
Trial Of Love

What is true happiness? When asked, do you answer by stating; having all the best luxurious items in the world, living in a big estate, being able to travel the world, maybe even being famous as a celebrity. For some, it would indeed be a dream come true, while for others it's their reality. Join me as Elizabeth tries to find her true happiness in life whilst discovering love along the way.

_AngelGrace_ · Ciudad
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515 Chs


Meanwhile, President Chen has arrived at Cris's apartment. Since the man did not open the door at all when he called, he already expected something terrible had happened to the man again. 

When he entered the room. It felt like like the artic pole all of the sudden but when he checked on the man, he saw the man was all drenched in sweat and was as pale as a ghost. 


He hurriedly ran to the man's side and checked on him. As he touched the man's skin, he felt a stinging feeling as the man was burning like hell. "Damn it, Cris. We need to take you to the hospital. You're as hot as the sun." 

"Thanks for the compliment." The man responded who was half awake. 

"Cris, this is no joke at all."

"I'm not joking as well. I've always been as hot as the sun." Cris slowly opened his eyes and looked at the man with a smile on his face.