
True Inherithor Of The Rinnegan

First time Writing a fanfic, so if you find some errors in the chapter, please don't hesitate to tell me. Read the prologue first , and then read the Auxiliary chapter (volume 0) to knows what you're getting into and not waste your time if it's not to your liking. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis A boy with suicidal agenda get saved by a dying entity ( you'll probably be surprised ;D) and got a chance to live in Another world. What he didn't know though, was how his fate will bring him to face unimaginable circumstances. ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ This is a two worlds fanfic Meaning that the mc will go to two worlds kind of like a multiverse fanfic. The first World is MHA (My hero academia) and the second one will be revealed only when i'm almost finished with the first. This is for me to concentrate more on the first world. This is a Fanfic with an actual Plot . Read the prologue, it's important. disclaimer : i don't own My hero Academia and it's characters. I only own my Mc and my original plots.

I_Am_L_72 · Cómic
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14 Chs

First Lesson, Re-Encounter

The next day, UA High School. Class 1-B…

In contrast to the day before at about the same time, there were more students in the classroom. With more than half of the students already present, it was inevitable that the usual quietness of the place rapidly disappeared.

" Yesterday was pretty fun, right ? " ( Setsuna )

" Tsk.. It's only been fun for you guys with very practical Quirks… " ( Hiryu Rin)

" Oh that's right.. .. Rin and some others didn't particularly do well didn't they ? " (Tsuburaba)

" Well, they couldn't rely on anything besides their natural athletic abilities. Rin's Quirk, Scales, is at best only slightly useful for what.. ..The Grip Strength's Test? While Kuroiro's Quirk was completely useless as we were in broad daylight with no black objects on the horizon. Then you have most of the other quirks who might be pretty useful in combat but are unable to shine in general activities/Exercises. *Sigh*~... How unfortunate for you guys, but don't worry, your time will come ! We're in UA, remember? So Cheer up!" Said Monoma with a smile that appeared suspicious no matter how much he wanted to hide it.

' … ..So this guy has been attentively observing them the entire time, huh? I bet he was learning the strengths and disadvantages of the Quirks used to better use it himself when he copies them.. He certainly knows how to take advantage of his quirk's strength, I'll give him that but .. ..That smile is giving away all your intentions , blondie..' Watching all these with interest was Yahiko,

" … ..You certainly have been watching us quite closely. Your intentions are written all over your face by the way, wipe it." (Sen Kaibara )

" Whoops. , my bad. " (Monoma)

" S… Sorry for having a useless Quirk.. " sobbed Komori..

" Oi , Monoma! Look at what you've done… " ( Kuroiro)

" I didn't mean it that way , Komori-san.. ..No need to feel bad about it. Actually, since I've seen you, you've always been looking down and timid… Maybe you're just that weak will- *Gaha*!! " (Monoma)

" That's not how you speak to a girl like her, you idiot. " Said Kendo while karate-chopping him.

*Sound of door opening abruptly*

" Hahaha! Good day, everyone!" ( Tetsutetsu )

" You sure are in high spirits.. Anyway, move away." Said Vlad king as he appeared behind the young man.

A few minutes after Vlad King's arrival, all the seats in the class were now filled. Standing tall in his hero outfit, the students' homeroom teacher began his class.

" How much do you guys know about the law related to public usage of quirks?" ( Vlad King)

" Hmmm, just the basics for me, sensei. I do remember that both in Primary and Middle School, we were repeatedly told not to use our quirk in public. And I believe it was the same for you guys, right?" Explained Kendo, standing.

*18 students nodding*

" But despite this, I still see people using theirs in public occasionally. Hence , I'm not really sure if the Quirk Restrictions Laws still apply, Sensei. " After her somewhat eloquent speech, Kendo sat down waiting for Vlad King's response.

' Class Representative material she is, that one. Or should I say Student council prez material? Wait, Does this Heroes School even have that ? ' ( Yahiko)

" Psst, Yaegashi ~. You were thinking that Kendo will make a good class rep , right? " Right next to his seat was a slightly grinning Monoma.

