
Tower of Blood

Towers began appearing all over the world, and unfortunately for Michael, he was the first to enter one. With no before hand knowledge, and nobody to help him, he must journey up the tower and figure out his purpose, and why, only he, was granted a unique class.

MichaelOnesto · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
28 Chs

Chapter 1

"Yeah, dig right where you are. My dad wants the holes two feet deep, so the fence posts will be sturdy." A man said. He was tall, just a few inches taller than six foot, with red hair, and a bulky build.

"Yeah, okay, Michael, but how many more do I have to dig?"

"Well, he wants them every five feet, so I don't know, maybe five or six more?"

"Five or six?! Come on! Me and Brayden have been here for hours, and I've been the only one digging!"

"Well, Devin, me and Brayden have been mixing cement and planting the posts, and we settled who would dig fair and square."

"Fair and square?! It was rock, paper scissors! What, are we in grade school?!"

"That is fair and square." Replied Brayden, with a little chuckled. Brayden has always managed to trick his little brother to do all the hard work.

"Fuck you Bray-" but before Devin could finish his sentence, the ground began to shake. In the distance, a tower was shooting out of the ground. The three men looked in shock. Michael felt a sudden urge to run towards the tower. His mind was racing, telling him to stop, but his entire body was urging him to run. Before the other two could stop him, Michael was already running toward the tower. Devin and Brayden ran behind him, but they weren't as fast. When they caught up to him, the tremors had stopped, and the tower was fully standing, no longer shooting up from the ground. Michael stood in front of two large doors. His heart was racing, and he could hear whispers that seemed to grow louder and louder.He reached both handles to open the doors, but it looked like a bit of a struggle. Finally, he got the doors opened, only to see total darkness.

"Michael, wait! We shouldn't go in there!" Devin cried out, but Michael was already stepping in.

"We might as well join him." Brayden said as he followed behind Michael. Devin hesitated, but followed behind. As the three of them entered, the doors slammed behind them, and a faint light came on over their heads. They were in a circular room, and a dark figure stood in the center. They slowly approached, but then heard a groan. The figure stepped forward, and it looked like a tall man, but his skin was gray, and his eyes were a cloudy white. He groaned, and lunged at them.

"It's a zombie!" Devin screamed.

"Well, what's scary about that?" Michael said as he decked the zombie in the face. "They are brain dead. Not much of a threat." He turned and stomped the zombie's head. "However, if there is alot more, we might be in trouble. Let's go report this to somebody." He began heading to the doors, but the body, once decapitated, rose from the ground, a red aura surrounding it's body as the head quickly recovered. The eyes were now a bright red, it's body was squatting down, as if it was about to pounce. Michael turned to get ready to fight, but it lunged past him, so fast that he barely saw it pass him. "Watch out!" He yelled as he turned, but Devin's head was already smashed against the wall, blood oozing between the zombie's fingers. It looked back at Michael, with a grin that sent chills down his back. Fear and fury raged inside his chest. His thoughts became clouded as he looked upon the grinning undead.

"Come at me! I hurt you, right? Leave them out of this! Brayden, make a run for it when it attacks!" Michael charged at the zombie, but the zombie threw Devin at him, and lunged at Brayden. In that split moment, Michael could see the horrified look on Brayden's face. Michael caught Devin, and tossed him toward Brayden, his body landing at his feet. Michael dashed to cut off the undead.

"Get him out of here! Get help!" Michael called to him, and without being told twice, Brayden dragged his younger brother to the doors. The zombie lunged at Michael, but met his foot."Yeah, you're pretty fast, but still predictable. Wonder how many times I have to smash that head of yours to put you down." Michael pushed his leg out, and put all his weight into it as it pushed the zombie back. However, the zombie didn't just lie down. As it hit the ground, it launched his left leg, and kicked Michael in his hamstring. Michael jumped back with his other leg, wincing alittle from the pain.

The undead launched itself up onto it's feet. It grinned once more at him. "Finally...someone...worthy..." It spoke in this creepy, omniscient voice."I've... been... looking.. for... a... long... ass.... time..." It lunged forward, and as Michael put up his guard, the undead man ducked at jabbed Michael in his gut, and then raised back up to throw a hook into his jaw, sending Michael stumbling backwards. Michael looked at it in great surprise.

"What in the fuck are you? Thought you were some brain dead zombie." It chuckled in response.

"Oh...this...body...was...." Again, it gave a toothy grin. "But... the...chosen....must...be...tested.." and it attacked once more. This time, Michael didn't underestimate it. He grabbed it by it's head, and bashed it with his knee. While still holding it by it's long black hair, he continued to knee and punch it in the face. He then dragged it by the hair and bashed its head against the wall. It, at first, stuck to the wall, then slowly fell to the ground.

"Well, that settles that. I need to get the fuck-" but as he turned away, the back of his shirt was grabbed, and he was thrown into the wall. The now fully recovered undead, drove his knee into Michael's stomach, causing him to gasp for air. The undead repeatedly punched his face, blood pouring out with every hit. He took a step back, and round house kicked Michael in the face, and Michael came tumbling to the ground. He took long hard gasps for air, and laid in his pooling blood. He slowly stood back up, wincing with every movement. The undead stood there, watching his every move. It went in, hand knife-like as it reached for his chest, but inches from stabbing into his chest, Michael grabbed it's wrist. He looked it right in the eyes, and the undead was taken back. It looked speechless. Within that singular moment, the undead's head was filled with visions, visions are grand battles between nations, with one man at the center of all of them. A red blade shining as it slayed all those who opposed it, even the gods. The final vision was of this man standing before a celestial god, grinning. The man looked upon the celestial God and said,"Been waiting a long time for this rematch."

The undead released, at that moment, as he got a good look at this man, and it was Michael. The man looked quite different overall, but the face remained. He was the chosen one. The undead slowly withdrawed his hand from Michael's hand. Michael looked at him, confused.

"Warrior, this path won't be easy, and I'm sure you will figure that out quickly, but you must endure." The undead spoke clearly. "I only hope that my power guides you to victory."

"Victory? What the-" but before Michael could finish his sentence, the undead was behind him, and he was smack behind his neck, causing him to fall unconscious.

"You will know soon enough." The undead said as he picked up Michael and threw his body through the door opposite of the entrance. Michael's body soared into the dark abyss as the red aura disappeared, and the undead fell to the ground.


"Welcome, adventure, to the Game of Towers. Please choose your fighting class." A mysterious voice suddenly said. Michael slowly awoke, only to find himself in a room full of darkness, with what seemed like blue streams of light flowing through cracks around the room.

"Fighting...class..." He grumbled as he stood up. There was a small menu before him. At the top, it read 'class' and as he looked under that, only one option showed: blood samurai. "Wow, how do I choose from all these options?" He said sarcastically.

"Just select your class from the menu, and it will be your new class." The system replied, obviously not hearing his sarcasm. He put his finger over the class, and a window appeared.

'Are you sure?'

"Yes." and suddenly, his body was filled with a red aura, and a katana appeared before him. A window appeared before him once more.

'Blood Moon King's sword'

'S- tier weapon'

'Grows stronger with every kill. Stores blood for regenerative capabilities.'

"Whoa, holy shit. This sword is kinda-" before he finished his sentence, the memories of his fight came back to him. "Hey, where did that undead go? I need to kill him... I have to kill him... That bastard killed my friend!" He shouted into the empty space.

"Good luck, adventurer." and Michael was suddenly pulled forward as the blue light sped past him.