
To love you better

As long as you love me. It was just,the life she lived was too mundane for her to experience the beauty of life. The rebirth not only brought another beginning but also the various colours of life with it. Jiang XueYue,the crown Princess of Pheonix Country,lived a life desired by many. She was the proud, elegant and cunning princess in the eyes of others. however, behind the tall, shining walls of the empire palace , what faced her was vicious cruelty, cutthroat plannings and hatred. Jiang XueYue failed to recieve the Basic love she longed for her whole life until she faced the end. At last,she lost everything. Her parents,her beloved family and the love she herself was the reason of death. Alas!! She, the crown Princess was reborn. To revenge the betrayal,to make her choices again and to live of love that she deserved.

Vrij_9 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
30 Chs

Chapter 22 : Rage.

Father Jiang felt his heart clench with anguish as he looked at his children. They actually never liked sweat and would always keep themselves clean without a trace of sweat on themselves.

As their father he was aware of this weird trait of his children. Yet now they were all covered in sweat with their clothes soaked with it. The son's were still fine but the girls couldn't be said the same about.

Jiang XueYue visibly shivered even when she walked. Her tiny face which usually had the childish glow to it now was completely red as if cooked over heat. Yan Yixing was even worse as the child couldn't even walk and had to be carried in by Jiang Xuejing with her tiny bun like face filled with redness and sweat.

"How are you guys now, come eat quick." Old master Jiang hurried them over to quickly have their fills.

"Oh my poor sweethearts."Old Madam Jiang cried out gently feeling sad over their current states.

This was actually not the first time the elders saw them like this, their states have been worse in the past yet it has already been several years since they were punished like this.

Jiang XueYue had never been punished as she was too meek to even talk let alone misbehave while the Jiang brothers were already grown ups at that time and were steady and collected most of the time. They rarely got punished which would have been light.

"Grandpa, Grandma,Father and Mother, do not worry. We are all fine." Jiang Xuewei said quickly,too guilty to witness their sad faces.

"Yes, brother's right, We will go wash up before we join elder's in the breakfast." Jiang Xueyue followed suit.

The other three promptly concurred before the group rushed to their respective rooms to wash up and change. They were clearly hungry yet too grossed to eat with the sweaty odor in the air at the same time.

Watching then running away,the elder's felt relieved yet anguished at the same time. The children could still run around, which meant they were fine. And again, they were too hungry to maintain their elegant composures which was saddening. After all, which parent would like to see their own blood and flesh starved.

The siblings soon came out along with Yan Yixing before they sat besides their elders. The aromatic scent of the spices made them salivate with hunger.

The breakfast was simple with hot soup dumplings filled with meat, stuffed cakes and scallion pancakes with a glass of soy milk.

Though famished, the youngsters waited for the elders of the family to start which they quickly did, before following them to eat too.

The family had just picked their chopsticks and still had yet to take a bite when they were suddenly interrupted by the loud voice coming from the entrance.

Jiang XueYue froze when she heard the noise, chills running down her spine. Jiang XueYue realised the emotion she now felt was fear,that she had not felt for a long time.

She didn't experience fear when she fought in battles . She didn't feel it when she was cruelly tortured to comply by the enemy. She didn't feel it even when she took her last breaths in her last life either.

Yet this fear felt foreign to her, she couldn't comprehend it nor could she she decipher the cause of it. It was more like the unconscious fear that rooted deep within her mind, far from her to control.

Jiang XueYue somewhat understood this fear was not hers but the previous owner's. The owner's memory has effected her perception and thinking, the comlex process of psychology of an individual.

After she was reborn, she could only recollect the basic and small portion of previous Jiang XueYue's memory. Now,this made it difficult for her to find the aetiology of her unconscious reaction.

To respond rather than to react to the situations, required one to understand one's emotions and self to improve.

Exactly what had she suffered to experience the emotions with this intensity.


A loud voice followed as the bowl full of hot soup was slapped out of Jiang XueYue's hands. Jiang XueYue couldn't Dodge on time as she was zoned out, analyse the past,only to end up getting scalded awake by the piping hot soup on her upper front body.


Multiple screams of the Jiang family shouted as they quickly rushed to her side however another black shadow was faster as it quickly carried the scalded girl in it's arms.

The family had went over to look at the mess that had erupted at the entrance except for the Old Master and Old Madam of the house who were seated the farthest from Jiang XueYue.

Thus when they saw the figure of a person running speedily towards Jiang XueYue, Old Master had only managed to grab the person's shoulder,which resulted the culprit to miss the target which was intended to land on the girl's cheeks to end up slapping her hands instead.

"Are you sick."

Old Master Jiang quickly pulled the culprit away and jerked harshly leading the person to be thrown onto the ground with a loud thud.

"I'll take her to the hospital to get checked up " Mo Sicheng's extremely cold voice sounded besides Jiang XueYue's ears. It was unusual compared to his usual gentle tone.

Though this man was aloof and introverted by nature, he was compassionate and empathetic deep down. It was his past experiences that resulted into him being indifferent most of the time. However, now his baritone deep voice slightly pinched as if suppressing his outburst while his eyebrows raised slightly expressing his freezing coldness.

Mo Sicheng looked like he was on the vurge of snapping out of his sanity. The man carried Jiang XueYue in his arms , walking away without uttering a word further , sparing a glance towards the fallen woman on the groud . He left with his beloved.