
Trapped in Novel with bad ending

A Girl name Yuki found herself as a supporting character in her favorite novel 'Song of blades and heros'. whose name is Maya Flag from a famous Earl Flag family well Maya Flag was destined to became a sex slave of orcs and goblins in great war of chaos while leading a army and later got killed by ML but this time she by mistake seduce all the main character and build the reverse harem

Arc_Group · Fantasía
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Goblin General Part 2

"Wh.. What should we do?" Asked by Jeb with timid voice

"Guys this is my mistake I should listen to Maya or should call instructors that's why I decided I will be a bait and you guys run" Said by Jackson while apologizing.

"Oh come on Muscle brain, Do you think I will let you enjoy killing them alone" Said by Marcus

"Anyone wanna live they can run away while we became bait"

The Probability of running away safely from here is equal to 10% that's why i have to trust MC plot armor and let him run wild

"I am in"

Jeb and Jessie look towards each other and nodded,

"We both are too"

But the students save by Jackson group decided to run away, While they were running a flame ball fly towards them and burn both of them.

goblins charged forward, their crude weapons clanging against one another as they let out guttural cries. The goblin general stood at the front of the pack.

Meanwhile, the Swordsmen Marcus, Martial Artist Jackson, Mage Maya, Archer Jeb, and support Jessie prepared for battle. Marcus brandished his longsword, ready to take on any goblin that came his way. The Jackson loosened up his muscles, his eyes narrowing as he prepared to strike. The Maya began to chant a spell, his hands glowing with Mana. Jeb notched an arrow, his eyes scanning for the perfect shot while Jessie providing Buff to all the party Members

Despite the goblin army's numbers, the group 7 held their own, taking down dozens of goblins with each passing moment. The goblin general watched from a distance, his frustration mounting as his army was slowly whittled down.

"Muscle brain can you still fight" Ask by Marcus to Jackson

" I can still kick more ass" Replied by Jackson

"Great, Hey Jackson, Jeb and Jessie you guys focus on goblins"

"And Maya you with Focus on General"

The goblin general let out a bloodcurdling scream as he charged towards them, his massive sword raised high in the air ready to attack Marcus.

Meanwhile, Maya began to chant and summons a elements to aid their cause. She called forth a powerful gust of wind, sending the goblin soldiers stumbling backwards. Jeb took this opportunity to rain down a barrage of arrows, picking off goblins one by one.

As the battle raged on, Jessie focused her attention on healing her allies, mending their wounds as they fought. Jackson leapt into the fray, his fists and feet striking with deadly precision, taking out goblins left and right.

It seems that Marcus was able to successfully defend against a general attack, but he was not able to match the speed of the goblin general's horse,

Maya quickly cast a Mud Swamp spell, causing the ground beneath the horse's hooves to turn into a thick, muddy sludge. The goblin general's horse slowed down considerably, giving Marcus time to prepare for the attack.

Marcus took a deep breath and focused his Mana, enveloping his sword in a brilliant Red glow. He charged towards the goblin general, his sword held high. The goblin general swung his sword at Marcus.

Maya saw an opportunity and unleashed a gust of wind at the goblin general, causing him to lose his balance and fall off his horse. Marcus wasted no time and charged towards the fallen goblin general, swinging his sword down with all his might.

The goblin general managed to block the attack with his own sword, Maya cast a Flame Lance spell towards the goblin general.

Marcus swung his sword with all his might, aiming for the goblin general's neck. The blade sliced through the air and connected with the general's armor, causing a loud clang.

As Marcus lowered his guard, thinking the battle was won, the goblin general suddenly rose to his feet and swung his long sword at Marcus with surprising speed. Marcus, caught off guard, was unable to block the attack in time and was struck down. He fell to the ground, unconscious.

Maya quickly cast a Mud Swamp spell to slow down the advancing goblin army, but it was clear that the group was outnumbered and outmatched. Just as all hope seemed lost

Suddenly, the group saw their instructor riding towards them on horseback. He charged into the goblin army, wielding a massive spear that glowed with Mana. With each strike, goblins heart were pierced.

The goblin general, seeing the instructor's power, ordered a retreat. The goblins turned and fled, leaving the group and their instructor victorious. The instructor dismounted his horse and tended to Marcus' wounds, healing him with his powerful magic.