' Why did it have to be him… ..' " … ..Yes."

" Ohh? You're not denying it? Didn't think you were that honest ~"

' You'll probably never shut up if i'm not, so…'

" Did you think about something rude just now?"

"That's just your imagination."

" Hmmm, if you say so. Anyway about Kendo, you'd be right thinking that. We actually come from the same middle school so I know what I'm saying. She was also the class rep there so I wouldn't be surprised if she's the same this year."

" .. .. Why are you telling me this?"

" Hmmm ~, no deep reason. I guess you looked like you wanted an answer maybe ? "

' So he's even watching me that much.. ..What the hell…?' A simple but horrifying thought rose up from Yahiko's mind; and with it came a weird sensation akin to thousands of ants crawling up his back.

" Hmm? Yaegashi ? Why does your face look so pale? Do you need some help?" asked Shoda , the boy on the other side of Yahiko's seat.

" No, it's nothing. Thanks for asking." After quickly shaking off that thought, Yahiko brought his attention to Vlad.

" Just like Kendo said, most people ignore the Quirk Restrictions Laws in public. But that's mainly because they don't use their quirk in a potentially dangerous way so most policemen ignore them. Unless in possession of a Hero's License, you're only allowed to use your quirk in self defense. This also applies to you, Heroes Course Students. So keep that in mind. " (Vlad King)

On Vlad's King desk lied a projector. After turning it on , closing the windows and the curtains, an old image of the turbulent debut of the quirk society was shown on the board in the now dark classroom.

" This first lesson will be a little about history. As I said, unless in possession of a hero's license, everyone else is only allowed to use their quirk in self defense. But as you might expect, there are exceptions. The first one with a large number of cases are of course the Villains. Using their quirks for their own benefits even in detriments of others."

With a click on his laptop keyboard, the Image changed to a group of individuals with each more unique than the next.

" .. ..And then there's the main subject of this lesson : The Vigilantes. You guys may have heard of them. They're mostly civilians who work alone and use their quirks to fight villains or do general heroes' works. Despite their good intentions, their lack of proper training and the motive of their activities, which is mostly vendetta against villains , makes them dangerous individuals."

" Dangerous? Even though they help civilians? " ( Pony Tsunotori)

" That's right. Vigilantes didn't follow the strict and structured training necessary to engage in heroes' activities. Hence, any usage of their quirks has the potential to turn the situation for the worse. No matter what their intentions are, they're still doing illegal activities and are thus considered as villains in most cases. Make sure to never do vigilantism, okay? Even Heroes Course Students wouldn't be spared if it happened"

' .. ..So Regulation was the most important for the government, huh? Not that I don't understand them but still.. ' ( Yahiko)

With surprise , confusion and even perplexity written on the face of his students at his statement, the Blood Hero continued.

" Heh! Don't make those faces. It's not as if we are categorically against all Vigilantes. Some of them wanting to be actual Heroes can be scouted by a pro Hero and thus engage legally in heroes activities. There was once a Vigilante in Naruhata ( a City District in Tokyo) who became the sidekick of a famous American Hero due to his great contribution during one of the biggest crises in Naruhata."

" That Japanese Vigilante is now a recognized pro hero in America and is rapidly growing in popularity. Vigilantes are certainly dangerous but when showing the resolve to transition into heroes, they turn into great assets for the community."

" Naruhata? I think I may have heard about this Vigilante…" murmured Shoda.

" Really?" (Yahiko)

" Ah..Yaegashi..Are you perhaps interested in him? "

" A little. If you don't mind, could you tell me a bit about him?"

" Of course. I don't actually know that much myself as it was more than 5 years ago when i still lived in Naruhata. I was pretty far from the incident but I remember hearing of a Vigilante called The Crawler who fought against a very powerful villain. It was apparently a big battle that involved multiple pro heroes with even All Might appearing in the end. The whole city was on lockdown with almost no way of distant communication during the incident so it became known as the Naruhata Lockdown. I'm sure you'd be able to find more on the internet ."

