
Tower Of Immortality

From the moment he woke up he remembered nothing. He woke up from his own grave and "funeral" with not a single person and even just a hole with nothing but his casket. After watching a sunset and seeing a glowin gate he thought to be the door to heaven. He entered and from that moment on he was at the "Welcom to the tower of Immortality". Now starts the journey to climb an tower impossible to be climbed with just a single life. Now with the future of eternal suffering and constant pain. May he reach the end and remember who he really was. *** Sorry if the synopsis is a little weird, tried my best to keep some secrets which made it hard to write it lol.

KinglessHeaven · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Yuri Cadrigal

My name is Yuri, just Yuri. I was just a normal 18 year old walking to my school until an instant light appeared in front of me and I was transported in a world I have never seen before.


I thought I had entered heaven and embarrassingly shouted. But I stopped as soon as I saw the amount of people around me.

"Welcome to the tower of Immortality!"

A handsome man was standing in the sky as he loudly screamed at everyone.

When I appeared I could instantly observe that this entire place was not something even close to what novels or manga, manhwa, manhua I have ever read.

First of all.

"Now everyone, you are all probably wondering where you are right now."

The surroundings were not an endless white void. It was an endless dark void where I can clearly see everyone despite no light existing. Even the floor was black.

"Well, so where are you?"

After looking around the area I just listened to what the guy above was saying. He was definitely the administrator and the one who will initiate either the tutorial or the first floor.

And so the man kept talking and I tried my best to take note of every important detail.

"Simple, you're in a high class tower with a simple goal, to get to the top!"

'High class tower...'

"But don't worry, like I said, you're in a high class tower!"

Things were starting to get hard to hear as the amount of people shouting. At that I couldn't even help to shout too.

"Shut Up Everyone!!"

I was expecting to be stared at menacingly by yelling that. But I also expected no one to even hear me and me causing absolutely no change at all.

"So if you heard what i first said... don't worry, none of you can ever die!"

'Wait did he just say immortal.'

Hearing those words, well he didn't really say it directly. But at that moment i couldn't interpret it any other way. And so I was so happy I started to day dream about everything I once dreamed. To be able to do and achieve anything without the worry of death nor running out of time.

And so for that reason I couldn't hear anything the man said other than that word I was thinking about fanatically.


I was right. But at that same moment I came to regret everything I just thought about.


A huge foot was in front of my face and was about to kill me. And like they said, the moment you're about to die. Time slows down and you really could see life flash before your eyes.

"You're a disgrace!"

"I love you my son."

"99! Nice Job!"


"Meet your new sister!"

"Your dad had a heart attack."

"Brother... what happened to papa."

"Get your shit together mom!"

"Shut the fuck up and get out of my house."

"Brother where are we going?"

"Fuck this shitty life."

And after a barrage trailer of my entire life, I died. And so I stupidly thought like I just forgot my recent memories.






'Aghhh Aghhhhh!!!'


And by what the man said. I came to life at the cause of so much pain I never wanted to experience ever again.

As soon as I got revived my entire body felt cold and open. I looked down and I was completely naked.

I was so embarrassed that it started to go up. I looked around and there were so many naked people.

Having women also didn't help my situation. But thankfully I got distracted by another thing.

"Oh my god!"

A gigantic fucking monster was running towards me and I had to just run.

I ran for my life without ever looking back. And just like a market when it's at sale, the entire place was so crowded by people and my entire body was squeezing so hard to a lot of people.

And well, I regret that I had to have been a virgin for those moments.

"Oh my god."

I yelled for another reason that time. But I just didn't care and as I looked around and on the floor I realized. These people were all like me. There were way too many things on the floor.

Then as I ran one of the worst things happened to me. With my erect private as I ran, I tripped and fell.

And must I tell you, getting hit in the balls hurts, getting hit in the penis hurts, but falling down straight to the ground. Penis first as it was as hard as a rock.


And it didn't help the monster caught up to me.






'Aghhh Aghhhhh!!!'


The reviving process was as painful as I remembered. I will never forget the pain of dying and not dying.

I internally screamed like I was not even a man. The pain was so much, experiencing it twice made my entire body numb. But even if I felt that, it was only in my imagination. I truly wasn't in pain nor numbness. I was truly immortal. There were no injuries nor previous scars. Nor anything. Being reborn literally made my entire body reach the perfect form it truly was supposed to be.

I couldn't stand there any longer and just sit. I ran once more. And as I died many others did. I thought I could get space when I died. But nothing changed at all. Screams were filling the entire place and I was thinking if my eardrums were breaking or it was too little of pain I was never even noticing it.

