
Atlent Town (2)

"Ouch, hot" I grumbled as I sip my coffee, it's 5:30 in the morning and it seems that everyone is still asleep, at this time the town is eerily silent and devoid of life. I checked my room if there's a radio as I was looking. I hear a knock. I looked out the window and saw that it's the weird guy from yesterday.

"Hey man mornin! It seems that we're the only one that's awake right now" He said to me mysteriously.

"What do you mean right now?" I asked warily, this town seems getting weirder and weirder

"Ohhh, forgot that you're the new guy let me explain, everyone in this town seems to be in a deep sleep and will not wake up until the clock strikes at 8." He said and smiled at me as he introduced himself. "I'm Robert, Robert Almor"

Then why is he awake as I'm about to ask him, he answered as if he knew my thoughts.

"I don't know why I'm not affected by it but from my observation it affects the townsfolk that are born in this town." Robert said to me with the look of 'can I have a coffee'

"Wait here, I'll go get a mug" It feels weird, is there a mysterious power that is affecting the townsfolk, I want to know, but I'm scared that if I knew, my life would be in danger.

I gave him the coffee and sat in the nearby chair, silence pervades the room so I started the conversation.

"Uhh, do you know why this is happening to them? " I asked Robert, he smiled as if he's waiting for that question

"From what I know, it's the law of the first mayor that everyone must be asleep at 9 and wake up at 8, but after the death of the first mayor, that law was removed" Robert slowly explained while drinking his coffee.

"Did you try waking them up?" I asked, thinking this is just a misconception.

"I tried it many times and even slapped them, but no results." Robert answered

"Why are they still following that law?" I asked, anticipating an answer.

"I also don't know, but if want to know the answer, go to the Atlent forest and find Mr. Johnson in his bar" Robert smiled at me as if this conversation was leading me to the forest.

"Why don't you go there?" I asked, Robert finished the coffee and said.

"If you don't want to know, then our conversation ends here." Robert stands up and leaves. Leaving me with question marks in my head.

What the hell is wrong with that guy? He just wants to drink free coffee!!! Calm down Ron, Calm down, it's just a coffee, just a premium coffee.

"Hmm, How the hell is there a bar in the forest? This doesn't make sense!! Wait, I forgot that this town doesn't really make sense at all" I quickly calm down and adjust to the situation I'm in.

Currently there's a weird curse that spreads to the townsfolk and the only way to know what is the cause of the curse is to find Mr. Johnson. If this is the past I would definitely leave with the mindset of 'Not my problem' but now I feel anticipation and curiosity, maybe this is what they call adventure seekers? Anyways I had no choice so I got up, packed the things I needed and left.


"Damn, the forest is huge" I said while contemplating if going inside is a good idea.

"Ughh, there's no going back, I just hope I don't get lost." I don't know if saying that was a good idea, I already flagged myself so I went in and wished myself a good luck again.