
Tribute: I am a gamer

Stop me if you hear this. Someone dies in some traumatic event, and they get reincarnated with superpowers. Not like I care but what am I supposed to do with my superpowers when I'm superlazy.

StoryCraft · Cómic
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9 Chs


Disclaimer: I don't own any anime, movies, music, or series other than the OC.




{Sound effects}

"Human talks"

/Music, OST, POV/


Chapter title: Summoning gone wrong


I had a lot on my mind at the time, but then I remembered. "SHIT, I FORGOT ABOUT NARU!" I exclaimed but stopped myself. If I ran back in, the old man would have a reason to arrest me. So, with great effort, I willed myself to return to the motel where I was staying.

You can call me a wimp all you want, but even if I want to change Naruko's fate, I'm not brave enough to face an army, even if I have the power to destroy it. Another issue is that I don't have any sort of backup.

In the world of ninjas where betrayal seemed to be the trend, I had overlooked this detail. The >*shop had unique items that I can use to summon and bind certain characters but unfortunately, these items were expensive.

The number of bitcoins was staggering but at least now I know where I'll get my bodyguard. Maybe I can request some missions to unlock my >*quest lines*< that would definitely earn that way, Something to think about later.

>Curse: Cosmokinesis-echo. I uttered while closing my eyes. The skill worked and notified me of the anbu watching/spying on me. Some I recognize with one being Itachi. Should I help the guy and save some of the Uchiha?

It's not like they'll be relevant to my plans but it would certainly help me train in fighting people who can read my muscle movements. Alright, the second part of the plan was befriending Itachi and learning some kickass moves.

There's also the matter of weapons, say what you want but I'm sticking to guns, cannons, and BFG. Learning how to swing a sword is cool and all but why bother getting close when you can shoot the enemy? Eh, it might be a good backup if I run out of ammo.

So I used >Curse: Cosmokinesis-wonderland. The technique creates an illusion that affects reality An illusion where I was fast asleep. While the real me is messing with the >shop in hopes of finding a weapon.

"Even samurais used naginata and rarely drew their katana unless they lose their main weapon." I muttered. Checking the >Shop, I was pleased to find that the weapons were a lot cheaper. I was tempted to take the sawn-off shotgun but decided not to and instead bought a regular pistol.

The design was normal, I also wanted to test something. >Alchemy: Alteration. I uttered as the pistol morphed into a combination of a knife and a gun. I smiled, the design was certainly unique but I wonder if this thing even works.

Another crazy popped into my head, what if I infuse it with my curse? What about I make cursed bullets? Each bullet will have different effects. I can't help but get excited at the ideas I wanted to try.

Yawning, I realized it was midnight and I need to sleep.

The next day I was heading to the Icharaku ramen shop, clad in a golden jacket and still shirtless, which earned some odd looks and some blushes from the locals.


My mind was elsewhere until something bumped into me and I saw it was Naruko. Judging by the paint smudge all over her clothes, she must have done a prank. I decided to help the little menace by refracting the light and making a 'quiet' gesture.

We watched the shinobi pass a few times with Naruko holding her giggles back. I was grinning while also wondering if these guys were that incompetent or if I'm just that good. I quickly dispelled my control and Naruko was gushing and began to ask for me to teach her that jutsu.

I just laughed and ruffled her hair. "Maybe next time kid." Naruko pouted before following me. "Shouldn't you be in school now?" I asked. Naruko's glow faded. "Sensei kicked me out." Tears threatened to come out but she quickly wipes them off.

I stopped and picked her up and said. "Let's go borrow some books." Finding the library was easy with Naruko helping me. Soon I had seven books all aimed at teaching children and thanks to the >system and my previous life experiences. Teaching her was easy as riding a bike.

It wasn't until I came across a page regarding >Summons< that I was reminded of what I needed to do. The >Shop< already gave me two glyphs to use to anchor my summons. I just needed a place where no one can find me.

Turning to Naruko, I decided to ask her if she had some sort of hiding spot where no one can find her. At first, she quickly grew weary of me but I was able to pacify her by promising to show her something cool.

The young girl dragged me along with gusto, but I was expecting an abandoned structure or something, not a literal forest of DEATH!

In retrospect, it makes sense that no one would suspect a kid hiding in a dangerous area, let alone one with the word DEATH in it, but I don't like the idea. I figured I'd better get to work, so I began drawing the glyph I was holding before erecting an altar to house the object.

Taking a step back, I clasped my hand earning a confused look from the little blond since it was like I'm praying.

"Zander-nii what are you doing?" Naruko asked but I didn't answer or rather couldn't as I'm focused on not messing up my summoning ritual. Though she took in it a stride when she saw the circle was sparking until it started glowing.

I grinned in excitement, while I have no idea what this will bring to me, I had no problems with it. I took a deep breath before chanting.

"Ceposte bodeme neneet, mecrundu, tecife, eeba"

Naruko was completely taken aback as time seemed to pass and we heard a howl as something white emerged from the circle and rose toward the moon. A dire wolf with a growl was staring down at us when we looked up, and our jaws dropped. Its fur was as white as the moon, and its eyes glowed as brightly as mine.

*Wolf summon IMAGE*

"Who is't summons me?"

I mustered up my courage and stepped forward, I have to act fast before the damn ninjas get here.

"The one who shall hold to your oath. Aid me in my own journey noble Garmr." I spoke.

"and trade mine own freedom for a master?" It growled as it started to grow bigger.

The system should have alerted me that it might call forth a ferocious beast, I thought as I paled. I needed to think quickly because I couldn't keep this beast here.

"No, not a master; I don't need a servant, but an ally," I said, taking a step back.


"If I'm lying, why aren't you bound to me?" I argued as I stopped the wolf from attacking us. "There are other ways to summon you and bind you to my whims, but you don't see me attempting to bind you."

The wolf chuckled, then leaned forward and spoke mockingly to me. "Perhaps you're just trying to fool me?"

The wolf was taken aback when I flared my mana. "I don't need tricks to bind you," I glared. As our surroundings abruptly changed into a frozen wasteland, the dire wolf grinned at me. This thing even dragged Naruko along with me.

"Then prove your words, mortal," the wolf howled as it grew to the height of the empire states building.

She was trembling as she uttered "Zander-nii." She'll die of hypothermia if she stays here another minute. Because this was my fault, I must accept responsibility. I bought a charm from >Shop and handed it to her, where it quickly took effect.

Naruko was no longer shivering.

My >Alchemy manipulation had been debuffed, and it can now only do half of what it used to. My >??? Skill is what keeps it from becoming obsolete. Grabbing my gunblades, I looked around and discovered a collapsed temple.

I grabbed the child and teleported us to the temple. I teleported back to the wolf and said, "Awefully kind of you to wait. Stay here, and don't leave."

"The girl is not a part of this; she will be returned to her home."

Maybe this wolf isn't such a jerk after all. I prepared myself for the first battle by brandishing my weapons. Hopefully, my training and skills will be sufficient.

The two of us went to our battle stance, the wolf ready to pounce on me and I ready to jam my blade through its head. "Okay wolfie, let's dance!" I taunted as a metal mask covered the lower part of my face while my eyes glowed with power.

AN: You can support me on paypal so we can commision some fanart for this fanfic: Paypal.me/musigamer

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