
On the Verge of Greatness (Edited)

Chapter 5: On the Verge of Greatness

2 years later...

The year was 1993 in the Hunter World, and thankfully, the world had not ended yet.

Felix felt the sweat dripping from his forehead as he pushed himself to complete one more rep. He was lying on a bench doing a bench press, lifting a pair of dumbbells that weighed more than he did. He grunted with effort, feeling his muscles burn with every movement.

"Come on, Felix, you can do it!" his coach shouted from beside him. "One more, just one more!"

Felix obeyed, lifting the dumbbells above his chest and then lowering them slowly. He exhaled sharply, letting go of the weights and sitting up. He wiped his face with a towel, feeling exhausted but satisfied.

"Good job, kid, good job!" his coach praised him, clapping him on the back. "You're amazing, you know that? You've improved so much in such a short time. You have a natural talent for this."

Felix smiled, feeling proud of himself. The feeling of your body improving at a noticeable pace was addicting. He enjoyed the challenge, the discipline, the feeling of strength and power.

He had only recently joined the gym a few months ago, hoping to get in shape and improve himself. He had met his coach there, a friendly and experienced trainer who had taken him under his wing and taught him everything he knew.

While strength training wasn't his main focus as of now, it didn't hurt to develop his body.

"Thanks, coach," Felix said. "You're great. You've helped me a lot."

The coach smiled back, ruffling his hair.

"Don't mention it, kid. You're the one who's doing all the work. I'm just here to guide you and motivate you. But you have to keep it up, okay? Don't slack off, don't give up. You have a lot of potential, Felix. You could be a great athlete someday."

Felix nodded, appreciating the sentiment. While his coach didn't know about his true goal of becoming the very best and coming out on top of this Reincarnation Game, it was nonetheless helpful to have someone to motivate you.

"Got it, coach."

The coach gave him a thumbs up, feeling proud of the young boy. He had seen many kids come and go in the gym, but none like Felix. He had something special, something rare. He had determination, passion, and talent.

He had what it took to be a champion.

The coach checked his watch, realizing that it was time to go. He had another appointment with a different client in half an hour. He grabbed his bag and water bottle, ready to leave.

"Well, kid, that's it for today," he said to Felix. "You did great, as always. I'll see you next week, same time, same place."

"Okay, coach," Felix replied. "See you next time."

They exchanged a fist bump and a smile, then parted ways. The coach headed to the locker room, while Felix stayed on the bench, catching his breath and drinking some water. He felt good, but also tired. He had worked hard today, and he deserved a break.

It was only a few months ago after he had turned six, that he had decided that now was a good time to undergo weight training. Before that, he had mostly focused on aerobic exercises, swimming, and gymnastics, exercises that greatly trained the body but were not too harsh for the body of a child.

At first, he had started off light with exercises that required no equipment like pushups and squats, before he realized that his body could take a lot more. Different than his previous world, it seemed as though this world worked in a logic similar to that of anime.

The more intense the training, the greater the reward. Of course, he still tried to pace himself at a modest but slightly fast pace.

As side hobbies, he had decided to take up on piano and calligraphy.

The first reason was so that he could potentially become like one of those young Asian piano prodigies. The other reason was to eventually quote a certain MC from the Classroom of the Elite when he eventually fought another Player.

Felix unlocked his phone, only to see that he had a missed call from his father. He frowned, wondering what he wanted. His father would usually only send messages to him, and would only call him if it was of importance.

A big plus of the Hunter World was that it was very similar to the modern world. It had cars, tall buildings, and the internet. He was content about his situation, as he could still play games and surf the internet during his leisure time.

Some of the other Players, notably the Pirate and Ninja Players, did not have this luxury and spent most of their time whining about it in the General Chat. However, even with their whining, Felix had the suspicion that they were just over-exaggerating their situation, and he knew that their worlds were interesting enough to keep them occupied most of the time.

Felix tapped on the call icon, waiting for his father to answer. He wondered what his father would inform him about. Maybe this time his father would give him another job to complete for the Ritz Family. This usually entailed him taking inventory of the goods in possession of the Family, and writing a long comprehensive list of items, some of which would be auctioned off or sold at inflated prices.

"Are you done with your training?" his father's voice came from the other end of the line.

"Yes. Is something the problem?"

"There were some further developments. Good ones," replied Stoll. "The Ritz Family has taken note of our achievements and loyalty to the family. This, in addition to my previous years of servitude, has led to them bestowing us a reward. The one you've been waiting for. I will inform you further in my office."

Stoll didn't say anything further and hung up, having said his piece.

Felix stood there silently, a smile slowly forming on his face. He felt a surge of excitement coursing through his veins. He had just received the news he had been waiting for, of his efforts being rewarded. The mafia family he had been working for had decided to grant him a rare privilege: they would send a trainer to teach him superpowers.

