
Tower Of Immortality

From the moment he woke up he remembered nothing. He woke up from his own grave and "funeral" with not a single person and even just a hole with nothing but his casket. After watching a sunset and seeing a glowin gate he thought to be the door to heaven. He entered and from that moment on he was at the "Welcom to the tower of Immortality". Now starts the journey to climb an tower impossible to be climbed with just a single life. Now with the future of eternal suffering and constant pain. May he reach the end and remember who he really was. *** Sorry if the synopsis is a little weird, tried my best to keep some secrets which made it hard to write it lol.

KinglessHeaven · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

The Im in a Mortal


I opened my eyes...

I was on a clear grass plane a few meters away from a cliff.

My body felt light.

My eyesight was clear.

My ears could hear everything.

There was a beautiful sunset in front of me.

I walked towards the cliff.

I walked closer and there... there was a hole I almost fell into.


I continued and walked to the edge. I looked down, I looked up, I looked behind me.

"Man, what a sad life he sure had lived."

"Just stop talking."

Two men were walking towards me as they carried a coffin.

"But seriously, who gets buried at the most beautiful place I have never even known till today!"

"I don't know men, obviously a rich man with lots of pride."

I walked to the two men. When I reached them they were already lowering the coffin.

"Are we really just gonna drop this?"

"Yeah, for a rich man, no one really cared for him huh."

The two men dropped the coffin at the hole without any care nor support.

"Well let's go."

One of the man stared at me.

"Let's go!"

"Sorry, sorry."

I wondered... 'Am I invisible?'.

The two then walked away as the man once again looked back at me.

"What are you looking at?"

"I don't know, I just felt like there was someone."

Hearing that made me realize. The one in the coffin was probably me.

I dare not even look. The two men came out of nowhere with no equipment.

There was a hole in the ground with no sign of any digging nor any dirt to show signs of a hole.

I thought 'Seems like I was a petty one when I was alive.'

I understood immediately that I was already dead. But what made me confused was that I remembered nothing.

Even if I looked at the coffin, I wouldn't know if that was me as I don't know what I look like.

I walked towards the cliff and stared at the sunset.

I looked below me to see my feet. I wasn't floating nor was there any fading. I looked alive, even my hands could touch the ground.

And so as a man who was already dead. I sat down on the cliff with no fear of dying.

Time passed by as I watched the entire sunset till I couldn't see the sun anymore.


I heard a sound behind me.

I looked and there was a glowing small area that looked like a door.

"Is that the door to the afterlife?"

I stood up and started walking towards it.

"Well, thank you for letting me witness something beautiful before I went."

As I stared behind me to the place where the sun once was, I left that world and entered a new one.


"Welcome to the tower of Immortality!"

When I entered the bright door my entire body shook and I was feeling so uncomfortable.

'Ughhh, it feels like I just got a...'

I then realized, if I was dead before, that meant I was alive now.

As a few more seconds passed by in a real body I felt more of my skin and movement. I also felt like more parts of my personality came back.

"Now everyone, you are all probably wondering where you are right now."

As I looked around, I was surrounded by a lot of people and after just a few seconds of looking I made so many eye contacts it made me embarrassed.

'It seems like I was quite shy when I was alive.'

As I didn't wanna look down and look stupid, I looked up to the guy who talked as I made myself comfortable with my body

"Well, so where are you?"

He was floating in the sky and he looked like just any normal guy like everyone else. But he looked so beautiful that I don't know if he was a woman or a man.

"Simple, you're in a high class tower with a simple goal, to get to the top!"

There were lots of noises as there were many people who were talking at the same time. But the man at the top seemed to not care at all and just continued like there was no one below him.

"But don't worry, like I said, you're in a high class tower!"

It was getting quite hard to listen to him as more and more people tried to complain and yell.

"So if you heard what i first said... don't worry, none of you can ever die!"

'What did he saaaayyyy?'

"Simply put. You all are-"

And so the noise stopped in almost an instant making a very satisfying sound of silence.

As monsters of incredible sizes came out of nowhere as they dropped on top of people.

As I counted the amount of monsters and made the conclusion of 4 huge beasts. I came to remember what he just said. But that wasn't much of a good time, as a beast was just 1 step of him to kill me whole.

"Wait did he say immortal?"





'Aghhh Aghhhhh!!!'



I was smashed to death. And as my eyes seemingly stayed put as like I was never smashed, pain started to surge to my body.

I then regained life and was out of breath from screaming internally.

I couldn't confirm it with my own body but as I looked around at the area the monster walked to.

I could see many bodies regenerating at the most disgusting thing I could ever imagine. From just drops of blood or scattered organs, they all came together to reform the entire body.

I looked clearer and everyone around me were all naked and as I looked below me, so I was. But as I just almost threw up from the naked bodies and disgusting fromations.

I knew that instance, I heard it right. 'I'm freaking immortal.'

Whether that was a good thing or not, I had to first run. I ran and ran as I looked above me as the guy was just watching everyone with the coldest stare I could ever imagine in my memory of a few hours.

As I ran and ran more just to avoid the beasts that was much faster than I thought, the man finally talked.

"Well now, how does it feel to not die? Well, as the first, wait, no, the tutorial of this tower, you will all pass when you kill at least one of those."

