
To live in shadows, a dungeon story

To wake up without a name and no memory of who you are or how you got to where you are. And on top of this someone really seems to want you dead. This is the situation our protagonist wakes up to. With a need to find a way to survive and find out what is going on. He will need to start build defenses and fight for survival when they keep coming to kill him. -------------- This is my first book so please have patience. To read more chapters check out my pa treaon www.pa treon.com/user?u=3080144

Droksd · Fantasy
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Zombie what am I to do with you?

So Bork somehow turned into a Zombie and have the drive to defend the dungeon. Well that I good I guess. I get to use someone that wanted to kill me to defend me. But with that blank stare and all those cuts he look stupid and horrible all at the same time.

"What did you do with him to make this happen?"

I turn to Harn in the hope to learn more. Can not have something like this happen randomly to people working for me or adventurers that comes here. Well the second one would not be so bad, but would probably make it so that less adventurers want to come here if they have the chance to turn into the undead by just being here.

"I tortured him and slowly bleed him. Then when he could no longer take it and died, this happened."

Okey, that is more than I wanted to know. But I can not really keep a blind eye to things like that happening in my home. Well he kind of deserved it I guess or not. Fuck. who deserves to be tortured to death?

"If some murderous individual gets in here again lets just try bleed them to death and not torture the next time. okey?"

Harn looks at me with a calm look.

"Yes my lord."

Seems like he really went for the servant role here. Well, at least he is loyal and I am not alone all the time. The wolf also helps now when she is with me almost all the time. I wonder if this will happen to more animals or this one is just special?

Well lets take a look at the new Bork then. He is nude and only holding a club in his hands. So he can use tools. At least something like a club, he does not look like he have crazy actions of an animal that wants to eat you. So no idea what makes him work, he is just standing there like a statue with everything hanging out. Lets at least se if he can wear some of the armor we have. I should have one more gambison from the bandits. The leader also had some metal gloves and leather pants and shoes. I think I put the gloves in the dungeon and let Bork wear the rest.

After getting everything with Harn I try to order him to wear the armor and he tries to take it on him self. The gambison works fine but the pants and shoes seems to be to much for his agility and intelligence- He just falls down, stands up and then tries again only to once again fail. It all gives of a really pathetic look.

I tell him to stop and we both help him get dressed, it works fine with some short commands and working together. We also notice that he wont follow Harns commands without me telling him first. And if I take the command back or he gets to many commands he seems to forget again and stopps follow him.

The wild wolf is better at following commands than this damn zombie. Well at least he does exactly what I tell him. But that is not only something good. It also means that he will be worthless at ambushes and not much of a danger in a fight. From what I can see and feel he does not seem to need any energy from the dungeon to exist and move, so that´s good. I wish I had a pick axe or something. Not something a adventurer will bring with them is it? if I do not find a metal vain or something and leave it för them. that´s actually a good idea, if I find one I will try to remember that.

I give him the broken sword that now is a as dull as a club after all the digging with it. I then put some of my blood on it and give him the command to start digging at the U bend of the corridor, lets see if this work. I have a feeling that the only will he has is to do what he is told. And that should be enough to work my powers and he seems to be a being of the dungeon. This do not work with Harn, we tried.

The Bork zombie beggins hacking at the wall at the chosen area and have no problems digging up the ground, a pickaxe or even a shovel would be more effective but this seems to work fine, I will just need to give him more orders to get it as I want. otherwise he seems to only dig forward into the wall. Good to make a very tight and low passage, just the same size as Bork. but not so good for other things.

We let him dig for a couple of hours while we start working with other things. Harn starts cleaning some clothes and gets us water from the stream. I decide to not use any of the energy so I can see how much Bork is using. My own time is spent resting and drawing lines on the ground in front of the cave entrance. I am thinking about making it look better and really show everyone where it is. Then the side exit I make will hopefully be overlooked. I also go in and check on Bork once in a while to give him new commands.

Then I check and see that it looks like he uses the same amount of energy as I do. It is hard to get a defined amount with only a slight glow from a crater, but after this past week I got a some hold on how fast the light is fading and what that means. This should make everything much easier, I only need to keep track on Bork so he do not work away all my energy and leave me to die. Also gives me a chance to rest more, witch should help some. It means that my wounds will not take up as much energy. Working the amount I have with deadly wounds should be using a lot of energy just to keep me alive.

With that I know that we should have some days to our self. As long as not any other group than the adventures guild send people here to check it out. But the wolves will give me a warning if that happens.

This should hold for a while I think, and I have enough energy to keep me alive and Bork working for maybe a week from what I can see. Maybe I can get some new adventurers hoping for a quick way to get rich and famous coming here by then. I have to be carefull, lower teir adventurers will probably be more willing to risk trying to kill me, not understanding what dangers they are in. And that damn woman will not give up, what will here next plan to kill me be? I can die with one wrong step here.

And then the next couple of days goes by that way. We work, rest and Bork keeps digging a room for our use. I also make a new door for it. I am getting better at it and Harn helps me fill up around the cave entrance to make it more even.