
Chapter 14: Feet to The Fire

"Mom," Max greeted with a sigh as his mother opened the door to his childhood home. Alicia smiled and offered him a kiss on the cheek. Max begrudgingly allowed his mother to kiss him before entering the house into the grand foyer. He turned and looked at Alicia suspiciously.

"Where's Dad?" Max demanded, his gaze drifting toward the direction of his father's office.

Alicia frowned and rolled her eyes. "He's in the parlor." She then turned and made her way toward the parlor, uncaring of whether or not Max followed.

Max groaned internally and followed his mother as she made her way out of the foyer and into the East wing of the house. He smiled at the various family photos of the three of them that lined the walls in the hallway before he found himself in the parlor. Magnus was sitting in one of the armchairs close to the fireplace, a book in his lap.

Magnus looked up and smiled at Alicia and Max as he heard them enter the room.