
Travels of the Dark Lord Through the Multiverse (starting with Naruto)

Nice guy, betrayed by close friends in previous life, reincarnated with 4 wishes, will now take what he wants, when he wants it. Decides to become a dark lord. R18 is not because of lemon, but because of some torture stuff that will probably happen I do not own any of the works mentioned within this fanfic, I only own characters, and the divine realm of Reincarnation, nothing else. Image is stock Photo This is My First Web novel, please comment as I would like some constructive criticism, also I will upload as regularly as possible, normally on Saturdays Upload schedule is Saturdays at 15:30 EST and some Mondays from 14:00-15:00

Project_Paladin · Cómic
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16 Chs

Council meeting

Hokage building- Council room - next morning

We find the council room with all of the Ninja council present along with the elders and Hokage. The Clan leaders of the, Inusuka, Aburame, Yamanaka, Uchiha, Hyuga, Nara, Akimichi, Fuma and Kurama Clans. Tsume, Shibi, Inoichi, Fugaku, Hiashi, Shikaku, Chowsa, Shin and Shie, respectively. The three elders being Danzo, Homura and Koharu, all three of which are staring with unhidden disgust towards me. 

I speak up, "Clan Leaders and Village Elders, I have a proposal for you," they all stare at me intently, "I have recently acquired the favour of a certain Hokage that I can exchange for anything that I so please..., I have decided to make a bet with you, that being the purpose of today's meeting." They swivel their heads towards the Hokage in confirmation as he nods at them. A slight pause ensues before I continue, "I would like to play Shogi against each of you, I putting up the Hokage's favour as my wager whilst you put up your own favour in return." An uncomfortable silence ensues as the Clan Leaders stare at me, then Shikaku and then back at me before each one shows arrogance in a manner of ways. The Village Elders look on in resentment, stand-up and leave. "As the one making the bet, I would like to reserve the right to choose my opponents in an order of my choosing" The clan leaders look at eachother, before nodding, the Hyuga and Uchiha clans doing so with unhidden scorn. "Very well, I shal play against the Inuzuka leader first then" As Tsume advances I notice a slight glimmer of amusement in the Nara Clan leader's eyes. 

As the afternoon approaches only four clans remain, the Yamanaka, Uchiha, Nara and Aburame, a mind reader, two strategists and a man with OP eyes. I look towards the Aburame Clan leader and nod, he advances sitting in front of me. We play the game, whittling each other's pieces down, before I'm finally able to win, despite it being a close call.

I then call on the Yamanaka which surprisingly was quite easy to beat it seems as though the Ino and Cho, part of the Trio leave all of the thinking to the Nara.

Then I call on the Uchiha, he unleashes his Sharingan, knowing of its prowess I avoid looking him in the eye, something I had gotten used to as a method of reading my opponents. The game was hard as he could see the most minute twitches and could predict what moves I would make before I made them analysing my every move to counter the next few moves I would play in advance. Playing against the Uchiha was infuriating but after a long series of exchanges I found an opening and took it letting me Checkmate the Clan leader.

Next up was the Aburame Clan Leader, he has a far more strategic mind than the Uchiha Head but with far less precognition abilities, only being able to unsettle me with his bugs. At the end of a far longer mach I succeeded against the Clan Leader by a narrow margin.

I then challenge the Nara Head, the mach being far harder than any of the ones before, a perfect counter to any one move, perfect setups to defeat my pieces until I was Checkmated.

The Nara Head smiles "It seems that I have won our mach," he chuckles slightly before continuing, "I have won the Hokage's favour, but you have impressed me, therefore you may have any 1 thing you want, just as the favours you have collected from the other clans"

I smile looking up at all of the clan heads and state "I would like to cash in my favour now, I would like access to the same treatment as each of your heirs, this means access to your clan libraries, to be taught your clan jutsu, to partake in any contracts and agreements with animals, etc..." 

The Clan leaders all stare at me momentarily before...

A/N: Sorry for the cliffhanger but I need some way to keep you hoping for my return, I won't be posting for a few weeks on account of my exams, meanwhile I will hope you all the best!

P.S Sorry for the late release this week I was busy over the weekend

1st power stone= 1000 word chapter when I return at the start of the next month, every power stone after that increases the number of words by 50. I will be changing the name to something cooler

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