
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · Fantasía
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142 Chs


The old man sitting in the corner told Raymond a story about greed.

This old man was called Gui Meide, a third-level sorcerer's apprentice.

An old man who used to wander around to learn and dreamed of becoming a real sorcerer.

Just this morning, his favorite disciple, Talente, ambushed him in this room, trying to plunder all the old man's treasures. Although Gui Meide eventually injured Talente in fright, Gui Meide, who was petrified by the petrification spell, was now in desperate straits.

So after finding that Raymond was not his foolish servant, Gui Meide, who was fighting against the petrification spell, was overjoyed. He forcibly reached a deal with Raymond.

The content of the deal was that within three years, Raymond needed to send his notes to Golan Heights and hand them over to a first-level sorcerer named Mixel, and tell him what happened here.

And Raymond's price was that he could take all his belongings and use a potion to pass through the blockade of bloodthirsty insects outside and leave this hut without being burned to death or gnawed by the bloodthirsty insects outside.

The fire from the stables had spread to the room. Raymond, standing at the door, had a layer of oily stuff smeared on his skin, emitting a stench that made his face paler.

The original servant's clothes were replaced with the same white robe as the old man, with a palm-sized, dazzling badge hanging on the chest.

The complicated lines on the badge vaguely formed a spire round tower, and below the pattern were a few strange words.

Raymond was carrying a small package in his hand and wearing a pair of short boots that seemed to be made of animal fur. Looking at the big fire spreading into the room and the old man who turned completely into stone surrounded by flames, Raymond slowly bowed to him and walked out.

Raymond, who exuded a stench all over, made those bloodthirsty insects fluttering outside the door avoid him in fear.

According to Gui Meide's instructions, he needed to pass through the forest in front of him, leave the Oran Empire where Talente was loyal, find a port with ships that could sail across the sea to Golan Heights, and successfully board the ship!

Leaving the hut, Raymond shook his head and smiled bitterly at the road leading to the nearby town. The direction Gui Meide pointed to was the other end of this forest.

Although he knew that this dark and gloomy forest in front of him was full of unknown dangers, Raymond did not have the right to choose because the town where this road led also belonged to the Oran Empire.

Without a map or any memories to search, Raymond could only choose the opposite direction of the road leading to the town and dive into the dark forest.

As Raymond went deeper, Raymond, who had traveled all night in one direction relying on the night vision function of the chip, saved the trouble of stupidly holding a torch and becoming an obvious target in this forest.

According to the chip's analysis, the composition of the air was significantly different from that on Earth, with higher oxygen content and more complex inert gases. There were also many unanalyzable active substances in the air. The chip's detection results showed that the air was full of radiation and would cause slight damage to the body.

"It's not Earth..." Walking in the forest, Raymond confirmed again that he had a spiritual crossing when he saw the dawn coming.

Because in this forest, relying on the night vision function of the chip, Raymond saw many strange plants and animals along the way, which were completely different from the organisms on Earth.

Carrying light red flames on the skin, three heads, similar to lizards...

Hanging on the tree tops, enveloping the body with six pairs of wings, featherless little birds...

Transparent but constantly emitting irritating smells, gregarious insects...

Although Raymond did not encounter any danger in the three hours before dawn in this forest, under the powerful monitoring of the chip, the nocturnal animals hiding in the dark corners of the forest were still detected by Raymond.

The creatures that made Raymond's hair stand on end hid in the shadows of the forest, carefully observing him, and would issue threatening roars.

With the help of the chip, Raymond could see them from a long distance, so he avoided their habitats and would not rush into them headlong.

And with the dawn, Raymond's chip did add some audio data and image records of these animals.

But there were still some fights in this forest. As Raymond went deeper into the forest, the strange plants that gradually appeared became his nightmare.

Plants that looked like ordinary banyan trees would spray a large amount of black mist from the tree trunk when animals passed by, causing the animals passing by the big tree to faint, and the slowly extending tree branches would roll up the animals on the ground and send them up the big tree, entwining them with branches and turning them into nutrients for the big tree.

And those vines hidden underground would suddenly rise up and tightly entwine the prey when animals passed by, live animals would be twisted into a mess of blood and mud, absorbed into the dark green vine branches, leaving not even intact bones.

Especially during the day, a large number of strangely shaped beasts that looked unkind appeared in the forest to hunt. After witnessing these plants and animals that were completely different from those on Earth, Raymond slowed down.

Wandering between the woods, collecting a large amount of information about these plants and animals, especially the roars of fierce beasts, after being stored in the chip, became Raymond's self-defense weapon.

The roars of more than a dozen fierce beasts allowed Raymond to only pay attention to those bloodthirsty plants. According to the information summarized by the chip, each fierce beast had natural enemies that could restrain them.

And the degree of cruelty was not directly related to size. Raymond saw with his own eyes that a fierce beast over three meters high like a tiger was instantly killed by a falcon-sized flying bird.

Carefully avoiding all potentially dangerous fierce beasts, but on the third day, Raymond entered the forest, when he just climbed a hill, the fierce beast that suddenly crawled out of the cave unexpectedly encountered him.

Madly roaring, as if its territory had been invaded, this fierce beast over three meters high and somewhat similar to a black bear made Raymond know that the situation was not good. He immediately ordered the chip.

"Roar! Roar... Roar..."

The sounds of other fierce beasts stored in Raymond's chip came out of his body. This fierce beast, which stood up like a human, froze for a moment after hearing this roar, and its eyes suddenly turned red.

Seeing the sound emitted by the chip, seemed to anger this fierce beast even more. With furrowed brows, Raymond did not wait for it to pounce, turned, and ran. But in panic, Raymond slipped under his feet, and his body rolled uncontrollably down the hill.

With exclamations, Raymond saw from the corner of his eye that the enraged fierce beast jumped up, staring at him with red eyes, and pounced on his back closely following him...