
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - The Veild Threat (Rewritten)

NEST forces mobilize to counter isolated Decepticon activity around the globe, Fireman Sam and Jetfire are called into with a Teenager who has a Watch that turns him Into Aliens to help Rescue a Captured Alien, but are also being Hunt by an Unknown Villian, Will they Survive? Find out in Transformers: The Veiled Threat Sapphire belongs to both Fairloke and TheBig-ChillQueen Ben 10 Alien Force belongs to Man of Action and Cartoon Network Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Belongs to Hasbro and Michael Bay NOTE: this story is in no way the same Story as the actual Prequel Novel

DaoistU2FIMO · TV
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Chapter 2: Terrible Exhaustion from the Great Fire

Then: The Great Fire of Pontypandy Aftermath

Sam Witwicky Sr.'s P.O.V

I couldn't contain my grin now. Pontypandy was safe! "Fantastic news, Tom! See you later! Out!" There were no words to describe how I felt at that moment.

Thunder rumbled overhead as everyone began cheering and talking excitedly in the rain. I burst out laughing when I saw Trevor and Dilys start dancing in the rain. They looked so cute together!

But then, in our moment of joy, I saw Radar run over to Norman's backpack, which he had just thrown into the air. As soon as it had landed on the cobblestones, Radar began rummaging through it. Through the driving rain, I saw him pull something out of the backpack.

"Oh No, Radar's found are Sausages" Moaned Norman.

"What on earth is that?" I wondered.

"Sausages!" Station Officer Steele exclaimed. Everyone promptly stopped celebrating, and they turned to look at Norman, Derek, Swashplate and Radar, who was shaking the tray of sausages in his mouth.

"I Think We're the ones who need saving now" Murmured Derek

I gasped in shock and Surprise. Norman? I couldn't believe it! I mean, yes, he is a mischief-maker and rather disobedient at times, but an arsonist?

Dilys gasped loudly. "So That's why I could smell sausages! Were you cooking in the bushes, Norman and Swashplate?"

"You mean, you made a campfire?" Station Officer Steele exclaimed as he Massacred The brim of His Nose and Sighs and Said "I Knew they Were up to Something", and everyone else Including the Autobots surrounded Norman, Swashplate and Derek. Chief Fire Officer Boyce stepped closer to me. I stayed where I was, frozen from shock.

After all the warnings I gave too! How could he have been so stupid?

Hurt and bitterly disappointed by Norman's selfish behaviour, I listened to Station Officer Steele give Norman and Swashplate a public scolding.

"Well Norman Price and Swashplate the Mini-Con! Looks like You've both done it this time! Right! Where's your mother Norman!?!?"

"Right Behind you" said Dilys has She pushed a surprised and startled Station Officer Steele aside. "I will make sure Norman and Swashplate are properly dealt with at home, Station Officer Steele! You naughty boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"We're Dead"... Moaned Norman with shame and Sad look

My Son Said Angrily "Norman! Swashplate! how could you two put Pontypandy in Danger so Recklessly".

"We Didn't want to eat Bugs and Berries and we Wanted Proper food"

"So You Ignored My Warning that the Forest was too Dry and Cooked instead, that is dangerous you 2 down!" Replied Trevor Crossley. Hot Shot Said Also "He is Right You could've Killed Someone".

"We're so Sorry Everyone We didn't Know there was going to be a fire" said Norman.

Elvis said "Sorry is too late when the harms done".

"I hope Dilys finds some suitable Punishment for You two" Said Tim's Daughter, Kelly.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! I will think of Something For Norman And Swashplate Alright, And I am gonna say right Now, Best you all should cover Your Ears" Dilys Said As we All Covered our Ears.

"NORMAN PRICE!!!!!!!! SWASHPLATE!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU TOO ARE GROUNDED FOR THE ENTIRE YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!" Shouted Dilys Much to everyone's Horror knowing Dilys would do Such a Thing, Even Derek himself Couldn't Believe It, even despite he was Involved, He Never told the Others that he was Involved, But I wish he Did at that time. "GOOD!!!" Said Norman Furiously, "and Here's one thing, You All are Mother Fuckers!!!".

Chief Fire Officer Boyce moved even closer to me. "Well done, Fireman Sam! You kept those flames at bay until the rain came!"

No, I didn't, sir. Then again, you weren't there, so you'll never be able to understand what really happened. I'm not a hero. Elvis is. I nearly died out there today, but he saved my life.

"Quite a job!" Chief Fire Officer Boyce finished proudly.

"Thank you, sir. But it was a team effort." I put a lot of emphasis into the last sentence, hoping he'd get the message.

"Oh! Quite, quite! So… Have you come to a decision about the new job?"

"Yes, I have, sir," I replied without hesitation. I took the contract out of my pocket. How could I have even considered leaving? This is my home, and I'd be miserable without it. Besides, a desk job can wait until I'm older. I'd rather stay on the frontline for now. "Here you are."

I handed over the contract, unsigned. Then, I held my breath, waiting to hear what Chief Fire Officer Boyce had to say about my decision.

He'll probably tell me I'm a fool for not accepting…

"Well…" Chief Fire Officer Boyce placed a hand on my shoulder. "I think you've made the right decision, Sam." He held out his hand for me to shake. I did so, but I was shocked to see that he understood completely.

I've had enough shocks for one day! I thought as I sank to the ground, completely spent. Chief fire Officer Boyce looked down at me in surprise.

"Are you okay, Sam?"

"Just exhausted," I whispered in reply. "Today has been a mammoth rollercoaster of emotions for me, and right now, I just want to go home and sleep for a week!"

"Oh! Yes, I'd forgotten how stressful it was to be a lead fireman. Sorry if I put too much pressure on you today."

"That's all right, sir," I muttered as I lay down on the cobblestones in the rain. Sleep couldn't come fast enough for me, and I didn't care if I spent the whole night sleeping out in the rain on the hard cobblestones.

Hearing running footsteps approaching, I quickly realised that wasn't going to happen. Helen and The Autobot Medic Ratcher knelt beside me, and she grabbed my wrist to feel my pulse. I could hear a distant humming as everyone began talking at once.

"Sam? Can you hear me?" Helen called anxiously.

"Now, don't panic, everyone!" Chief Fire Officer Boyce said loudly. "Fireman Sam has just collapsed from exhaustion, so could you all please just move back and give him some space."

I blinked open my eyes to show Helen that I was still conscious, "Frag that was Close", Said Ratchet. She breathed a sigh of relief. "You're right, Chief Fire Officer Boyce. He is completely exhausted, and I doubt he's had anything to eat since breakfast."

I moaned softly in agreement. Then, I felt Helen and Charlie pulling me to my feet. I didn't even have the strength to walk by myself, so Charlie helped me over to the café.

"It's okay, everyone!" Bronwyn said as she followed us inside. "We'll take good care of Sam, with The Mini-Cons and Helen's help. I'm sure he'll be fine by tomorrow."

while we Were all still inside, I Noticed Dilys At a Table Alone, When I Walked towards Her, I said, "Dilys......... You Alright", She turned revealing She was Crying Uncontrollably, "Poor, Dilys" Said Mandy, "Yes, I am Already Starting to Feel Sorry for Norman And Swashplate" said Station Officer Steele as we all looked to See Norman and Swashplate sitting in the rain and glared back at us and fury.

As for me, due to my exhaustion, Station Officer Steele ordered me to take three days off, to ensure I made a full recovery.