
transmigrating in a world...??

transmigrating without choice and receiving many things from items, abilities and powers. Our protagonist will have to live a new life with powers in a seemingly normal modern world. [the characters that will appear apart from my oc do not belong to me, all credits go to their respective authors]

MiguelCreative · Cómic
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19 Chs

-[chapter 9]-


Today, the day after what happened with Ben, the Omnitrix and the fight against the giant robot. Tonight I was chasing some thieves who were escaping after robbing a jewelry store.

While Ben was saving some people from the building that these thieves set on fire as a cover for their robbery, Max and Gwen are with Ben waiting for him.

The truth is that I forgot that that happened, if I hadn't stopped them before and started helping Ben, but I think that he is the best option to rescue the people from the burning building. well, because he literally transformed into a being made of rock and fire.

While I came after these guys after Gwen pointed them out. Another thing is that I would have stopped them sooner, if it weren't for the fact that I had to look for a place to make my Trenchcoat appear. Because, because of the building, people were crowded nearby and I didn't want anyone to see me so I had to do that and for the first time I felt like those superheroes who try to hide their identity.

But well, in that period of time the thieves got a lot ahead, although I almost caught up with them. Better said, I've already caught up with them. My speed is faster than that of a car, so I was only late because they had an advantage over me.

I open the trunk, which fortunately didn't have a lock, and I get into the car. These guys were so confident that no one was following them that they didn't even notice that I got in. Well, it's also that they were going so fast that whoever is driving has their full attention on the front.

"Hello guys, what a good night, right?" – I said hello after entering since I have to be polite.

"What the hell?" "WHAT!?" – That was the only thing they managed to say because as soon as they turned to see me they fell into my genjutsu… They fell into my illusion since I was using [minor illusion] on them.

Normally I would choose to resolve this in the most violent way possible, but we are in a car going at a high speed, I don't want to cause an accident to innocent civilians, so I had to opt for the easy choice which was to put them in an illusion. . Fortunately normal humans easily fall under my genjutsu... I mean, my minor illusion ability, there are 4 ways to achieve it.

Which are, 1) be in close range of me, 2) look into my eyes, 3) hear my voice, 4) be touched by me. Some make putting them into an illusion very easy while another makes it more difficult.

I usually choose to comply with at least 2 of these ways, which are usually having them look me in the eye and being in close range. But the easiest way to put someone into an illusion is by being touched by me, since basically all forms are fulfilled.

And well, continuing with the thieves... They, without saying a word, looked forward again and the person driving began to brake the car and then park. The two got out of the car and came to the back, opened the trunk and took out the bags of jewelry and money that they stole. Then stand on the left side of the car with your hands on the vehicle waiting for the police to arrive.

"It's good that you understood, guys." – I said while nodding, seeing that they understood that they did wrong and were going to turn themselves in to the police, without saying more I got out of the trunk and closed it, since these days there are many thieves.

*horn beep*

"They're right on time, I already took care of them." – I said while smiling when I saw the camper.

"OH NO! I wanted to stop them." – Ben complained, transformed into [heatblast].

"It will be for next time Ben. then what are we waiting for? Let's go before the police arrive." – I said as I entered the camper.

"Is it okay to leave them like this?" – Gwen asked as she pointed to the thieves.

"Yes, don't worry, I hypnotized them so they will be like this until the police arrive. But it would be best to leave before they arrive." – I said while shrugging my shoulders, they will be freed from the illusion after they have spent 20 seconds listening to the sound of the police patrol siren.

"Hey? Seriously? "Can you hypnotize people?" – Ben asked, surprised, well everyone was surprised, it was just that Ben was the only one who spoke.

"That and a few other things." – I said while I made my Trenchcoat disappear after having taken my glasses out of its interior space and put them on.

"Like which ones? – Ben asked curiously and it's strange talking to him while he's transformed into heatblast.

"That, my friend, you will have to discover for yourself." – I said while I pretended to be mysterious. I have no problem telling them about my skills, but what's the fun in that? Besides, I'm too lazy to talk and explain my abilities, so it's better for them to figure it out on their own.

"OH, COME ON!" - Ben complained, making me laugh.

"Well, if you are sure that they will stay like this, then it is true that it is best to leave before the police arrive." – Max said and then looked at the thieves who were still in the same position. He turned on the camper and put it into motion.

"I can't believe you hypnotized them, I didn't think that was possible." – Gwen said after a while.

"Well, actually what I did was put them in an illusion" – I said as I began to tell what I did with them as we arrived at the market.

So what I did to make them stop was make them think that the police had cornered them and they had no escape, and to make them stay in that position, following the same logic, I made them think that they were being detained by the police. It was easy to do because of my skill mastery level and easy to maintain because they are normal humans and I have enough mana to keep them in the illusion for 1 hour or even longer if I stayed close.

'While we're going to the market, I'm going to buy some things before that crazy old Dr. Animo arrives.' – I thought as I relaxed in the seat and looked out of the camper.


In the end I lengthened this chapter to 1000 or so words, when in the original it barely had like 400 to 500.

So that you know and are not lost, I changed the classifications/danger levels a little and added two new ones.

Now they are yes:

I: Human. -- H: street-wall. -- G: building. -- F: city block. -- E: Town. -- D: City. -- C: Mountain. -- B: island. -- A: Country. -- S: Continent. -- SS: Moon. -- SSS: Planetary.

Disaster: F, E, D.

Calamity: C, B, A.

Destroyer: S, SS, SSS.]