
transmigrating in a world...??

transmigrating without choice and receiving many things from items, abilities and powers. Our protagonist will have to live a new life with powers in a seemingly normal modern world. [the characters that will appear apart from my oc do not belong to me, all credits go to their respective authors]

MiguelCreative · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

-[CHAPTER 10]-

"And we're here." – Max said after parking in the store parking lot, he got up from the driver's seat and started to get out.

"I'll go for a walk alone." – I said after entering the store, I received a nod from Max.

Then I started looking down the halls, looking for the tool area.

The reason I'm looking at the tool area, well, is that I want to buy a machete. Since, in this not at all normal world, I don't know if one day I will fight with the devil on some hill, so I want to be prepared in case the situation arises.

"I found you…" – I murmured while he made me look at the machetes.

I want a machete with a black handle, but looking at them, I don't see any with a handle of that color, only red or made of wood.

'...Well, that will be for next time...'. – I thought and as I turned to go buy an ice cream, I heard the sound and the green light of the omnitrix which means that Ben has just transformed into an alien.

"For someone who wants to be a hero, that's not heroic at all." – I murmured and then shrugged my shoulders and continued with what I was doing, the truth is that I don't have much patience with stubborn children.

So without further ado I went to the refrigerated area and grabbed a grape ice cream, which for those who haven't realized, I like grapes.

This is something that me and Haruka share... but I think that after arriving in this world this taste intensified since at least three times a day I have to eat something made with grape flavor, otherwise I am restless all day. I think this is my addiction, not even coffee makes me like this.

"(Sigh)" – I sighed when thinking about that, and then shook my head trying to shake the thought, since if I want I can leave it… I think.

[Time after]

After paying for the ice cream, I started looking for the Tennyson family, it didn't take long to find two of the members.

"Hi I'm back." – I said hello after finding Max and Gwen in the animal area.

"And all that cereal?" – I asked while pointing to the cart full of cereals.

"The fool thought it was a good idea to transform into an alien to look for a stupid card in the cereal and now that's why Grandpa had to buy all that cereal." – Gwen explained, seeming upset to talk about it.

"Ah ok…" – I said and was going to continue talking, but I couldn't because suddenly an old man appeared riding a giant frog.

The old man was wearing braces. On his chest he was carrying one of those objects that are used to increase the volume and on his head he was wearing a strange helmet made with what looks like a strainer and some antennas, and he was wearing red glasses.

'Well, it seems that putting him in an illusion will be a bit difficult...'. – I thought, actually if I wanted to I could easily put him in an illusion because he is just a normal human who is too intelligent, but where would the fun be in that?

The old man moved the device on his chest and the antennas began to glow red so that later a red ray came out from the center of them.

Max quickly got Gwen out of the way and I took the opportunity to make my Trenchcoat appear, I took off my glasses and put on my hood while activating easy concealment.

Taking advantage of the light that the lightning is producing, I moved from place to place and hid from the sight of old Animo. At that time I also use lightning on the bird in the cage.

"ELEVASE YOUR FULL POTENTIAL!!" – I heard old doctor Animo shout.

Taking advantage of the fact that he is in his moment of greatness, use [Evaluating Eye] on all of them.

[Aloysius James Animo] [Danger Level: I-]

[Mutant Frog] [Danger Level: G (Possibly Higher)]

[Mutant Hamster] [Danger Level: H- (Possibly Higher)]

[Mutant Parrot] [Danger Level: H (Possibly Higher)]

Well, apart from the frog, I could easily handle the hamster and the parrot, even without needing to use the [one for all]. Not even talking about old Doctor Animo, even without using my combat skills I could defeat him.

"TODAY I WILL MAKE HISTORY OR SHOULD I SAY PREHISTORY!!" –And even though I was looking at his uninteresting skills, old Animo still kept talking.

"If you hadn't started opening cereal it would have helped us not become food." - Gwen said to Ben who at some point arrived where we were.

At that the hamster roared towards the Tennyson family and they began to run and the hamster began to follow them. So I decided to appear.