Days went by as I ran. I realized I didn't need sleep, nor food nor any possible rest. I never got tired. But at the moment I haven't died for so long I forgot the feeling. And as no one was completing the impossible mission given by the administrator. I was just getting paranoid at the thought of feeling the pain once more.

And as the administrator kept adding monster by monster each possible time. It reached a point I couldn't hide and avoid it anymore. By some ungodly luck unlike everyone else. I just had to...

"It's been 10 days! Are you guys just not looking? We're adding more!"


I was completely eaten whole by a monster. And the bad part was that I was slowly falling down his throat.

I tried my best to climb up but my arms were literally broken and couldn't even move. And it doesn't help that it hurts.


I didn't know how long I was gonna stay there. But as my mind was turning blank, I finally got closure as my feet felt free for the first time in- I never counted.

And so I dropped into what I was thinking, the monster's stomach. But how I should have wished I was never in the stomach ever.



And so as my entire body felt like it was burning and as I opened my eyes submerged to what only I could think at the time as hell.

I saw a man smiling at me.

"Hi, welcome bro!"


But I couldn't help but scream. And eventually for the first time fall asleep. In the way of fainting.

"Well wor..."


And so I fainted.

When I woke up I didn't know how long it had been. But my wake up call was worse than being hit by a meteor.


"Hello little guy. What's your name."

The man talked. It was the man I saw before I fainted. His skin was all burning slowly but he wasn't even screaming.

I couldn't even think of why or care at all. It was so painful burning perpetually forever and not even dying.

I was inside a torture chamber specifically made for immortals.

Looking at my body it was disgusting. At least from the others i wasn't that close. Or maybe cause I haven't seen my body become like this.


"Quite the screaming type ain't ya."

Just hearing the man talk randomly gives a weird ring to my ears.


The constant pain and my body looking disgusting and at the same time the voice of the man.

"I would sing you a song for entertainment, but you see, I just can't remember any."

The man wouldn't shut up so I screamed louder so I couldn't hear him.


But then suddenly, I didn't know what really was the main possibility on how it even happened. But my voice cracked and my organs came out of my mouth.

"Well it was probably my memory thing."

It seemed like I shouted so loud my entire body threw everything out just to yell.

And now organs were lying out of my mouth not being able to go back as it kept healing and dying.

"Oh cause did you know I have absolutely no memory of my life at all."

My pain got worse and I couldn't even scream to let out more pain.

"You know its a good-"

"Shuuuu Uuuiu!"

"Ughhhh, what happened to you, I was just talking here."

He looked at me disgusted and I just fell down the stomach and laid underwater as I felt so much pain and suffering till time passed and I could endure some of it at that point.

"Oh are you finally good, boy."

"Ughhh... What are you doing here?"

"Well doesn't matter, you're here too. What's your name boy?"

"Yuri, it's Yuri, just Yuri."

I could talk and have a conversation with the man as my body was still burning. But as I looked at the man. And oh my go- he wasn't burning at all.

It seemed like he got complete immunity from the acid of the monster's stomach.

"Sounds incomplete."

"Just Yuri sir."

"Any last name."


"Come on, we're dying anyway just tell me your name."

"Fine! It's Yuri... Cad...ri...gal."

I always tried to hide my name as it reminded me of my father and my entire life some times.

But also at the same time it really just.

"Man that name sucks."

Sucks. I hated it for a long time. But its my fathers name, I at least have to keep that alive.

"Well nice to meet you Yuri Cadrigal."


"So! The plan! We need to get out of this stomach and climb to his heart and fucking smash it to pieces."


The man started talking and waving his hands like he has made every plan he could think of to get out of the place.

Well that was just normal, he has probably been here for a long time.

"So, the skin of the beast is very thick, you just can't rip it."


I punched and clawed the stomach behind my back and I could definitely feel how hard it was.

"So then it's simple, we just need a weapon."

"Were naked."


"So then what weapon."

"Just the greatest weapon ever. The human body!"

The man then straight out pulled his arms apart. And as his arms were trying to stitch back together held the bone tight and firm away from his side.

It was then that his body just created new parts and he had a weapon, his own bone.

"See a weapon."

I stared at him and at that moment, I regret that I even thought of it. I would be this man's companion. As simply put, he was the main character.

Oh and also just a little bit insane.

"Go do it young man."

"Wait but before that, I never got your name."

"My name?"


"Fuck hell, I don't know!"

I just stared at him in shock. But looking at him just weirdly made me accept his answer for some reason.

"Now go get that bone out boy!"

But I definitely ain't accepting that.

"Oh you're not escaping me young man Yuri!"

As I tried to run away, I was just stuck inside a stomach with a crazy man as he ripped my arm apart.

"Fuck You!"

"Fuck you too."

And so then magically, I couldn't feel any more pain.