
Trapped In His Wrath

**Edric Zander*** She had a smell, something so unfamiliar yet felt like home, something that provoked my instinct and made me want to possess her body, mind and soul, a vibrant, intoxicating smell... something out of this world. She captivated my eyes the moment I spotted her. Her mysterious presence was what I noticed first, then… her eyes, her fear, her hands, her curves... Everything was so captivating. The more I looked at her, the more I longed to lure her into my web and trap her. Watch her flicker, trying to fly helplessly, but slowly she would learn that it was too late. She couldn't ever escape me. I will be her home, and she will be mine. ~~ She was in the enemy's kingdom in pure disguise. No one knew that she was a witch. They were supposed to kill each other, a witch and, a vampire could never be anything but enemies or so they say. But fate had other plans. What would he do after he finds out she is the one who he hated all his life? Will he kill like he was supposed to? Or will he never find that fact?

eros_sachet · Fantasía
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9 Chs


I paused and turned behind. "Should I feel threatened?" I moved towards the railing. "They know." I lied with a straight face.

The moon and clouds separated while the lantern helped with the lighting. He was very close to the ship, greeting me with a smile. He was tan, with long brown hair, with one of the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. One was dark, and the other was so blue, so deep and alluring. His eyes were like the ocean.

"Siren isn't that ugly is he?" He grinned.

"Is this how you tempt girls to jump into the sea?"I stared at him. His wet body was all I could stare at, the tan skin reflected by the moonlight. I always had a spot for buff guys and him… the ocean did give him a rather nice-looking body.

My words made him laugh. "It usually works." He pushed his hair back as the clouds covered the moon once again. "Well, see you at noon right here."

"You are joking?!" The wind and ocean were all I could hear once again. "Siren!?" I yelled once again, but nothing.

The entire night I was restless, turning here and there, barely catching any sleep. "Can I kill him?" I wondered, but I knew the ocean would protect her children.

It was impossible to deal with him underwater. And pretty sure he wouldn't get on the ship, let alone land. Well, it's not like I had the power to do so. I was weak. The only thing I could do was brew potions.

I cursed at myself for being so foolish, why would I sprint to that sound? I punched the pillow once or twice, muttering curses before flopping into my bed.

I gave out a big sigh, tossing and turning until eventually I fell asleep. After an exhausting day, those eyes got the rest they deserved.

For the first time in a while, I finally had a dream where my father wasn't there.


The sun was on top of our heads, soaring high and mighty.

I was on the upper cabinet mopping the floors.

"Captain, I think I see someone floating there." Upon hearing that, everyone gathered at the edge of the railing, staring farther with their binoculars.

There were a bunch of ship remains, floating woods, and barrens, and between those broken furniture was a man barely floating, getting swept by the waves.

The ship immediately changed its direction and headed south. A few of the people jumped in and quickly grabbed the man and got him into the ship. The rest of the people went through the barrens to see if there was something useful.

Upon seeing that man I sprinted downstairs hoping it wasn't him.

The man appeared bloated, he had probably drunk a lot of seawater. His face was red and his fingers appeared to have wrinkles.

"Get him to the doctor," one screamed and soon they sent him there. 

"What is happening?" I asked huffing and puffing, looking around hoping it wasn't that siren who injured this man."Did someone attack the ship? Should I help?" I spitted out the words rather quickly while my eyes lurked around.

A middle-aged woman laughed at me. "Attacked by a handsome fella,"

Another woman joined in our conversation. "The man was…dazzling." She put the mop and the bucket of muddy-coloured water down. "Oh, I wish I wasn't married."

The middle-aged woman laughed again. "Well, I too wish I was young."

"But the remains of the ship were rather huge. How did he even end up that way?" I asked.

The old woman shrugged, "could be a sea monster, you really can't guess what might come next in the blues,"

I tilted my head. "sea monster in broad daylight?" I pointed out to the barrens that were being collected and checked. "Those woods they rather old. What if-"

"It's nothing to worry about," she interrupted. "Nothing is really that interesting in this shabby ship. No one will come and attack us, not intelligent species at least."

The lady continued mopping the floor, "Zelda probably grew up sheltered and now she is worrying about everything," she laughed.

The old woman patted my shoulder. "Reminds me, Aren't you a fairy? I think you should go to the doctor's room," she suggested.

Now, either that man was a siren or he was a spy sent by him. 'Who else could be the handsome dazzling man who roams here and there in the sea? But how come no one noticed he was a siren? And from the ship? Is it even a siren?' I wondered.

"Well, Since I am a half-fairy, my healing abilities aren't that strong. I am not sure if I will be of any help," I shrugged.

The old woman clicked her tongue, "Well, you can assist the doctors at least, can't you?"

I gave in, "Okay," denying to use the 'healing ability' as a fairy would be suspicious. Half-blood species were not respected, they were supposed to be bastards who did not belong in either of those worlds. They were heavily disliked.

Infuriating them with more talks may result in me not getting good food tonight.

The doctor's room wasn't that far; it was in the middle of the ship in case of all kinds of emergencies.

I was begging the coincidence god for it to not be the siren. Who knows, some random guy as attractive as the siren stumbled upon the ship just at noon?

I took a deep breath before opening the door.

The doctor looked at me with relief. He was old, but very knowledgeable and humble. Unlike other people who do discriminate against species, he did not.

"Thank god, it's you," he said with a smile. He relaxed his shoulder as he put his pen and paper down for a second before clenching them back in place again.

I looked at the bed first before looking at the doctor again. It was him. I gulped, "What happened, doctor?" my face getting paler with each second.

"He is a handsome man, I've been chasing young maiden out non-stop," the doctor laughed as he shook his head, "The tales of young people," he smiled probably recalling the past before looking at the young man, "So mister what's your name?" he asked.

"Claude," he answered. Claude acted confused, looking around everywhere around him. "Where am I?" He rubbed his hands together for some warmth.

"In a safe space," the doctor replied as he kept scribbling something on the paper. He turned to me. "Take care of him. I'll be back after grinding some herbs." He said, handing out a towel. "He has bruises on his arms and a sprain."

I was standing there with a cold sweat, nodding rather hastily. My face appeared as if it had lost its colour. I silently grabbed the towel and stared at the doctor walking out of the room.

The doctor went out, shutting the door. Claude laid back in his bed with his head resting on his arms. "Looks like they think you have healing abilities," he laughed.

"And they think you drowned," I said, hurrying to sit on the chair beside the bed. "Try something funny and I will kill you right here."

Claude grinned. "Do you even have that power?" His different colour eyes weren't there for show. One was for him to provide excellent vision underwater and one above it. A male siren was rare and very powerful.

I stood silent, staring. I grabbed my potion from a hidden pocket in my dress and poured it into his arm. Green magic glittered before all the bruises disappeared.

Claude stared in awe. "witches can do that?" he whispered.

I slapped his other bruised arm. "shut up." He flinched. Claude could do nothing but yelp in pain.

"So witches can brew even heal potions? I thought they were just poisons?" He whispered as I healed his other arm, too.

"We can make anything." I said." reveal anything and just like that you are getting poisoned, too. "

"A question. Why don't witches get called out for their healing ability, then?" he asked.

"Why should I answer?" I fake smiled. 

He remained quiet and just stared at me for a while. He gulped and took a deep breath. "Make me a potion and I will do you any favour you ask for,"