" … ..I see. Thanks." (Yahiko)

" You kids need to know about this, as a student suspected of vigilantism may get expelled if found guilty. Last thing I want is seeing your career ending without even beginning. Back to the topic. Vigilantes were actually the source or cataclysm for the profession of Hero to be fully established. Back in the days when quirks manifested all over the world, they were the one fighting against the sudden growing activities of villains. It all began with…"

The following lesson went deeper into the beginning of the heroes' society, as well as the origin of Vigilantes. With rapt attention as it was about their career of choices for most of them, the students listened while asking various questions; Enriching their knowledge about their current society.



" … ..It's good for the time being. I think I shouldn't have to tell you, but don't run in the hallways." With the lesson coming to its end, it was time for the student to eat as it was noon.

" Fukidashi" Before heading to the Lunch Rush Cafetaria, Yahiko approached the peculiar student.

" Oh, Yaegashi! What's wrong ? " ( Manga Fukidashi)

" Nothing, I was just wondering if we could go together. I have some questions for you if you don't mind."

" Alright then! Just give me a second."

" What's this, what's this ? Are you boys going on a date? No way! Are you actually serious ? Don't mind me if I follow you though" With her usual brashness, Setsuna brought herself into the conversation.

" Let me guess : even if I refuse you'll still follow us right? " ( Yahiko)

" Correct! I mean, it'll be interesting seeing what you'll do. What, are you embarrassed of me learning all your deeply guarded secrets?? "

"... … "

" I'll take that silence as a yes ~ ! Hey, Kendo ! Let's go with them , we might see something interesting"

" Ehh? I don't think it's right for us to intrude on their privacy, don't you think ?" ( Kendo)

" Come on, I'm sure they won't mind right ~? " asked Setsuna as she watched Yahiko with a hint of playfulness in her eyes.

" … ..Since it's not as if we'll be talking about something embarrassing, I guess it's fine?" (Yahiko)

" See? They're totally fine with that. You boys don't have to worry though as i'll silently leave if i begin hearing sensitive things, okay? Even i wouldn't like that happening to me "

' At least she's aware of that..'

" Sorry again, Yaegashi-kun… .. I'll at least keep an eye on her" said Kendo with an apologetic smile.

" That's not your fault so it's fine."



A few minutes later, the group of four students were walking down the hallway in the direction of the cafeteria.

" So what did you want to ask , Yaegashi? "

" Ok, I'm not trying to be rude but.. can you see? "

" Ohhh! I was wondering about that too. " (Setsuna)

" Hahaha! I've been asked that a lot so don't worry! And yes; I do see you. "

" I guess if you can hear, see, and talk , you can probably eat too , right? " asked Yahiko with a hint of curiosity.

" That's right. I won't deny that at first it was hard to accept and figure out, hahaha. ..But now everything is fine."

" I see… since Quirks are an extension of one bodily functions…" (Yahiko)

"... …Then Fukidashi's quirk may have incorporated the uses of his basic senses too, right?" (Kendo)

" Mhmm."

" Ohh! That would make sense!" (Manga Fukidashi)

" Don't you want to ask him something, Fukidashi? So far , Yaegashi has been the only one asking the questions . Don't you find it a little unfair ?? " Asked Setsuna in a dramatic voice.

" Hahaha, I'm fine! Besides, i'm not sure if Yaegashi would like th-" (Fukidashi)

" It's fine though? I don't mind answering some questions as long as it's nothing too ridiculous."

" Oh! Is that so?? Then don't mind me! " ( Setsuna)

"" Ehh?"" ( Kendo and Fukidashi)

" . …Why am I not surprised.."

" First question, and I think I'm not the only one wondering this , why are your arms completely bandaged? Is it an injury?"

" About my bandages? It's not as dramatic as you may think. Hmmm, let's see… ..I guess you could say that it's a kind of equipment ?"

""" Equipment ?"""

" .. You'll get it later."

It was around this time that the four students got into the cafeteria, filled with students. The crowd of students talking inside created an atmosphere almost similar to a cheering audience in a movie theater. After taking their lunch, they quickly found free seats to enjoy their meal.

