
Forest of Atlent

"Welp, I'm lost", I grumbled as I walked further to the forest. It's been four hours since I entered the forest. It seems that going here is a bad idea.

Well it's still early so I can just explore and mark the trees to know if i'm going in circles, as I walked further to the forest I can't help but notice that it's getting darker and darker the further I walk, thank god I have a flashlight with me.

"Now I can't see shit here. Wait, how come I also can see the sunlight behind me?", Now I can't see anything, shit this doesn't make sense at all. Did I miscalculate the time? Am I wandering for a day now? Think. Nothing really makes sense here right? The town's curse, The bar in the woods. Why am I thinking normally?

"I really need to adapt to the weirdness here or else I'll lose my mind." I said as I calmed down, now it seems that the time inside the forest is chaotic and I have a bad feeling that staying here will be dangerous.

"I have to find the bar" I open my flashlight and run, I know I don't have time for walks here, as if I'm in a horror novel, I hear a low growl behind me.FUCK!! I run as if my life is on the lin- NO!! My life is on the line here! If I get back to the town I'm gonna punch that guy's face.


I stopped running to catch my breath and listen.... No growls nor sounds. Only silence, an eerie silence.

"I'm safe, for now." I lost my balance and fell to the ground. I don't know what was behind me earlier but I know that that thing will kill me.

I mean the moment I thought that 'I have a bad feeling' that shit spawns right behind me, like is that not a valid reason to run for my life? Anyways I don't know where I am.

After catching my breath I walk again, this time I'm careful and cautious of the surroundings, like a woman walking in a dark alleyway.

"Hmm? I hear a water splashing, is it a lake" I followed the sound and found a lake. I'm still cautious though, I pick up a rock and throw it. It splashed but didn't make a ripple.

"Yep, another danger that I have to avoid here." I said as I ingrained it in my brain though I'm not going back here anyways.

As I observed the lake I saw a b-unny? A bunny that walks like a fucking human! I stealthily hide behind the tree near me. The human-like bunny walks near the lake and drinks. I waited for a few moments and nothing happened.

"It seems that the lake isn't dangerous at a-", before I finish the sentence a vine pops up, strangles the human-like bunny and drags it below the lake. After that the lake goes back to it's calm state like nothing happened a second ago.

"Thank god I'm cautious" I thank my paranoid self that saves me from the lake's grasps. After that I leave and find the bar as soon as possible. My safety is not sure and anything can happen here if I lower my guard for a second. After fifty minutes of walking I found the bar.

"Finally, I found it! I'm saf-" I didn't finish the sentence as I staggered before I lost consciousness. I saw a man behind the tree holding a tranquilizer gun.

"Dad, is that the guy you're looking for? He seems younger than I was expecting him to be." The girl behind the tall guy said.

"No sweetheart, I shot the wrong guy" The tall guy replies as he picks up Ron's body and brings it to his house.