
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - The Veild Threat (Rewritten)

NEST forces mobilize to counter isolated Decepticon activity around the globe, Fireman Sam and Jetfire are called into with a Teenager who has a Watch that turns him Into Aliens to help Rescue a Captured Alien, but are also being Hunt by an Unknown Villian, Will they Survive? Find out in Transformers: The Veiled Threat Sapphire belongs to both Fairloke and TheBig-ChillQueen Ben 10 Alien Force belongs to Man of Action and Cartoon Network Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Belongs to Hasbro and Michael Bay NOTE: this story is in no way the same Story as the actual Prequel Novel

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Chapter 3: Final Warning

Sam Witwicky Sr.'s P.O.V

3 months Later, I went to see Station Officer Steele in his office.

"Come in!" Station Officer Steele called, and so I did.

"Sir, I was wondering if I should go and talk to Norman, Swashplate and Derek? I know Dilys has grounded Norman and Swashplate for a year, but I think they both really need an official warning from the fire service. One that will go on record, I mean."

"Of course, Sam. Actually, I was hoping you'd do that. I was So Horrified of Dilys shouted like Banshee at a Child, I haven't quite been able to think of what to say to them. Oh, and before you go, I'd like your thoughts on these recommendations, please."

He handed over two pieces of paper. I knew what they were. They were the forms that were sent to HQ whenever someone was being considered for a promotion or a medal. I smiled when I saw Elvis' name on the first form. Station Officer Steele was recommending him for a medal of Outstanding Bravery.

About time too!

Then I frowned as I looked at the other paper. Station Officer Steele was recommending me for another medal of Outstanding Bravery. I promptly tore that paper up, making Station Officer Steele gasp.

"Wh-what are you doing, Sam?"

"It's simple, sir. Neither you or Chief Fire Officer Boyce, will ever pin another medal on me again! You'll have to catch me, or hold me down, the next time you want to give me one. I've got enough of the wretched things! Saving people, animals and property is a reward all in itself. Besides, I don't like being called a hero, because I wouldn't be one if it wasn't for you and the rest of the crew. Give the medal to Elvis. He deserves it far more than I do, because he saved my life. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go and see Norman now."

I left the office before Station Officer Steele could find his voice. Penny and Elvis met me in the garage.

"Uh, Sam?" Penny began. "We were just wondering if you ended up accepting the job in Newtown? With everything that happened that day, I forgot to ask you what you'd decided."

I smiled. "I've decided to stay, Penny."

"Really?" Elvis gasped.

Penny was equally stunned. "But…! You'd make a great Station Officer, Sam!"

"I know, Penny," I said, patting her shoulder as I walked past her. "But I'm not ready for it yet. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go and do something very important."

"What is that, Sam?" Elvis wondered.

"I'm going to give Norman and Derek an official warning."

A short time later, I approached the Cut Price Supermarket, carrying a briefcase. Derek was sitting in the gutter out the front, bouncing a football between his legs. He looked up when he heard me approaching.

"Oh. Hello, Fireman Sam," he said sadly.

"Hello, Derek. Where's Norman?"

"Upstairs in his room. Auntie Dilys grounded him and Swashplate for a complete Year. He's not allowed out, except to go to the bathroom. It's so boring without him!"

"I see. Why don't you come with me, Derek? I'd like to talk to both you and Norman."

Derek immediately looked frightened. "Why me? I didn't do anything wrong!"

"We'll see about that," I said firmly, as I pushed him inside the shop

As usual, Dilys was behind her counter. "Hello, Sam. How are you feeling now?"

"Much better," I replied. "Uh, Dilys? I've come here today on official business for the fire service. I need to talk to Norman and Derek somewhere in private, with you as a witness."

"Oh! Of course! Please, follow me, Oh Poor Norman and Swashplate have not been same since I grounded Them, They don't Much, Drink much, Sleep Much they just sit are alone."

Following Dilys, I pushed Derek upstairs in front of me.

"Norman Locked the Door The second we came back he told me to... FUCK Off" Said Dilys, I Knocked the Door, "LEAVE US ALONE! WE DON'T WANT ANY BLOODY HELP!" I backed Away Hearing Norman's Voice, "Did he Just Yell!?!?!?!??" Asked Derek Quivering, "Norman Open up, we need to talk" I Said, "Norman... I am sorry... for calling You and Swashplate Naughty Boys Before, Just open the Door" Dilys Said.

"This isn't fair!" Derek protested as we entered Norman's bedroom where Norman Just opened and unlocked. "I had nothing to do with starting that god damn forest fire!"