"Go to sleep!" – I said while he used [Strong Punch] and hit the hamster on the head, sending it flying and crashing into a bookshelf.

"BUT WHAT??" -The old doctor Animo shouted, surprised to see how his mutant was flying because of a human.

"Okay, listen well, Animo, we can do this the easy way or the hard way, you choose." - I said while thinking that I should learn better words to say to the villains.

"SHUT UP!!, YOU CAN'T STOP ME!!, I WILL TRANSFORM AND DOMINATE WASHINGTON AND THE WHOLE WORLD!!" – He screamed, but I only listened. – "Of the difficult one."

"Okay, the hard way it will be." – I murmured while he nodded and watched as he climbed onto his mutant parrot and flew out of the store.

Now, you may ask me, why didn't you stop him if you could have done it easily?? And I will answer you, because I didn't want to start a fight that could end up destroying the store more than old Doctor Animo left it. That's why I let him go so I could go fight his mutant animals in a more open place. because, although I could defeat the weakest one easily, if I face the frog and the parrot inside the store, a single shelf will not be the only one damaged.

While I was thinking, one of the workers had approached me and started talking, but I honestly didn't listen to him. But I'm sure he told me something similar to what he said to Ben in the original, because Ben approached me with a happy face looking like he wanted to say something.

"I'm going to go stop him." – I said while he activated the [One for all] and quickly went out to chase Dr. Animo before anyone said anything.

'I have to hurry, I can't let him get to the museum and revive the mammoth and t-rex.' – I thought, I'm sure I can handle the mutant frog and the parrot, but if we add the t-rex and the mammoth, I find it difficult.

[Third Person POV]

"And he left…" – Gwen said, watching our protagonist disappear through the hallways.

"OH NO GRANDPA! We have to follow him quickly if not…" – Ben said looking agitated, but for a totally different reason than Grandpa Max understood him.

"You're right, we have to follow him quickly, he may be in danger if he goes alone." – Max said as he began to run quickly towards the camper followed by his grandchildren. According to his understanding, although he has seen Haru confront a giant robot and knock out a mutant hamster, he also saw Doctor Animo create the mutants, so who knows if he creates more mutants.

"Aha, you say that, but we don't know where they went." – Gwen said without stopping as they reached the parking lot. All of them then became thoughtful trying to find out where Dr. Animo went.

"Wait… I think I know where they could have gone." – Gwen said suddenly.

"That? Where?" – Ben asked as he entered the camper and sat in the passenger seat.

"He said he was going to do prehistory, right? And yes, he is heading to the natural history museum to…" – Gwen said, but I can't finish because Max spoke seeming to understand what he was referring to.

"To try to revive the dinosaur fossils… If he succeeds who knows what things he could do before they can stop him. Well… it's the best lead we have, we better hurry." – Max said as he frowned and stepped on the accelerator of the camper.

(Here you can say that he is a script, but according to my understanding Gwen is an intelligent girl and if Ben was able to deduce where Dr. Animo was going after listening to Gwen's explanation in the original series.

I think Gwen, who is smarter than Ben, can make this deduction after listening to Animo's wordplay and seeing what she can do with animals. But she can be taken as a script, just like the one of them reaching parrot while he was in the camper.)

[Haru's point of view]

After an annoying race following a mutant parrot through the city towards the museum I finally caught up with them, but I was late.

"Tsk, despite everything he arrived at the museum first." – I murmured as he entered the museum. The old doctor Animo did not waste time in trying to open the door to avoid activating the alarm and thus prevent the police from coming, but he directly destroyed it.

Well, you can't blame me, running at high speed in a city full of people, cars, buildings and objects that hinder my path is often not easy. Several times I thought I was hitting something and I even lost the bird. If it weren't for the bird's scream, I would have lost sight of them even if I knew where they were going. It's true that I could have used my wings, but I don't have that much experience with them and I prefer to run.

"Okay, I better hurry." – I murmured while looking for Animo in the museum.


I'm back, I already have all the chapters for this week, although number 14 is almost complete, it only needs a few words and it will be finished.

This time I made a copy just in case, I don't want it to happen to me like before...

I hope you liked today's chapter.