
Travels of the Dark Lord Through the Multiverse (starting with Naruto)

Nice guy, betrayed by close friends in previous life, reincarnated with 4 wishes, will now take what he wants, when he wants it. Decides to become a dark lord. R18 is not because of lemon, but because of some torture stuff that will probably happen I do not own any of the works mentioned within this fanfic, I only own characters, and the divine realm of Reincarnation, nothing else. Image is stock Photo This is My First Web novel, please comment as I would like some constructive criticism, also I will upload as regularly as possible, normally on Saturdays Upload schedule is Saturdays at 15:30 EST and some Mondays from 14:00-15:00

Project_Paladin · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

What did he say?

A/N: I suggest you all go re-read the leat chapter as this one continues right after :P

Council Room: Afternoon

"What?!" say all of the clan heads, slack-jawed and looking at me as though I had three heads. The Nara Clan Head's eyes shimmer with intrigue as he looks at me in what seems to be a new light. They stare at me for a few moments whilst in a rare display of unprofessionalism the Nara Clan head laughs uproariously. The other clan heads look between him and me with disbelief and confusion written on their faces.

The Hokage turns towards me, intrigued, and states, "Just for that Yami-kun, I'll give you an extra favour on my part" I look at his face and notice that it seems to be some kind of test of what I will do. 

"In that case, I will ask to be allowed to see the scroll of seals, I have heard of Jutsu such as those of Lord 4th and the Mass shadow clone Jutsu that would be useful in combat. The Hokage's face shows a few different expressions, that were almost impossible to discern, going from worry to joy and then to fear, one that I believe would stem from my similarities with the Snake. His face settled on a nervous happiness due to my "father" and me having mentioned one of his 'go-to' Jutsu.

I smirk internally upon seeing his reaction. "Very well, Yami-kun however you will only have 15 minutes to go through the scroll and choose your technique, and afterwards ill give you a copy of one of the Jutsu."

'stingy old man' I think whilst I smile at the Hokage. I leave the room as a few members of Anbu escort me towards were the scroll is kept.

3rd person POV:

Meanwhile, the meeting continues. "What a terrifying intelligence" says the Inuzuka Clan leader, staring at Yami's back as he exits whilst being escorted by the Anbu. The other clan leaders nod, agreeing with the Inuzuka matriarch's unusually astute observation. 

The different clan leaders discuss the matter of Yami, and how they would be able to achieve his request, whilst granting him the smallest possible amount of benefits. 

Yami POV:

I enter the room that holds the Forbidden Scroll of Seals, a large scroll sits in the middle of the room. I feel a series of seal barriers scan me in some way as I enter the room, I feel the Chakra focus on the different Dojutsu in my arm, thankfully I'm able to mask their presence somewhat. I glance around, spotting what could be some part of a seal formation on each of the room's four walls. Without wasting any more time I advance towards the scroll.

I grab the scroll, unfurling it in one motion, I hear an hourglass be flipped over and I focus on the scroll in front of me. The Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu, the Flying Raijin, Impure World Reincarnation and the Mind Immortalising Jutsu (The Jutsu Orochimaru uses) lay in front of me, amongst several wood style Jutsu and some of Tobirama's water style Jutsu.

The time elapses just like that, despite me having had 5 minutes I was only able to copy a few Jutsu, this being The Miulti Shadow Clones, Impure World Reincarnation and the Rasengan, as unfortunately I had only unlocked the 1st Tomoe of the Sharingan making it far slower and less efficient at copying and perceiving things.

"Your time is up" I step back from the scroll as two Anbu members close the scroll and place it out of my reach and I am escorted out of the room. As the door closes behind me an unseen smirk mars my face as I leave the building, satisfied with my investment.

I return to the dingy apartment and I grab the few possessions I have, deciding to move to the forest, a place were I wouldn't be disturbed. I will return to the Hokage building in a while, after the Clan leader meeting is done and I'll request for copies of the scrolls of the different Clans. 

I move to the Forest of Death, with my belongings dangling on my back, I drop them off near the clearing and then I run towards the Konoha library, sneaking into the Fuinjutsu section, knowing calligraphy and seals will be useful, both for hiding my 'enhancements' and for potentially making a cool seal tattoo that could grant some special ability or transformation, something like Orochimaru's cursed seals, that could give me some interesting abilities and a potential power boost, along with Fuinjutsu generally being very powerful in it's advanced stages with barriers able to contain Kage level opponents.

I take a book titled 'Beginner Book of Seals', and another called 'Sealing for Dummies' taking both and storing them in a pouch before making a fast escape and returning to store them with the rest of my things. However as I return to the clearing I notice that I'm being followed, I accelerate and then double back, whilst hiding my Chakra seeing the individual land back in the centre of the clearing. Their presence somewhat familiar to me, their Chakra and smell reminding me of a Snake...

A/N: Firstly sorry for taking so long I got writer's block

Secondly because of 3 people giving power stones the word count will be 1100

The same rule will apply from now on BTW Power stones = plus 50 words, the first one setting it at 1000 words. 

A new rule is added that for every 21 Power stones I will also try and get a second chapter out to you that has 1000 words with 50 being added for every power stone above that for that second chapter (2000 word maximum)

I would also like to point out that the next world will probably be demon slayer, he won't really get to use his powers effectively there, except for the visual process of the Sharingan and maybe being able to sense with the Demon eye, I will be making an Amaterasu style that will be on par with sun breathing (Amaterasu is the Shinto Sun Goddess), so if you could suggest some breathing forms in the comments that would be good.

I also have an Idea for a potential blood demon art called: The Marking Blood Seals, I'll leave that without a description for you to guess tho :P

If you like my work then save it to your libraries please

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation! - Webnovel Prompts for gifts (I would like Power stones tho)

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