
Touhou: I Became a Butler of the Scarlet Devil Mansion

The story of a young man, Shun who is transported to the world of Gensokyo. As he wandered through the unfamiliar landscape, Shun was discovered by Remilia Scarlet, the powerful vampire mistress of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Intrigued by Shun's appearance and potential, Remilia offered him a position as her newest butler. "Young man, Your fate is now sealed." Take Note: I do not own any characters, plot, place, or history besides my own oc and 'fan-fic' plot Routes will have 18+/NSFW Content (Still thinking about it.)

Yamiru · Derivados de juegos
Sin suficientes valoraciones
123 Chs

Going out with the Maid-en

I arrived at the Scarlet Devil Mansion a while ago, and life here is anything but ordinary.

"Kyahahaha!~ Shun! Don't run!!~" Flandre's laughter echoed through the corridor as her clones chased after me, unleashing a flurry of bullets and charging with their laevateinns.

Dodging bullets and parrying strikes, I maneuvered to fend off Flandre and her clones. Among all the mansion's residents, Flandre always made things particularly challenging with her immense strength.

At times, others like Cirno, and the Ice Fairy, also challenged me to duels. But Flandre was the one who kept me on my toes the most.

"I can't keep running forever," I thought. "It's time for a counterattack."

Wheeling around, I executed a backflip, activating my spell card in the process.

<Spell Card: Horizontal Crimson>

Launching myself into the air, I executed a series of horizontal slashes that swiftly eliminated the three Flandre clones before landing gracefully.

"Kyahahaha! That's amazing, Shun!"

Before I could react, Flandre launched another attack making me blocked it in fast reaction. Just as our blades clashed, time stopped.

"That's enough, Lady Flandre. Shun has other matters to attend to."

A mature voice cut through the frozen moment, and as time resumed, Flandre was gently knocked against the wall.

Sakuya, ever composed, approached me, concern etched on her face. "I'm surprised you can keep up with Flandre now."

"Yeah! I train after all!" I replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Hm..." Sakuya scrutinized me for a moment before walking closer and touching my arm. "You're right... You have a nice muscle here."

Woah, s-she's close...

I stumbled over my words, flustered by her unexpected comment. "R-really? I didn't even notice."

"Fufu~ Shun, I see you've changed now."

"T-Thank you, Sakuya..."

"Now then, we shouldn't keep Lady Remilia waiting. For now..." Sakuya glanced at the unconscious Flandre. "For now, report to Lady Remilia while I put Lady Flandre to bed."

Nodding, I bowed respectfully and made my way to Lady Remilia's room, my mind still processing the unexpected compliment from Sakuya.

Walking down the corridor, I couldn't shake off Sakuya's comment about my muscles.

"Muscles, huh... Does Sakuya like muscle guys?" I mumbled to myself, sneaking a peek at my biceps.

A pang of disappointment hit me. "I don't think I have muscles though... W-well, slightly?"

I chuckled awkwardly, trying to dismiss the thought. But in the back of my mind, I couldn't help but wonder if I should start working out more to impress Sakuya.

Eh? What am I thinking just now? That's straight-up creepy.

As I entered Lady Remilia's room, she sat there, the picture of elegance, sipping her tea with a contemplative gaze out the window.

"I have appeared, Lady Remilia." I bowed respectfully.

"I can see that." She looked up at me, a mischievous smile playing on her lips, and took another sip of her tea.

Truly, Lady Remilia was the epitome of elegance.

"By the way, how are things here so far? If I remember correctly, you've been in Gensokyo for a year now. Why don't we celebrate?"

Why not? After all, it's not a bad idea. Plus, the mansion has become more lively thanks to you."

"I-I see..." I smiled, looking down and scratching my head. "I'm flattered, Lady Remilia, and I am forever grateful."

She nodded gracefully.

"And so... I want you and Sakuya to go shopping in the human town. I heard from Kourindou that there's new wine he's selling from the outside world."


My gaze wandered to the table, and I noticed a bottle of shochu, unmistakably from the outside world.

How did they manage to get these?

As I left Lady Remilia's room, my mind was still wrapped around the shopping task. However, another idea began to sprout. How about making this shopping trip a bit more personal?

Walking through the halls, I pondered on how to approach Sakuya about it. The task itself was simple, but my intention was veering toward something more... casual. 

After all, we weren't just going shopping; we were celebrating my one-year stay at the mansion.

I finally caught up with Sakuya, who was attending to some chores. "Sakuya," I began, "Lady Remilia suggested we go shopping in the human town. Apparently, there's a new wine from the outside world. Would you be up for it?"

I did it... me! I am so proud of you, me! 

Sakuya's eyes met mine, and for a fleeting moment, there was a subtle shift in her expression. 

"Hm? Sure... After I'm done here, let's go out," she said, the words carrying a hint of warmth that didn't escape my notice.

A wave of relief washed over me, but as I offered to help with her chores, I caught a glimpse of something more profound in her usually composed demeanor.

"O-oh! Let me help!" I stammered, genuinely eager to contribute.

Sakuya, however, seemed momentarily flustered. The poised and controlled maid faltered for an instant. Her hands, which usually moved with precision, paused mid-air, and her cheeks tinted with a faint blush.

In Sakuya's mind, a whirlwind of thoughts unfolded.

 "Why did I react like that? It's just a shopping trip. But... it's Shun, and..." Her usually analytical mind found itself in uncharted territory, and for a split second, she entertained the idea that this outing might be more than just a simple errand.

With an almost imperceptible nod, she composed herself, and a small smile played on her lips. "Thank you, Shun. Your assistance is appreciated."

"Then, I gotta go check out the kitchen and write down the list of things we need to buy," I announced.

Sakuya nodded, her gaze lingering for a moment. "I'll go to my room for a bit then." With a graceful bow, she vanished, likely employing her time-stopping ability.

I chuckled at the thought of her using such a powerful ability for something as mundane as having a moment to herself. The mansion was indeed filled with extraordinary beings.

With a light shrug, I strolled towards the kitchen, ready to tackle the task of making a shopping list. The air was tinged with anticipation—this outing was turning into something more than just a routine trip to the human village.

But wait... Now that I think about it... Isn't this a... date?