
True Inherithor Of The Rinnegan

First time Writing a fanfic, so if you find some errors in the chapter, please don't hesitate to tell me. Read the prologue first , and then read the Auxiliary chapter (volume 0) to knows what you're getting into and not waste your time if it's not to your liking. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis A boy with suicidal agenda get saved by a dying entity ( you'll probably be surprised ;D) and got a chance to live in Another world. What he didn't know though, was how his fate will bring him to face unimaginable circumstances. ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ This is a two worlds fanfic Meaning that the mc will go to two worlds kind of like a multiverse fanfic. The first World is MHA (My hero academia) and the second one will be revealed only when i'm almost finished with the first. This is for me to concentrate more on the first world. This is a Fanfic with an actual Plot . Read the prologue, it's important. disclaimer : i don't own My hero Academia and it's characters. I only own my Mc and my original plots.

I_Am_L_72 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Interesting First Day

" That's right. For now , get up and follow me." Said Vlad King.

With the students right behind him, a small tour of the school and especially of the facilities that they would use for some of their courses ensued.

A large dining hall called Lunch Rush Cafeteria, mainly managed by the Hero of the same name.

" This is Lunch Rush . The Hero that will be responsible for feeding you at noon. Not all heroes in our society fight villains. Sometimes, there are people in the background who do a part that only they can do. It's not because they aren't on the front of the actions that you shouldn't remember them. Do Treat him with respect."

" Hahaha, stop it, Vlad! That's embarrassing!" exclaimed the hero in question with a certain enthusiasm.

" Make sense.."

" Right? I guess Lunch Rush is similar to recovery girl in some way"

" Please take care of us, Lunch Rush"

" You young guns are pretty cool , huh? Good Luck out there!"

Next came all the other facilities that were necessary or in some ways important to their goal as Hero Course Students : Recovery Girl Nurse's Office, the Support Course department, The administration Office, The Equipment rooms, etc etc.. As he witnessed all those sights, Yahiko once again realized that he was in the Hero course; made for students to learn how to use their quirk beneficially for society. Something he was willing to take advantage of.

Every place visited so far had in mind a way to support the students as they encountered various hurdles in their school years.

A few moments later, after all that facilities visiting, the students and their teacher were now on a large PE Ground , near a building, after having changed into UA PE uniform.

" I hope you guys are now familiar with this school. Now we will start the Quirk assessment. Before coming to Ua, your past schools most likely banned the use of your quirks in all areas, right?"

Seeing the nod of acquiescence of his students, Vlad continued " But here in UA, We will be developing your quirk along with your morals and overall abilities in order to shape you into upright heroes."

Leading his students to a small track with some equipment and robots installed , his intentions became clear " For that reason , we need now to test your quirks and see what are the possibilities available to you. That way, we would be able to know your limits and work on the things needing improvement."

" The first test is a 50 meter dash and will be done in pairs. Use your quirks in whatever manner capable of giving you an advantage! First up! Setsuna Tokage and Juzo Honenuki! You two recommended students begin first!"

" Ehh? So Juzo was recommended too? "

" No need to be that surprised.. ..I usually don't go around yelling that I'm a recommended student" answered Juzo calmly.

" It doesn't really matter. Besides, I have a feeling that I will finish first " Bragged Setsuna.

" .. ..I can't refuse a challenge. So let's find out about that"

Placing themselves at the starting line, the duo were ready.

[ On your mark.. ..Go!]

As soon as the race started, with a step from Juzo, the whole track rapidly took a darkish color along with an undulating texture.

" That's Honenuki Quirk : Softening . With it, he can soften anything he touches, except living beings. Pay attention to your classmates' quirks and how they use them." explained Vlad.

Right after softening the ground, Juzo quickly dived into it, and began swimming in the softened track at impressive speed.

Tsuburaba " He can even do that? Man , that sure looks like a useful quirk"

" That's right. I wonder what Setsuna will show us…" asked Monoma with a twinkle in his eyes, as he carefully looked at the application of his classmates' quirks.

