose them because it has more percentages than beer.

I only took a corkscrew with my wine, because I decided to drink straight from the bottle, and on the way, I'm yet grabbed from the table cigarettes, a lighter, and an ashtray. I put it all on the balcony and went back inside for my fluffy red blanket as I was having some strange chills.

Wrapped in a blanket, I spread out on the balcony, setting up next to me the things I had brought before.

Probably never before have I been so very much happy about the fact of having an unusual balcony railing as like today. It was made of glass, and at the top, it was wide so that you could put a few things on it without fear that they would fall. From what I knew, such a railing could not be bought just like that, and it was made to order.

Yes, my brother had good ideas sometimes.

I leaned my back against the wall and opened the wine, and then I started drinking them. And so I sat taking sip after sip and smoking cigarette after cigarette until it finally got dark and the moon slowly began to rise in the sky.

For all errors in the text [linguistic, grammatical, etc.] - I'm Sorry, I hope there are not many of them. English is not the language I use every day.

Next chapter - Full Moon [?]

PS: Feed the author a good word [comment it], add a book to the library or give a Power Stone and etc!

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