
Treasure hunt

In the dim and ancient tombs of Western Xia, who has waited for whom for a millennium! Amidst the beauty of the land and the allure of heroes, a fateful encounter by the Crescent Spring under the moonlight a thousand years ago destined an entanglement that time could not erase! Yet in this life, born into an era of warlords during the Republic, a...

jojokria · Oriental
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73 Chs

062 The Master Niu and Mr. Lu Xun

"Indeed, the revitalization of the country relies on the youth like you!" Lu Xun smiled faintly, addressing both Jian Yumei and Du Yiming at their table.

"Yes, Mr. Lu Xun, we are soon heading to a place to seek new ideals, to serve the country. I believe, Mr. Lu Xun, your encouragement will stay with us!" Du Yiming said softly.

"That's good to hear, that's good to hear!" Lu Xun's eyes sharpened as he glanced at Du Yiming, as if sensing something beyond his words.

"I bless you, hoping that your life's path won't be lost, that you will walk the true path of saving the nation and its people!" Lu Xun took a puff of his cigarette and addressed them.

"Boss, bring us some paomo, lamb skewers, and side dishes!" Wang Laoshi called out to the boss.

Since the boss wasn't present in the shop, it seemed that Zhang Er was in charge. He quickly approached, "Sure, sure, coming right up! Wang Laoshi, hello, my nephew is studying at your university. He often praises your lectures! He loves listening to you, especially when you talk about modern Chinese history. He says every time he listens, his blood boils with patriotism, wishing to turn the tide and save the country and its people!"

"Hey, that's what we educators should do, provide practical knowledge to the students. Otherwise, if the young remain apathetic, can our country be saved? But if they read more of Mr. Lu Xun's works, that would be the awakening!" Wang Laoshi said.

"Oh, I see, Mr. Lu Xun, you are the famous Lu Xun! I've heard so much about you!" Zhang Er exclaimed.

"Oh, you've heard of me," Lu Xun laughed.

"I haven't read your books myself, but my nephew often does. He's read me some parts, and I think they're excellent, but sometimes they're quite profound, and I don't quite understand, like 'Diary of a Madman,' I still don't get it!" Zhang Er chuckled sheepishly.

"That's all right, as long as you understand some of it, that's enough for me!" Lu Xun smiled.

At that moment, it seemed that Master Niu was dissatisfied with being overshadowed by Lu Xun. He approached.

"Sir, your physiognomy clearly indicates that you are a dragon and phoenix among men. However, I always feel there's something lacking. Would you like me to elaborate?" Master Niu said.

"Oh, please do!" Lu Xun smiled.

Master Niu said to Lu Xun, "Sir, at this moment, you are at the peak of your career, shining like the midday sun. However, if you could tone down a bit, you would achieve even greater brilliance in the future!"

"Haha, Master, you're right about that. I tend to offend people, it's just my nature. Can't help it. Apologies for any inconvenience caused!" Lu Xun replied.

"Alas, there's nothing to be done about it!" Master Niu sighed and shook his head, then returned to his seat.

Wang Laoshi and the others chuckled, then resumed discussing Lu Xun's visit to Xi'an.

"Mr. Lu Xun, has your trip to Xi'an been helpful for the book you're about to write on the Tang Dynasty?" another teacher asked.

"To be honest, I don't feel like writing anymore!" Lu Xun said.

"Why is that?" the teacher inquired.

"I had the privilege to visit many places in Xi'an, such as the Stele Forest and the Qian Tomb, and saw many relics from the Tang Dynasty. But I haven't found the dream of the prosperous Tang in my heart. It's quite disheartening! Alas, living in turbulent times, with chaos everywhere, people displaced, beggars filling the streets, what's there to aspire to?" Lu Xun lamented.

Just then, a person burst in from outside, about thirty years old, looking like a businessman.

The man saw Master Niu and his face lit up with joy.

"Master, I found you at last!" he said.

"Hello, what's the matter? Do you need Master Niu for something?" Master Niu asked.

"Yes, something big! Master Niu, come with me quickly, our house is haunted, it's terrifying, we can't live peacefully anymore. Master, can you come and help us solve the problem?" the man said urgently.

"What exactly happened? Why the rush?" Master Niu inquired.

"Ghosts have started appearing at home, it's very frightening. We can't live in peace anymore. Master, please come with me. Rest assured, I'll double the reward!" the man said.

"Alright, alright!" Master Niu's eyes lit up at the prospect of business. He finished the last bite of his paomo, then stood up. Looking at everyone, he smiled and said, "Excuse me, excuse me!"

"If anyone needs help, find me at the Stele Forest. It's my duty to help people in need. Enjoy your meal!" Master Niu said.

Once done, he turned to the man and said, "Let's go!"

"Okay, okay!" The man's face was filled with joy as he quickly followed Master Niu.

Meanwhile, Lu Xun sighed as he watched everything unfold.

"Why the sigh, sir?" Wang Laoshi asked.

"Ah, I don't know if it's ghosts frightening people in their hearts or ghosts from the netherworld frightening them, or perhaps some worldly ghosts causing fear!" Lu Xun sighed.

"I think they're all frightening, and all need to be expelled!" Du Yiming banged the table.

"If the youth are like this, the country is fortunate!" Lu Xun remarked.

At that moment, Jian Yumei said, "Excuse me!"

Eager to catch up with Master Niu, he bowed to everyone, "Farewell!"

They returned the gesture.

Jian Yumei, accompanied by Lin Li, hurriedly left.

As they exited, they saw Master Niu and the man in the distance, hastening away. "Let's go, Senior Sister! Let's catch up!"