" Humph! Not bad, Honenuki! But I still don't think I'll lose! " And with that shout, Setsuna launched herself forward as her body quickly split up into multiple pieces that began rapidly flying toward the end mark.

A few seconds later, the results were announced by the robot calculating their speed [ Juzo Honenuki : 4.95 seconds! Setsuna Tokage : 4.65 seconds! ]

" I lost , huh? I can accept that. Nice fight , Tokage."

" Hahaha! You're taking it easier than I thought, Honenuki. What a good sport "

" Another interesting quirk… .. Seems like a good combination of speed and fighting potential. Though I wonder how much she can split herself" (Monoma)

" 37"

" What? " (Monoma)

" I counted 37 pieces of herself flying," Answered Yahiko.

" … .. How did you manage to do that..?"

" I have good eyes, i guess"

"Next up!" Shouted Vlad King.

Different students took their turn, each displaying varying levels of mastery with their quirk, as long as it could somehow help them in the test. It went this way until Yahiko's turn finally arrived.

" Next Up! Yahiko Yaegashi and Neito Monoma!"

The two aforementioned students approached and got on the starting line.

"Who would have thought that we'll be paired , right? Yaegashi "

" It changes nothing to the purpose of this test so let's just get on with it "

"Man~, you're no fun . Then let's do our best , shall we? '' Said Monoma with a big smile, while outstretching his hand.

"... You're aware that you appear suspicious, right?"

" Unfortunately Yes. But just do it this time, alright? Do your classmate a favor, you won't be disappointed~! "

" Alright.." Yahiko then shook his classmate's hand as his teacher Voice could be heard.

" OK you two! We don't have all the time so hurry up!"

[On your Mark… ]

` Another good opportunity to see how far I can go with my body and chakra.. ..Should I go all out?' As he thought this, Yahiko's chakra rapidly channeled itself through his whole body, strengthening his overall physical ability to the absolute peak of what he could currently do.

As his chakra was overflowing from his body, some of it leaked to the outside world and created a pressure that began cracking the earth underneath his feet, as pieces of broken earth slowly began levitating.

Before the situation got any worse, Yahiko fixed his control and absorbed the residual chakra, not letting anymore leak out.

But the scene has already been witnessed by his classmate.

' …What was that? Yaegashi quirk maybe?' (Monoma)



[Yahiko Yaegashi : 0.93 secs!]


"What happened?? I barely saw a thing.."

A cloud of dust had risen as soon as Yahiko moved , and the next thing most of them knew, it was already over.

' For a 50 meter dash, about a sec is pretty good.. .. probably. Maybe in a longer distance I would have been able to accelerate even more?' While the result was pleasing, his score didn't truly reflect his full speed.

'So if I use Shushin , I'll go even faster, huh? That's reassuring.. Though in case I meet an even faster enemy, i already have a trump card'

"Since Monoma wasn't able to react and begin in time, he'll try again alone! Good job Yaegashi.You stopped exactly after crossing the line, you seem to have great control over your quirk." ' But still. ..Was that his Chakra Creation? The only thing it said in the application was that it could increase his physical abilities due to a mysterious energy in the body, along with an ability to control the earth… Let's just continue watching. Though if his Chakra make him that fast already i doubt he'll use his Earth Manipulation'

Listening to it, Monoma was already preparing himself. "That was Yaegashi's quirk.. I guess the rumors weren't wrong. Can't say that I'm not jealous but…"


"I have my own specialty!"

A second or so after beginning …

"What? Why is nothing happening??" (Monoma)

[Neito Monoma : 5.29 secs]

"*Sigh* so it was a blank … Fortunately I already touched Tokage beforehand. "

"Oi Oi, wasn't that my quirk ??!?" (Setsuna)

"So he can copy the quirks of others? Isn't that too much?? Couldn't he just copy All Might's quirk and become pretty much unbeatable?? " ( Tsuburaba)

" I don't think that's possible.. There has to be a limit or rule related to his ability. That's how most quirks work at least." ( Nirengeki Shoda)




Test 2 : Grip Strength; In the interior of a nearby building…

" Never thought a girl would have a stronger grip strength than me .." stated Tsuburaba a little depressingly.

