
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · Fantasía
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142 Chs


The foggy Redze Wetland was quiet and chilly. The lingering fog this year also made all the buildings in the Wizard Academy a little hazy and even a bit spooky.

Raymond went straight to the Material Management Office of the Wizard Academy and sat on the bench to wait.

There weren't many people waiting there today. In addition to Raymond, there were only four.

The three young men who came earlier knew each other, but they all seemed a little embarrassed.When Raymond came, they were whispering to each other.

But after waiting for a long time, no one came out of the room at the end of the corridor. Only faint laughter came out, indicating that the old wizard Harry, who was responsible for distributing benefits inside, was still there.

But after a long time, still no one came out of the room at the end of the corridor. The three young men sitting on the bench waiting could no longer restrain themselves.

One of the slightly fat ones hesitated and stood up. He quickly walked to the room at the end of the corridor, peeked curiously through the door crack, and quickly knocked on the door.

But this soft knock aroused the anger of the old wizard Harry inside. The hoarse roar came out of the room at the end of the corridor immediately. "Didn't you see the notice on the door? Get out!"

The young man, who clearly only had the strength of a second-level apprentice, was so frightened that he turned around and ran back. He called to his companions and went outside, muttering, "My God! The girl inside is so beautiful. No wonder Master Harry doesn't allow people to disturb her..."

The three young men who hurriedly left the Material Management Office frowned upon Raymond. He walked to the door at the end of the corridor and found that a notice had been newly posted on the door.

In short, apprentice wizards below Level 3 could only come here to collect materials in the first few days of the month. Level 3 apprentices could come in the middle of the month. Only Level 1 and above wizards were not subject to such restrictions and could come at any time.

Raymond, who didn't care much about time, frowned. After asking the chip to check the time, he found that fortunately today was the day when Level 3 apprentices could come to collect materials.

But the cheerful and charming laughter of the girl in the room made Raymond hesitate for a moment. He still knocked on the door and respectfully said, "Level 3 apprentice Raymond, here to collect materials."

A subtle breath soon came out of the room, invaded Raymond's body in an instant, and then withdrew. Then the impatient voice of Wizard Harry came out. "Come in!"

secretly angry, Raymond could only smile bitterly and push open the door that was left slightly ajar and walked in.

Harry, the material manager with a full head of white hair, sat behind his desk. In front of him was a pretty girl in a princess dress.

But when Harry saw Raymond, the smile on his face immediately disappeared, with a hint of anger. "You again! Did you bring the magic stones to collect materials?"

Glancing at the pretty girl sitting in the chair, Raymond took a deep breath, took out the corresponding magic stones, and bowed to the old man according to the rules of the wizards. "Master Edgar sent me to collect materials for promotion."

The old man, whose eyes revealed fear, frowned slightly. But after carefully checking the magic crystal card Raymond put on the table, he quickly stood up and walked into the back room. Before disappearing behind the door, he impatiently ordered, "Wait!"

As Harry left, the girl sitting there also turned around.

A pretty face and dignified manner, but slightly upturned eyebrows and thin lips diminished her beauty.

Looking down at Raymond with a condescending gaze, the girl soon spoke. "Are you that old thing Edgar's disciple?"

"My name is Raymond. I am Master Edgar's personal disciple," said Raymond with a clear and beautiful voice. "Please show Master Edgar due respect."

"Oh my, Edgar actually has a disciple who can be promoted?" Covering her little mouth with a snicker, the pretty girl suddenly stood up and shouted, "Not greeting me actively when you see me! Is that how Edgar taught you?"

Immediately activating the probing function of the chip, Raymond, whose eyes were flickering with red dots, couldn't help but be startled. However, the refreshed data in his vision showed that this young girl had protective force fields around her, emitting the breath of a Level 1 wizard.

Narrowing his eyes in anger, Raymond could only suppress his anger, bowed slightly in salute but still emphasized: "Please show Master Edgar due respect, otherwise as his personal disciple, I can only report to him accordingly."

The young girl burst out laughing and looked at Raymond with contempt. A subtle breath came with it!

As if stripped naked, the startled Raymond found that his protective shield could also not resist this arrogant probe.

Just about to react, Raymond immediately heard Harry's chuckle. "Don't make trouble, Brittany!"

Stepping out of the room slowly, Harry threw a box on the table at will. Looking at the angry Raymond with a flushed face, he said lightly, "The stuff is in there, you can go."

Narrowing his eyes in anger, Raymond looked at Harry and Brittany again. He was completely angered by Brittany's arrogant behavior, especially the superior look on her face, which made Raymond feel greatly insulted.

But Harry and Brittany standing there radiated tremendous power. Without saying a word, Raymond could only take the box on the table. But before he could turn around and leave, the wizard Harry yelled again. "Take it and get out of here quickly! Are you waiting for me to blast you out? "

Obviously wanting to humiliate Raymond, the immense pressure emanating from Wizard Harry immediately enveloped Raymond's body. Brittany standing by laughed loudly and shrilly shouted, "Oh my, my Uncle Harry, don't be angry. Old Edgar finally has a personal disciple. Spare him..."

With his bones groaning all over, Raymond, furious under the pressure that wanted to crush him down, slowly retreated under the alarm of the chip. But when he closed the door, Raymond roared in his heart, "Dead old man, just you wait!"