
Chapter 49 : Finding Vira


I watched as Tiessa became someone new with her packmate in her presence. But then, it wasn’t her packmate. Not really.

Tiessa was Mason’s heir. It was the whole reason that we were in the South East Pack right now because Tiessa would inherit the Silver Stone once Mason was dead. And just by listening to what Salmakia was saying, he sounded very close to being there.

But even as I listened to Salmakia, I couldn’t take my eyes off Tiessa. Just an hour ago, she had been someone else entirely. She had been someone that I hadn’t even recognized. Life had started to seep out of her. It was like she had been lost to the world. And now, it was like she was revitalized.

I listened as Marisol spoke, telling us that she knew where Mason would take my daughter. But before I could speak, Tiessa beat me to it.

“All right,” Tiessa said, nodding, as she turned to Marisol. “I’ll gather some of my wolves at the border, and you can direct us.”