
To live in shadows, a dungeon story

To wake up without a name and no memory of who you are or how you got to where you are. And on top of this someone really seems to want you dead. This is the situation our protagonist wakes up to. With a need to find a way to survive and find out what is going on. He will need to start build defenses and fight for survival when they keep coming to kill him. -------------- This is my first book so please have patience. To read more chapters check out my pa treaon www.pa treon.com/user?u=3080144

Droksd · Fantasía
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38 Chs

Where to draw the line?

So i have been working lightly for about 5 days now since the copper ranked andenture group was here. Bork have been working harder and have dug out a room for me with recesses on both sides. I plan to use this room as the main part of the dungeon for now. Not exactly a big dungeon so far, but it has to start somewhere. Then I try to hide the entrance of the crater room in the resting room by making it into a extremely small opening hidden behind a column at the wall. Its not much of a hidden door but I have no idea how to make anything better with what I have now. Harn do not know either, we need normal metal stuff as hinges and such to make anything better in here.

In the main room I have made two coffin like chests just like in the corridor. I make one of them a little easier to open by making the lid lighter. I also try my hand at making some reliefs on them in the form of text. On both is written - In here lay death and riches in equal amount - and I even tried to make something of a picture on both the dead on both of them. Not to bad for a first try if I say so my self. Bork does not seem to care much, the wolf is sniffing it a lot. Harn have not seem them yet, he is busy with hunting, trying to learn to use the bow.

Another wolf have moved in too. Its fur have turned more white in some spots, it start to look like bones, in a dark room with only a lantern or torch it looks quite scary. I have been trying to teach both of them to run and hide when losing a fight. They are getting good at playing hit and run with me. The cave have lot of spaces for shadows to gather and them to hide.

I put Bork in one of the coffin chests and tell him to attack whoever opens it. I will tell Harn that he is there later. In the other one I put the metal gloves and a wine skin Harn found in the bandit camp. It should be completely empty now. Maybe I can dig a few smaller passages for the wolves to get through and surprise adventurers.

I really hope the army do not come here. all my planes have been made with adventurers in mind. To guide them in, lure them with some items and then attack and try to almost kill them. If Bork success once or twice to kill in a surprise attack should be fine. More items for me to use.

Harn interrupts my thoughts.

"My Lord. adventurers and soldiers have arrived. Old bandit camp."

Soldiers? That is bad, is the woman behind it or someone else?

"How many and is it safe to go look?"

Harn nods, "About twenty" Then goes deeper into the cave making ready to defend it if needed.

"Wait Harn. I think it is better If neither of us is in here when they come. Those soldiers worries me. Lets hide in the forest for now and see what happens."

Harn nods again and we both get our packs ready and hurries out before someone comes and sees us. I shove some dirt over the old campfire space to hide when someone was here last. We fill our water skins taken from the bandits in the stream and goes to the forest to hide. I try to get the wolf to follow but it seems to want to stay with its pack member and defend the dungeon. I have nothing to way to that, just like me it cares about our new home.

Out in the forest we notice that the wolves are harassing someone. Following the sound by sneaking carefully we get in view of the old bandit camp. There we can see a large group of people being harassed by the wolves. They look like either young or poor, none in real armor and the weapons is old or broken. Looks what those adventurers would call newbies or stone ranked. A bit away from the poor people stands a group of 7 men and women, they are well armed and does not seem to worry about the wolves at all. One even kicks one away like it was a irritating dog on the street. They do not help the poor adventurers at all, and even seem to be looking down at them. They are clearly not here to help them.

i make a low sound to get the wolves to react, one of the sees me and I try to whow with my hand for them to draw back and stop harassing the poor kids. Maybe just attack them once an our or so would be good. I wounder if I can make them do that. The wolf seems to understand me and howls, the others in the pack make one last try and then runs out in the forest again. Maybe I could go under the term monster trainer in future. Seems like I need to do that a lot if I do not somehow get more undead like Bork. But is it right to do that? where do i draw the line in right and wrong?

Well the adventurers seems to be relieved now when the wolves no longer harasses them. But the soldiers only looks even more bored.

The adventurers should be here for the dungeon. maybe to train or try their luck at getting something. But the soldiers looks way to dangerous to think my little dungeon is even a threat. If they go in they can just trample it down like nothing, so why are they here?

Wait a second one of the adventurers it setting up a tent and seems to start selling food and other small things to the others. He also seems to take payment for anyone wanting to use his tent. True merchant that, dammit I can not just go over there and talk right. I really want to buy some soap. Maybe he will stay for a few days and I can show up later pretending to be one luck seeker too.

The soldiers also make camp and put a guard outside their tent. Seems like they are in for a wait too. Four of the adventurers then start making their way to the cave. Finally, I carefully follow them after showing Harn that he should stay and watch this group. Time to see how my dungeon holds up against newbies like these. I will not try to kill any of them, I need more power and workers. But they look like poor, innocent and hopeful youths. I do not really even want to hurt them to begin with. One of them can be no more than 15 years old, not even started to get a beard.