
To My Sunflower

Hinata longed for his Eiji to return from war. Alone in the idyllic countryside whilst other areas of Japan were torn asunder. One day, he receives a letter from his lover filled with the scent of sunflowers and his undying love for him, followed by official news of his presumed death at Iwo Jima. Heartbroken. Yet determined to honor his promise to Eiji; to live the life they were unable to live together. Eiji fought honorably for Japan at Iwo Jima. He fell injured in a banzai charge to be classified as dead. He recovered with the aid of an American lieutenant, who escorted him back into the mainland for espionage work. His one chance and hope of return to Hinata's side. A controversial risk of a war story set at the end of WW2, 1945 within Hiroshima and Nagano, Japan. Two sides of war are shown from the individual perspectives of same-sex lovers Hinata and Eiji. More than a boy's love. An emotional drama, revealing the hearts and souls of people surviving America's assault. Hope from the consequences suffered at war's end.

Veronica8 · Historia
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120 Chs

The Pick Up

Rika arrived to the graveyard site at dusk to pick up Hinata. She gasped at the man's unsightly image.

Hinata was dressed in a navy-blue kimono to give shape to his slender form. It was a loan from the shrine. Rocko had done his best to clean and dress his wounds.

However, the bruises to his collar bone were obvious between the folds. His left cheek still showed a slight yellowing from the bruise almost healed. His dark silky hair was tied up, showing unevenness of its long tufts. She wondered if his hair had suffered hacking or pulling during his torture.

Rocko's raven had delivered a note to her shrine near the Koumi mountains. By permission of her elder, she had read of Hinata's torture and the description of his condition.

The details made her squeamish. To see the sight of this man's beatings. If what Rocko wrote about him being kind and generous of heart was true. It was clear this abuse was an injustice.

"I'm Saito, Rika. I received word from Rocko-san to pick you up." Rika bowed politely before the man.

Hinata regarded the tiny woman in billowing red hakama pants and crisp white kimono robe. Her long, dark hair was smoothed back off her face and held up by red-white ribbon. He nodded his head with understanding. Miko-san was a term.

"It's an honor, Saito-san." Hinata cordially returned the greeting. "I hope I'm not compromising your own position with your shrine."

Rika smiled. It did place her at odds with her shrine's priest. However, her elder had insisted that she make good on Rocko's request. Especially when she was the only one at her shrine who could drive. Her head priest had reluctantly agreed to grant her permission for the leave. The price was an added task for her to do on her way for him.

"Rocko has always been a great help to us. We're returning a favor to him. So, please don't mind."

Hinata followed her to a parked truck, which was similar to Yuri's.

"Shrine maidens learn how to drive?" He said with awe.

"No. I'm an exception. My father taught me when he lost his leg at war. It was before I entered the shrine. I have no brothers." Rika sighed.

It was a common question to ask. Especially from a man.

"I'm sorry Saito-san. I mean no disrespect. I'm amazed by your skill." Hinata apologized.

Rika sighed again. Rocko was right. By the power of her shrine maiden skills, she saw Hinata's aura as a pure and strong light. Rare for an adult to maintain without spiritual training. Especially after the amount of abuse he had received. She wondered if he had a history of mikos in his family line.

She helped Hinata recover from the sudden coughing fit that came upon him. She suspected that the polite bowing was aggravating the wounds to his stomach.

"No need for formalities, Chikafuji-san." She helped Hinata stand. "Let's get you in the truck."

Hinata did his best not to be a heavy weight for Rika, when she helped him up into the passenger seat.  The consequence was feeling a bout of sharp pains to his sides.  He held his tongue. Not wanting to give her further reasons to worry.

She climbed into the driver's seat. Started up the engines and set the gears to drive. 

"You don't mind if we make a quick stop. I have an errand for our shrine priest." She asked when they had entered the main road.

"No. Please do what you need." Hinata reassured her.

He glanced at the back window to the pickup truck's carriage. His brows creased into a frown at the sight of many grain and food sacks, he hadn't noticed before.  It was certainly an amount to feed a few families.  Was she going to surrender these to the local authorities?

His felt worried. But he refused to believe that Rocko would deliver him to another problem. 

"Don't worry. I won't place you in harms way." Riko said without checking for Hinata's expression. The energies of suspicion he gave off, had said enough.

"This is a delivery my shrine's priest asked me to make on the way." 

Hinata focused on his breathing to calm his worries. He stared to the bright rays of daylight slicing through the somber storm clouds. Gradually breaking them down to allow a blue sky. 

The truck sped down new roads bound for the Koumi outskirts.

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