
Transmigrated With A Movie Tech System

Zeke travels through the parallel worlds and activates the Marvel Technology System! He builds an Iron Man at the start! Develop Super Soldier Serum in one month! He invented the Pym Particle in half a year! With the Marvel Technology System, Zekes' Technology has been directly ahead of the world for hundreds of years! Follow Zeke and his creations dominate the parallel world! --------- Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. ---------- Author: DREAMCATHER Translator: NanashiHonda ----------- Raw souce on Auxiliary. ............ ....... .... . [Tl/n: Support us on our Patreon if you want to read more chapters. [Patre0n.com/LazySeeker]] We're recruiting! We're looking for talented individuals to join our team to help us pump out high-quality chapters and pick up new series! Our current open positions are: > *Translators* > - 1$ per chapter > - Must be fluent in English, no previous translation experience is required so long as you pass our test. If you have any questions or want to submit the test, dm me on my discord: MyYandereWife#6736 Ps: There are still two open spots.

Novelette_Seeker · Película
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410 Chs

Chapter 4: Creating MicroBots

Gael stared blankly at Zeke, but did not respond for a while.

The former Zeke ignored her and never looked at her... Because the former Zeke was from a noble family and thought Gael was an inferior maid who was not worthy of him, so he never spoke with her. Looking at her with disgust.

But now, Zeke's attitude has not only improved, but he even looked at her so seriously, promising to take her to eat all the delicacies of the mountains and seas. The firm tone and serious eyes warmed Gael's heart, and a sudden urge was born.


"Um... um! No matter what the young master says, I believe you!"

Gael nodded her head hard, being extra sincere, and said with a hint of excitement.

"Don't cry. Let's go, I'll show you what high technology is!"

"No, it should be black technology!"

Zeke smiled and hugged Gael's shoulders, he laughed.

Gael leaned against Zeke tightly, her little heart beating wildly all of a sudden, her little face flushed with shyness, like a ripe red apple. She lowered her head, said nothing, rubbed her two little hands together, and let Zeke lead her into the house.

"Fortunately, 'I' played robots with those fox friends for a while. In order to compete, all advanced tools are readily available!"

Once, Phoenix Kingdom set off a frenzy of assembling robots because of the movie "Big Hero 6" which became popular all over the world in country A. 'Zeke' and his aristocratic rich 'friend' also played with the trend for a while, and made a big undertaking from it!

When it was the most exaggerated, Zeke devoted a whole room to storing various parts and tools, and also invited many experts in assembling robots to help, just to compare with those fox and dog friends of his.

But obviously, that kind of fancy robot is nothing compared to the microbot technology that Zeke has mastered today, and there is no comparison at all!

In the end, the trend did not even reach a month, and it was completely abandoned, but it left him room for parts and tools!

"Master, are you going to assemble a robot?"

Gael asked curiously.

"You'll find out later!"

Zeke smiled mysteriously.

After sweeping around, he picked up a hammer, walked over to a cool robot that had been eaten by rust for several years, and slammed it down with a hammer!

Gael was startled.

Zeke disassembled the entire robot, spread it on the electronic bed, and then directly took out the electronic components inside with his hands. According to the knowledge of microbots in his mind, the fusion should be melted, the transformation should be transformed, and the reassembly should be reassembled.

"Master, do you still understand this?"

Gael's small head leaned to Zeke's side and looked curiously with a pair of big watery eyes.

Zeke's hands are like instruments. They are non-stop, and every step is extremely precise, without the slightest consideration. It seems that he has done this tens of thousands of times, and he is already familiar with it!

After finishing these parts, Zeke quickly began to write the program to control the microbots on the computer.

Although the computer has not been used for several years, because it is the best that money could buy, even in the past few years, the configuration is still regarded as top in the current ranks, so the process of writing programs is very smooth!

"Wow! You can also write computer programs!"

Gael seemed to have discovered a new continent.

According to what she has known about Zeke for so many years,

Zeke's interest in computers is limited to various online games.

But she never thought that Zeke could even write programs!

"A piece of cake!"

Zeke smiled proudly.

Parts, programs, all done.

Next, it's time to assemble.

Since the microbots are all models of two hexagonal cones with a circular bearing embedded in the middle, Gael also participated in this matter and helped Zeke assemble.

After a full four hours.

"We're done!"

Zeke and Gael were both tired and sweating profusely, but seeing that a hundred microbots were completely assembled on the electronic bed, Zeke suddenly showed a happy smile. Gael was so happy to see Zeke so happy. From the bottom of her heart, she showed a bright smile.

"Come on, Gael, let me show you my black technological achievements!"

Zeke's eyes flashed, and he put on the brain wave controller.

In order not to look too awkward, Zeke made the brain wave controller into a pair of glasses.


As soon as the glasses were put on, Zeke's thinking immediately became active. With the transmission of brain waves, the microbots lying on the electronic bed all seemed to come alive, quickly gathered together, and assembled directly into one brain-sized microbot!


Stars appeared in Gael's big eyes, looking at this "big little robot", her eyes were full of surprise!

"Gael, have you seen it? This is my black technology!"

"It can be assembled into any shape I want according to my thought!"

"Like now I want it to be a circle—"


All the microbots assemble instantly into a regular ring of bracelets.

"Into a square."

All the microbots were instantly assembled into a three-dimensional square.

"Turn into a palm!"

All the microbots were instantly assembled into a three-dimensional palm about the size of Zeke's.

"Wow!! This is amazing!"

Gael's eyes were full of excitement and surprise, and the two little hands couldn't help clapping together, she was so excited that she also jumped in place!

Although she is only a maid, as a maid of the Qaringal family, she still has some vision. But this kind of thing is something she has never seen before, completely strange and cool!

Of course, what surprised Gael even more was that this cool robot was created by Zeke himself!

"It's a pity that the raw materials are still not enough. Otherwise, I can make more microbots. Don't talk about these simple things, even if it is a skyscraper, I will build it for you!" Zeke said.

"Gael, go get those handicrafts, it's time for them to come in handy!"