
Transmigrated With Cut and Paste.(Fixed.)

Mc is transmigrated with Copy and Paste powers. He would then travel across the Multi-Verse to obtain more power. Also, bear with the fact that he calls it copy and paste for like the first 15 or something chapters. I honestly thought I could write it off but you people are too smart for me.

qu3n_ · Cómic
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69 Chs

Ch.21: Redemption.

"Yeah, I do see it.."

She said as she looked at the people in front of her. She, as in the man in the military suit, was resting on a couch with bandages wrapped around her belly.

After waking up, she tried attacking the water loli which resulted in a gun to her forehead. After she calmed down, she began to tell them about herself. Her Sigil actually and how she could see more than a heart with her X-Ray.

She could see what they were truly like.


She pointed at the the water loli. "You want peace and quite. You hate fighting and would rather not participate in it.." She then looked at Tory and said, "And you..you just want to find your parents.." She said something that caught only Kazemi's interest.

'Her parents..?'

Tory noticed his gaze and looked away. When it came to her parents, she'd even sacrifice Kazemi himself. She'd do this because of what happened that night. How she was told that in order to get her parents back, she'd have to sacrifice the one she loved most.

"You...want to have meaning.." She said while looking at Rukia. 'Meaning? Oh, little loli. Good luck...' Kazemi and the businessman then awaited their fortune. "And you two.." Her way of speaking suggested that..

"Want Forgiveness."

The businessman sighed and walked away which left Kazemi to stare at her. While he was starring at her, he was getting stares from Tory, Rukia and Hina. That was the water loli's name.


They all thought in confusion. Wasn't he just a regular high school student? Why would he need forgiveness? Those were the questions they asked. They could see why the businessman wanted that but Kazemi? Why?

"Forgiveness, huh? Laughable."

He scoffed and walked away. Kazemi thought it was actually laughable. He thought that after all that he went through, why would *he* need forgiveness?

Kazemi did indeed want Forgiveness though, despite his thoughts.

For leaving his brother and mother in a world like earth. He wanted his mother to forgive him for the pain he caused her. For the things that happened before he died. He wanted redemption. For his brother, he subconsciously asked himself If he'd forgive him. He left him alone with the woman he hated calling Mother. The woman who only took him in because she though she'd get money because of it.


Tory sighed and went after him. Rukia was going to go as well, but realized it wasn't her place to butt in. It was obviously something that a child like her couldn't understand.

Kazemi went into a random guest room and closed the door behind himself. 'Who are you fooling, Kazemi..' He sat down in a chair with his legs spread apart and his hands upon his forehead.

'You know...that you want to be forgiven, idiot...' The door opened which caused him to look up. He then saw Tory closing the door behind herself and walking up to him.

"Tory? What's wrong.."

He sniffed and changed his face to show that nothing was wrong. Tory saw through this and pulled a chair up, sat down in front of him, and grabbed his hands.

"Let's talk, okay."

She became serious while rubbing her thumb against his hand. "Speak? About what, Tory? We're fine, right?" He said like he had no clue about what she was insinuating.

"What's wrong, Kazemi? Ever since we met up, you've been acting different? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, Tory."

"If you can't tell me, then I won't be able to help you."

"Oh, I know. That's exactly why I won't. Because I don't need your help."

The more he spoke to her about why he wanted Forgiveness, the more it reminded him of why he wanted it. It kept sparking up unwanted memories.

"That's not nice, Kazemi. I..want to help you.."

"Please stop speaking, Tory.."

He started twitching. "Tell me what's wrong then! Please, Kazemi! Please.." Through his hands, she felt how anxious he was. How scared and afraid he was.


He screamed while shooting up. Tory flinched at his sudden outburst with a hint of fear in her eyes. "Nothing....theres nothing you can do, Tory. Just..let me be, please.." He sniffed while shaking his head.

If you ever wondered why he always sniffed, it was the effect of crying internally. He stopped such acts like tears coming out for his whole life and it eventually led to this symptom.

"Tory, have you ever felt like you did everything you could for someone, all for it to be destroyed because of you?"

He did everything for his mother and brother and yet, he ruined it by giving into his selfish desire for pleasure. 'What are you saying..? Aren't you just a regular high schooler?'

"Well, that happened to me. I did everything for the ones I loved and I'd even kill God himself for them, but...I became selfish in the end, which resulted in them...losing me.."

A clear memory came back to him. It was of him leaving his house, his mother and little brother watching him.

"Don't do anything bad, you hear me?"

She wagged her finger at him with a frown. 'Yeah, I know, Mother. I'll be back..' He said in his head but not outloud. His little brother then came up to him and hugged his leg.

"I'll be fine. I promise, okay...?"

Those were his last words with his little brother. 'I left them...all alone. How could I...ever forgive myself?' He covered his face with his expression getting darker.

"I..don't know what you've been through, but.."

She hugged his waist.."I can help you...all you have to do..is give me a chance. I'll be here for you, Kazemi. I'll be your shoulder to lean on. I'll be someone..who you can rely on.."

They stayed like that for a while. Kazemi could never forgive himself for what he did, but he could always redeem himself. 'I just wish...that I could have been...a better self..' If he could turn back the clocks of life, he'd never take the road he took.

His first mistake was killing his Father. After that, he should have went to the cops, but he instead chose a life of crime and fighting. 'Maybe then...maybe then I could have gave them both...a better life..'

"Tory, will you stay with me forever?"


She immediately responded. He would soon come to learn that he'll never regret such words. God was watching that's why. When he'd die in this world, he would give Kazemi an option that he immediately accepted.

"Thank you..for that. And I'm sorry..for getting loud with you.."

"N-No, it's okay. You needed to vent and like I said, I'll always be a shoulder for you to learn on."

"Yeah, but yelling at my girlfriend...is wrong.."


She said, her facing lighting up. "Eh??!! G-G-Girlfriend?!" She said while looking at him. Kazemi himself was surprised at his words too. 'I..don't regret these words though..' He hugged her back while giving a long sigh.

Their hearts were racing as they connected. 'Forever..' His soul mate, the person who'll be with him, even in different worlds. 'I'll always love you..'


(An: Its only in this verse that he really focuses on his past. When he goes to the next world, he'll have an entirely different mindset.

Also, do people like this character? I wanted to make a character that matched his progress in the 'Weak to Strong' aspect of things.

I wanted him to seem so mentally unstable that he came off as an idiot, which he is and does. But eventually, he'll learn to take things slow and grow up, hence, 'Weak(mentality) to Strong(Sense of Awareness)

Well, I tried for thar atleast. Might have went a little overboard at times, but hey, I do wanna be the first person to ever create a B tier fanfic after all. That requires a character and some other things that I need to work out though.)
