
Too strong for the other world: will he do just or will he do evil

hi ! nice to meet you! my name? don't know. this place? don't know. I was just thrown here out of nowhere without even getting to keep my memories can you believe that !! well, at least I'm not alone. this is mask, say hi! "shut up! what do you think you're doing introducing me all on your own you baka!" hahaha, she's a spicy one isn't she, but trust me, she's very sweet once you get to know her. STOP! don't ask, she's glued to my face around my eyes somehow, I couldn't get her of me no matter how much I tried my goal? to get out of this damn cave of course, although it's more like a dungeon full of monsters instead. oh! and I need to get back my memories while I'm at it, can't forget that after I'm out? well, hell is waiting for me, and for whoever makes me his enemy

Ayoub_Sbabti · Fantasía
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55 Chs

CH 54

In the blink of an eye, the poor man was left in his birthday suit, with a beauty's gaze burning a hole right through his little brother down there.

But the awkward situation didn't last for long, as Alpha quickly covered his crotch with his hands, while Ignell covered her face after screaming! purposely leaving a gap for her eyes to peak through.

"W-what are you doing!? Why aren't you covering yourself already!?" Screamed Ignell

"Cover myself with what! Those were the only clothes I had! And now they're gone!"

"Argh jeez! Just give me a second, I'll go find something!"

After saying those words, she quickly got up and left in a hurry, while intensely fanning her face to cool her head off, trying her best to resist the urge of looking back.

As for Alpha, being left alone in an empty cave with nothing to look at, and no one to talk to, his imagination easily got the best of him, and his brain repeatedly played the scene of his clothes getting ripped off, and the sight of Ignell's expression as she came face to face with his sleeping dragon.

With his heart beat intensifying, and his head heating, the embarrassment Alpha was feeling reached a level even he couldn't take. With his pride reaching it limit, he lifted his fist up high and slammed it hard on the floor, raising a dome of rock around himself.

It was safe to say that he was not getting out of there any time soon, nor was he able to stop thinking about what just happened. But just as his heart beat was calming down.... Knock! knock!

"I'M NOT A PERVERT!" screamed Alpha as he jumped up and hit his head on the dome sealing.

As he was recovering from what just happened, he heard the same familiar voice he knew

"What are you talking about? Just hurry up and open this thing already, I got something for you"

Alpha then quickly moved closer to the edge of the dome before opening a slit in it, that was only big enough to show no more than his head and shoulders, making sure to hide the rest of his bare body.

Ignell handed Alpha what she got for him while pretending to look away, but before she could see anything, he managed to quickly mend the hole he just made and re-isolated himself from the rest of the world.

But as soon as he took a look at what she gave him he couldn't help but to ask

"um, Ignell? what is this?"

"ahh, you see, hehe, funny story actually, well the thing is, you know how I've been a dragon my whole life, right? and.... how dragons dont wear.... cloths?" said Ignell while fiddling with her fingers.

It took Alpha a while to react because he was holding him self back, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he exploded with rage and embrasement!

"that doesn't mean you should give me your own carcass !"

"w-what do you mean carcass!? those are my scales!"

"your dead body parts!"

"do you know how much people would pay for those?! and I even gave you gold on top of that!"

"ahg! just leave me alone and go practice your magic or something"

"how am I supposed to do that!? you were ment to teach me!"

"sigh, I've already taught you all the basics, you can figure out the rest on your own. just experiment with what you know and come up with your own personal magic"

After saying what he had to say and calming down, Alpha created another earth dome around the first one, isolating him self with two layers of rocks from the outside, leaving Ignell all on her one.

"wait, you're really leaving me alone? you can't do this to me! you can't teach me how to walk then suddenly ask me to fly! that's not how it works! Alpha! listen to me! Alpha!"


Mean while, inside his little dome, Alpha had already created a little light ball so he could see what's in front of him, but no mater how much he stares at them, he couldn't imagine how a few dragon scales and a bunch of gold chunks could be used to make cloths, he knew of the concept of dragon scale armor from video games, but he had no experience at blacksmithing nor did he know anything about tailoring.

In the end, it came to the only thing he knew he was good at, manipulating mana.

He turned off the light ball he made and reactivated his mana zone, spreading it no more than two meters, just enough to fill up the earth dome he surrounded him self with. after all, his little human eyes are very limited in what they can see, while his mana zone can detect every little detail in his surroundings.

He then grabbed one of the scales Ignell gave him, and attempted to pour mana inside of it, but as soon as he did that, he could see his mana was following certain paths inside the scale, as if the thing had veins of its own.

And then as he was observing the interesting phenomenon happening in front of him, he couldn't shake that one weird feeling he was having, it was so familiar it felt like deja-vu!

And then, it struck him! he remembered exactly what that feeling was! and to confirm his speculations, he put the scale on the floor and placed his hand on top of it. then, just like how he learned earth magic, he closed his eyes and imagined the mana he placed inside of the scale changing shape, then exactly like how he speculated, the scale began transforming!

At first it was a one meter long by seventy centimeter wide scale, but now after the little experiment, it turned into a one and a half meter long broad sword! and not only that, the veins that were all over the place inside the scale, have been rearranged by Alpha in a more organized manner, now they all ran parallel to each other, linking the tip of the sword to the handle.

At first, Alpha thought that arranging them in that manner would make the sword a lot harder and more durable, but as he went to put more mana in it to change the shape of it again, a surprising thing happened! all the mana that was imbedded in the sword suddenly rushed at an incredible speed towards the tip and shot out of it like a beam!


Thanks for reading! and if you enjoyed my novel, then please leave a comment to let me know, it would really mean a lot to me, and encourage me to write more .