
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · Fantasía
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142 Chs


"Bang!" A loud noise and the smoke and dust filled the corridor of the basement with a strange smell.

Looking at the basement door that was removed and taken away by the regretful butler and others, Raymond, who had been squinting his eyes, showed a smile.

The black brown bear crawling at the end of the corridor made everyone who passed by frightened.

After everyone left, Raymond beckoned the black brown bear to enter the basement with him.

He moved the chairs from under the wall clock to the opposite side and sat down. Letting the black brown bear crawl by his legs, Raymond opened the Wizard's Book and continued to memorize the new symbols.

It was just after nine o'clock. Other people in the ancient castle were strictly forbidden to enter the basement passage, even Raymond's personal maid Olivia was no exception.

Still a little hairy, Raymond was unable to completely relax and memorize the twelfth symbol.

The Wizard's Book on the table was turned to the fifth page. The twelfth symbol composed of lines was more complicated and bizarre than the previous one, and very difficult to memorize.

Anxious, Raymond waited until the clock on the wall struck ten before he finally calmed down and began to memorize the symbol.

For such symbol memorization, the chip was of no help, as if the entire Wizardry Book did not exist in sight.

Time slowly passed...

"Ding, ding...ding ding ding..."

The sudden bell awakened Raymond, who was immersed in memorizing symbols.

Squinting his eyes, Raymond immediately cast his eyes on the clock opposite. Seeing the second hand moving slowly, when the second hand reached the "six" position, the shadow appeared as scheduled.

Like liquid, the shadow slowly flowed down from behind the clock. In the warning sound of the chip, Raymond knew that the radiation intensity in the entire room was surging.

The black brown bear crawling by Raymond's legs also woke up from sleep the moment the shadow appeared, but all its black mane stood up in fear, whimpering.

In the same way as before, after all the shadows accumulated on the floor, the shadow that slowly crawled up and condensed into a shapeless human shadow in front of Raymond sat arrogantly in the chair opposite Raymond.

An old female voice echoed in the room. "Little guy, why did it take so long to see me, were you afraid?"

Frowning, Raymond stroked the frightened black brown bear and nodded, agreeing.

Raymond's default made the shadow laugh happily, and the laughter echoed in the room.

The candles placed in fixed positions in the room flickered, and many shadows appeared in the basement that had been illuminated without dead angles.

Under the probing of the chip, Raymond once again confirmed the radiation intensity after the appearance of the shadow. After it made a sound, it began to slowly decay, so Raymond quickly interrupted its laughter and asked, "Are you Heilim of the Tori family?"

"Huh? It seems you are well prepared!" The human-shaped shadow stood up in surprise, uttered a surprised cry, passed directly through the table and came in front of Raymond.

The stunned Raymond wanted to stand up, but suddenly found that his body could not move, as if completely restrained, only his eyeballs could move in his eye sockets.

The originally frightened black brown bear, although roared and stood up, patted it with its bear paw, but the huge bear paw passed directly through the human-shaped shadow without touching anything. On the contrary, it patted the long table and smashed the long table.

Losing its balance, the black-maned bear passed directly through the long table it smashed and fell to the floor. It watched helplessly as the bear's head slammed into the hard stone floor with a bang. Raymond couldn't help squinting his eyes and couldn't bear to look any further.

Whimpering, the black brown bear rolled and crawled into the corner, curling up with only its back exposed.

The cowering fear of the black brown bear made the human-shaped shadow laugh more happily. The thin body swayed over to the corner, and soon the basement burst into frightened howls of the black brown bear.

Following the black brown bear, it rolled and crawled through Raymond, accompanied by its miserable howls. Raymond estimated that the black brown bear had leapt into the corridor and ran away.

The frightened Raymond heard the warning sound of the chip in his ears. Under the monitoring of the chip, Raymond knew that an unknown force field had appeared on him, restraining him in the chair.

With a cheerful laugh, the human-shaped shadow slowly walked back from the corner, circling around Raymond's body: "Little guy , it turns out that you dare to see me only when you bring a black brown bear with the strength of a third-level apprentice. No wonder it took so long. Are there many black brown bears of this strength outside now?"

Wanting to speak, Raymond couldn't even open his mouth. He couldn't answer the mockery of the human-shaped shadow.

After circling Raymond twice, the human-shaped shadow appeared in Raymond's sight again. Its thin face without seven orifices approached and stopped a few centimeters away from Raymond's nose, as if carefully observing him.

The creepy sense of fear and awe made cold sweat appear on Raymond's forehead. The drop of sweat slowly seeped into his eyes, blurring Raymond's vision.

"Huh?" A moment later, as if suddenly aware of something, the human-shaped shadow uttered a surprised cry and quickly squatted down.

Astonished, Raymond saw his long robe slowly lifted, but an angry and frightened roar came from between his legs immediately: "Yellow Fang Rats!"

As soon as this angry roar appeared, Raymond suddenly felt his whole body relax and the restraint disappeared.

Raymond's body suddenly leaned back instantly, flipping over with the chair and slamming heavily onto the floor.

"Alert! Alert! Radiation intensity is rising rapidly, stay away immediately!"

There was no need for the chip's reminder. Raymond rushed out of the room immediately after flipping over and crawling up, but the angry female voice kept echoing in his ears: "Come back! You can't escape!"

Rushing into the basement corridor in a few steps, Raymond felt dizzy for a moment. He found himself standing in the position of the chair he had just sat in in that basement room. A small cage was placed on the ground.

Inside the cage, more than a dozen yellow fang rats were running around because the shade on the cage had been uncovered. The round body rolled like a small ball, very cute.

An angry roar came from the direction of the clock, and the shadows gathered around the clock seemed to be trembling in the candlelight: "Throw this cage out for me! I have serious business to tell you, don't try to provoke me again!"