"What are you talking about, Derek?" Norman spat crossly by Shouting at Derek. "It takes three to sizzle a sausage, remember?" Growled Swashplate. Norman and Swashplate now Looked Like Emos, I Had read about them.

Derek scowled crossly as I sat down on the only chair in the room. "That's enough, you two! The way I see it, all three of you are to blame for starting the fire."

"Exactly!" Dilys interjected. I held up a hand to silence her.

"Dilys, please don't say anything for now."

"Sorry, Sam."

I turned my attention back to the boys in front of me. "Dilys, maybe make a glass of Water for Norman, Swashplate and Derek, now Do any of you know what an arsonist is?"

The 2 Boys and the Mini-Con shook their heads. "No, Fireman Sam," they mumbled.

"Okay. An arsonist is someone who deliberately lights fires with the intent to cause damage. Now, I know that you didn't set fire to the forest deliberately, but you deliberately ignored all the warnings about not lighting any fires. A total fire ban means that fires are not to be lit under any circumstances. It applies to everyone; even the Fire Service. If you were both adults, we'd have had no choice but to bring the Newtown police here to arrest you both. You're just lucky that you're both still too young to be considered responsible for your actions. However, that doesn't mean that you're going to be getting away with this."

"Are you going to arrest us, Fireman Sam?" Norman whimpered fearfully.

I almost felt sorry for the trembling boy in front of me. "No, Norman. But I am here today to issue both you and Derek with an official warning from the Fire Service. Your mother will sign the paperwork after I've finished talking to you both and, with your permission, Dilys, I'd like to record what we say next, so Station Officer Steele can have a record of it. I can assure you that it will not be made public under any circumstances, but it will be kept in our archives for a period of five years. Are you happy for me to proceed?"

"Of course, Sam," Dilys agreed.

With Dilys' permission granted, I opened the briefcase, and I took out a small recorder. After I'd pressed the record button, I spoke into it.

"October 17th, 2016. 11:09 a.m. This is a recording of the official verbal warning given to Norman Price and Derek Price by Fireman Samuel Witwicky Sr. of the Pontypandy Fire Brigade, regarding the forest fire that occurred on July twelve. This discussion is being recorded with the verbal permission of Dilys Price." Once I'd completed the introduction, I held the recorder out in front of me.

"Now, Norman, why did you decide to light a fire to cook the sausages, after you were verbally warned by Trevor Evans?"

"I was hungry," Norman replied. "Trevor was teaching us for our Wilderness Badges, but I didn't want to eat bugs and berries and things, so I took the sausages so I could cook them for lunch."

"Do you agree that you acted selfishly?"

"Yes, Fireman Sam," Norman muttered humbly.

"Not only did you put your own life in danger, you also put your friends lives in danger too. Why do you think I said there was to be no campfires?"

"Because it was too hot."

"And dry. It doesn't take much to start a fire under those conditions, Norman. Now, do you understand that what you did was wrong and incredibly dangerous?"

"Yes, Fireman Sam," Norman muttered sadly.

I smiled slightly. Hopefully, the severity of what he'd done was finally starting to sink in.

"Good. Now, Derek… I know you're more safety conscious than Norman, so why didn't you stop him and Swashplate from lighting the fire?"

"I don't know, Fireman Sam," Derek replied with a sad shrug after taking a Sip from the glass of Water Dilys gave him. "I guess I was looking forward to those sausages too."

"But you knew it could easily start a forest fire!"

"Yes, I know, Fireman Sam. But when Auntie Dilys caught us, I thought Norman and Swashplate had put the fire out."

"Oh, Derek!" Dilys exclaimed.

I held up my hand again, and Dilys clapped her hands over her mouth.

"Next time, Derek, if you know that someone is doing the wrong thing, and they won't listen to you, you must report it to an adult. Do you understand what I've just said?"

"Yes, Fireman Sam."

"Good. Thank you, You Three and Norman it is Best you should get the Emo Makeup Off, It is a bit Werid."

"sure Sam"

I stopped the recorder. Then, I handed Dilys the papers for her to sign.

"Would you like a cup of tea, Sam?" Dilys asked as she handed the papers back to me. I slipped them back inside the briefcase, along with the reorder.

"No thanks, Dilys. I need to get going. I hope you boys will be much more sensible from now on."

I doubt they will though, I thought as I made my way downstairs. After all, it is Norman!

"Auntie Dilys, can I Go now?" Asked Derek, "Sure, But I will Inform your Mother and Father As well" Said Dilys, "Okay" Said Derek has He walked down the Road.