" Hahaha… ..That's just my quirk, you shouldn't feel so down about it " answered Kendo.

" Meanwhile, Yaegashi still got a crazy score." ( Sen Kaibara)

"No no no no, we don't even know what he got since he broke the measurement tool…" (Hiryu Rin)

" Ah yes.. There's also Shishida with his beast form.. Gotta say, our class got some pretty decent quirks "


Test 3 Long Standing Jump..

" .. ..Next up, Kosei Tsuburaba! "

" Finally a test where I can show what I'm made of!" (Tsuburaba)

" Sure, do your best jumping over that sandbox! Don't hold anything back okay? I'm rooting for you Tsuburaba-kun! " ( Monoma)

"Monoma-san seems to be very encouraging? " remarked Tsunotori, the foreigner student.

" Don't let him fool you, Little pony. He's Probably trying to make Tsuburaba use his quirk so that he can steal i-" ( Setsuna)

" Oi, it's not stealing, it's copying! And only for ten minutes! I already explained it to you! Jesus, you make it sound like I'm a bad guy… (*Laughs internally*)" (Monoma)

" Hahahaha! Sorry sorry . It's so that he can copy it later." (Setsuna)

[ .. ..Goo!]

" Air Platforms!" A fast stream of air came out of Tsuburaba's mouth and took the shape of two almost invisible platforms on which he jumped in quick succession to clear the test.

[ Kosei Tsuburaba : Passed! ]

" Yoshh! "



Test 5 : Ball Throw

"For the last test, Yaegashi will go first. "

Taking the ball thrown at him , Yahiko asked Vlad " So I must throw this ball as far as I can , right?"

" That's right."

" Got it." Holding the ball strongly in his hand , aside from enhancing his arm's strength , an imperceptible Wind chakra coated the ball in his hand.


Yahiko's throw created a strong gust of wind that could be clearly heard as the ball headed straight to the horizon…

[ Yahiko Yaegashi : 885.7 meters]

" Hahaha.. … At this point I think I can believe Yaegashi's words when we asked him about his quirk.. .." Said Tsuburaba whose self-esteem almost took a hit..

" You mean that ' I think I can do pretty much anything I want with my Chakra Creation. I just need to find out how' thing? I'm not sure whether he was joking or not but who cares.. It might as well be true" ( Kaibara)

" So Yaegashi currently has : Power, speed, agility .. .. And what else? " ( Tsubaraba)

" Good eyes, maybe? " ( Monoma)


" Good Job , everyone. I hope you learned something about your quirk and the different possibilities of it. Let's go back"

On their way to the classroom, Yahiko couldn't help looking again at his classmates ' They really are pretty unique.. .. A guy with what seems like a manga's bubble for head, another with a literal dark skin, '

" And that overly talkative girl who can split and regenerate herself like a Lizard.. .. Maybe this school will be more fun than i thought "

" Ohhh! Talking about me, aren't we? Are you curious about my quirk? I'm pretty open minded so i won't mind answering if you gently ask, you know? " (Setsuna)

" … ..Actually , nevermind…"



With the sun finally setting, Yahiko's first day of High school came to an end as he was rapidly approaching his home after parting with his classmates.

After changing himself and making Dinner for both him and his only paternal figure, they were now both in the dinning room.

" * eating* Ahhh.. This Old man still can't believe how good your food is, kid. I bet you'll be popular with that."

" I just learned that on the internet, gramps. Albeit maybe a little too fast .. .."

" Heh! Stop bragging. So, How was your first day? Was it fun? "

"... …Yeah it was. I met some interesting people."

" That's UA for you. All kinds of weirdo and what not assembled in one place. "




Some Class 1 B students :

Kosei Tsuburaba

Setsuna Tokage