" Oh, Fukidashi, just one last question. You said your quirk allowed you to bring the effect of various onomatopoeia to reality, right? " ( Yahiko)

" Yes, that's right."

" Then.. ..Is it possible for you to use it to teleport someone or let's say , warp someone away as long as you find the correct sound? "

" Ohh, I wouldn't know to be honest. I can't do that currently but who knows? Hahaha! I don't think i would be able to though"

" I see. " ' As I thought, Fukidashi might be one capable of it.. ..' (Yahiko)

" Yaegashi-kun, did you have something in mind ?" asked kendo.

" Yeah, but it's nothing really import- hmm?"

" Ah.."

Just before answering, Yahiko's eyes met with another pair whose owner he recognized.

A familiar deep green haired boy , along with a familiar brown haired girl. This time though, they seemed to be accompanied by another boy.


" You're that boy from the exam! Deku-kun, do you remember him? "

" Ah! Yes! I think I remember having seen him before passing out at that time. Thank you very much for back then, hahaha…" said the boy, embarrassed.

" Ohh! I also remember him." said another boy while pushing his glasses.

The trio then took a seat at the same table as Yahiko .

" Yaegashi , do you know them? " ( Fukidashi)

" Yes. We were in the same Battle Center in the Entrance Exam."

" Y.. Yaegashi? Is that your name?" (Deku)

" Eh? What's wrong Deku-kun? "

" I see now, so it was you. Uraraka, the top 1 student of the entrance exam was a boy named Yahiko Yaegashi."

" Ah! So it's someone amazing.."

" So you guys are in Class A ?" ( Yahiko)

" That's correct. I'm Ida Tenya! Nice to meet you, Yaegashi!"

" Ah.. Izuku Midoriya here!"

" Ochako Uraraka! We didn't get to introduce each other right? "

" Same here."

Watching all these were Yahiko's classmates with surprised expressions at the unexpected situation.

" So Yaegashi already got acquaintances in Class A, hmm? Didn't expect that with his character " ( Setsuna )

" No , it's because you're always playing tricks on him that he's a little dissatisfied with you.." ( Kendo)

" Ehh, you think So?" ( Setsuna)

" * Sighhh*.." ( Kendo)

" You said your name was Midoriya , right ? Is your Quirk still that unstable ? " asked Yahiko.

" .. ..Yes.. It seems that my quirk is too strong for my body as every time I use it I receive injuries in some way.." (Deku)

" So that's where the bandage comes from." said Yahiko, looking at the finger of Midoriya.

" It was during our quirk assessment test that Deku-kun got it.." (Uraraka)

" … ..If I say that I can help you with that, will you try it? "


" No need to react like that.. ..so what do you think about it? "

" Ah.. um.. Why would you do that , Yaegashi-san?" Asked Deku. Despite the offer of the powerful student in front of him, his caution was still on alert as only he knew how important his quirk was.

"Let's just say that, you growing stronger might help me? "

" … ..Ok then!"

" You sure took that choice quickly…"

" Yes. If by accepting your offer I can grow stronger, then I'll take it. And if it turns out that it also helps you , then maybe I'll finally be able to pay you back for saving back then.. Yaegashi-san." said Deku, with determination.

" Good. I'll contact you later."



After finishing their meals , they each returned to their respective classrooms. Yahiko and his classmates took a couple of different courses for the afternoon, and now, it was almost time to head back home.

" Today's class is finished. Take a good rest tonight, tomorrow will be full of action." (Vlad King)

" Actions?" (Shishida)

" Yes. We will begin our first combat training. As heroes are inevitably confronted by villains, you'll need some experience in fighting to face them. Your hero costumes will also come tomorrow for the occasion. Now then, take care" With those last words, the Blood Hero left.

" Finally some real fighting! I already can't wait!" (Tetsutetsu)

" I couldn't have said it any better! " ( Kamakiri)

Most of the students seemed hyped up for the next day , while some were still unsure of their capabilities.

'Combat training…' With a smile and some expectations, Yahiko looked at his classmate while thinking about what kind of combat awaited them.



Some Class 1 B students.