'Kill?' I thought. It wouldn't be possible in any way. As I ran away from the beasts, I have tripped many times and seen many people.

The weird thing was that a lot of these people seemed to have a general genre among them.

Not a single one of them was mascular, nor a single one of them looked remotely happy even from the start. And a lot of them went to the beasts running to get them killed.

It was just a speculation but it seemed like the people I was with were all depressed and suicidal humans.

There was no way any of these mentally unstable humans could ever come to plan out to kill one of those.

A burning flame in my chest was surging, and I was feeling so much adrenaline. As I ran for a few minutes I never got tired at all.

A stupid thought ran through my head as I stopped my steps and faced towards the beasts. 'I wanna kill one myself.'

Well that's a stupid thought, so I ra-. I couldn't run. Or so I did, but not away from the beast. At that moment I just couldn't understand anymore.

First I started my life by being a wandering soul knowing I was a dead man. And now i'm living a life to die as someone I don't even know. Whoever I was before I died... It seemed like I truly loved this feeling.

I ran towards the beast with no plan and so the normal thing happened, I died.

But this time I held in the pain and tried to-


I couldn't hold more of it in. So as I virtually pressured my veins to resist the pain of your entire body being reconstructed, I just thought of running back with no hesitation.

"This adrenaline thing sucks!"

I jumped to the leg of the beast while it was looking behind and I climbed it. I tried to sneakily get up the beast but my mouth couldn't resist. And by that I meant I bit the beast.

And so I was shaken off and thrown far away.

As I was flying in the air I got to meet the man face to face. I didn't know what he was thinking. But as I smiled in the air. I think he was just thinking I was suicidal.

I fell to the floor and my bones cracked and I felt the pain of finally dying rather than being reborn.

This time the pain was less and the reconstruction took less time.

As I stood I then ran to the closest beast there was and this time I'm gonna resist and head to the head of the beast.

As I ran I looked at the beast and observed it. It looked like a big foot, the one in those stories. A hairy man, that was tall and had a big foot.

He was as tall as three normal sized men. So probably around 20 feet. I don't even know if I could climb that but I will.

As I approached the beast, I started climbing it.

"Chop chop everyone! This seems to be a little hard on you guys! So how about we add more."

I couldn't care less what the man was saying. I was inside my own world and I was almost halfway till the beast felt me and started to smack his back.

Which, obviously killed me. But my will stayed. And so as he couldn't completely smash my entire body. As I got reconstructed, the hands that i still had were gripped on the beast tight.

I regenerated at the back of the beast and I could climb much higher.

Time passed, as I got killed more times, I got a little used to it. And so, for who knows how long. There were now dozens of beast on who knows what infinite land we were at. I finally got to the head of the beast.

And when I got there. I didn't even think. As soon as I saw it open, I just thought... 'Dive In!'

I jumped... Inside the beast.

And so seriously... who was I when I was alive?

The reaction of the beast was fast and so he bit me in half with my upper being inside and my lower outside. But it didn't matter I could have just gone back. Because I knew how to hold tight into my soul.

As I felt so much pain like my entire body was being forced through an indestructible wall, my regeneration in result, then took much longer than normal.

As I entered the body, more pain awaited me. I forgot that a mouth or at least whatever the throat is called, I was pushing myself in through such a tight hole.

I tried to open my entire body to destroy him on the inside but it seemed like I was still too weak to even destroy his insides.

But as uncomfortable as it was in there, I pushed till I reached the stomach.

And as I was stuck inside there crawling my entire body as I felt so much I was screaming as I crawled.


I started to run out of adrenaline, and pain was really surging throughout my entire body and I was about to faint.

But I didn't want to be in a beast's mouth or throat. So I kept going to reach more pain once more.

The stomach of any mortal being has acidic liquids to help digest food. And of such one huge beast, the inside of him was truly painful.


When I dropped inside the stomach my entire body was burning and my skin was evaporating as my bones were being exposed.

At the same time my body was regenerating as it broke. I was in constant pain and agony. I went ahead and made the stupidest move of my life and even went ahead and made a torture device for myself.

So I changed my plan from killing the beast to first getting used to the feeling of pain. And what's the best place other than constant disintegration of the mortal body and the constant healing of an immortal body.

And so I sat there with my entire body, even drowning through his stomach full of acid that was killing me.

I yelled and drowned, I endured and die, I scream in my head as I die.

I died and died and died.

That was my life for a few days, if only I would assume.

"It's been 10 days! Are you guys just not looking? We're adding more!"

Well at that point, at least I knew it's been 10 days.

But at that moment that was not the only words I heard. On top of the constant screams from the outside that has made me cave from insanity and the constant pain that has removed my own ability to even percieve time. A little scream became suspiciously louder.


That sound kept getting louder as once again I didn't know how long. Till one moment it finally reached it's highest point.

From the mouth of the beast, coming from the same experience I had with a tight throat of the beast. One man came falling from what I have percieved, as my sky.


And so he splashed in the acid and his flesh and bones started to burn much faster than I was, or maybe I had just forgotten what it was like from me from the start.

But I couldn't just stare at him, and so I had to welcome the guy i'll be stuck with for a long time.

"Hi, welcome bro."


"We'll work on the communication later."