As Felix learned more about this Hunter World, he found out that certain people were in possession of extraordinary powers. He came across this information as he was researching Heavens Arena, a massive building with 251 floors.

Heavens Arena was the gathering place of martial artists and fighting enthusiasts, attracting competitors from all over the world who fought to prove their worth. The annual spectator attendance was over 1 billion, which attested to the popularity of the place. There were also those who came to Heavens Arena to garner fame and riches, as the towers had a monetary reward system for those who were able to win and climb high into the tower.

Felix had been taking notes for the future when he inevitably joined this place to gain fighting experience and extra money, when he came to know about the superpowers. Those above the 200th floor seemed to possess these special powers that turned the fights even more perilous and entertaining. For a price, Felix was able to watch the matches between these gifted fighters, which was what started his pursuit of these powers.

He later found out that one particular group of people seemed to have the highest concentration of these gifted humans. They were called Hunters. They were a part of the Hunter Association, a non-governmental organization that tested and licensed such individuals.

This world was a dangerous place, with perils and unknown secrets hidden behind every shadow. However, with great risk, came great rewards. Ancient ruins, treasures beyond your wildest dreams, and ancient artifacts were all within the reach of those bold and strong enough to take them. The Hunter Association worked to bring in these talented individuals, licensing them as Hunters to pursue their dreams.

But the most shocking fact to Felix was that the world seemed to be mostly ignorant of these superpowers. It seemed that there was a proven way to awaken these powers, but the information regarding them seemed to be a tight-kept secret. This led to him not being able to figure out how to awaken the Hunter Power System.

The other Hunter Players, whom he had gotten to know throughout the years, also seemed to be in the same pickle as him. Some players, who had Hunters as their parents, were at a greater disadvantage as their parents would only teach them about the superpowers if they passed the Hunter Exam, which seemed to be the norm of how most first learned about the superpowers.

Felix, however, had found a loophole.

While it was generally the norm to come to know about the superpowers after passing the Hunter Exam, not all people who knew about the superpowers were Hunters.

The Ten Dons, the Mafia leaders with influence across the world, seemed privy to this hidden knowledge. Felix's father had come across this information through service the Ritz Family and had made plans to use some favors to bestow the knowledge upon Felix.

Now, the day had finally come.

Felix hurriedly zipped up his bag and went down the elevator. When he arrived outside of the gym, he went in the car that was already ready to pick him up, his driver having been waiting to take him home.

The ride back home was agonizing, and Felix had never been more wishful to be able to just telekinetically fling the cars in front of him out of his way.

After an agonizing ride home, Felix arrived. Though, calling it a home wasn't really appropriate. It was more of an office building, with the penthouse acting as Felix's home.

In the past few years, with some opportunities, Felix's father was able to get a promotion in overseeing the Ritz Family's auction business. This led to Felix and his father being able to move into the new house and also use the remaining floors to aid in the auction business.

But enough of that. After arriving at the top floor, Felix left his stuff in his room and knocked on the door of his father's office.

"Come in."

Felix entered the room and was met with the sight of an organized desk with stacks of paper.

Alex Stoll was on his desk working on them and looked up when he heard Felix come in. He scanned over Felix, judging him. Then, he nodded, seemingly satisfied with what he saw.

"Good, you're here. I'll keep it short as I have some impending matters to attend to."

Felix waited patiently, hanging off of every word Stoll said.

Stoll continued. "Our efforts have been recognized and the Ritz Family has informed me that they will send you an instructor to teach you. I presume that you understand the importance of this matter."

Stoll paused, as he let the words sink in.

He continued. "The instructor will arrive next week and you will start immediately. They have given you a month to learn all that you can, so it is ultimately up to you in how you utilize the time. Do so wisely. Depending on your progress, future developments with the Ritz Family are most certain.

Stoll looked at Felix, and nodded once he had judged that Felix had understood him.

"That is all. You are dismissed."

Felix then left the office. After arriving in his room, and being sure that his door was properly closed, Felix cheered loudly.

Finally. FINALLY. Now that he had official confirmation and information about the date, he was practically dancing with joy. He couldn't wait to get started on his training to get superpowers.

To keep his mind occupied, Felix decided to enter the Tavern to catch up on how the other Players were doing.


As his vision came to, he was met with the scenery of the Tavern. Now, Felix was in his older form and some casual clothes. He looked around.

Compared to when he first arrived at the Tavern, the place was now bustling with activity.

Players were frolicking about here and there, some lounging about on the sofas, and some ordering their daily free drink. As Felix was looking around, he spotted Merchant sitting at one of the tables and went to get a drink to sit with him.

Merchant was a tall man of a burly stature, and it contrasted with his surprisingly sharp and piercing eyes. His hair color was dark brown and his skin had hints of developing a tan.

During the past two years, while training his mind and body, Felix had not neglected making connections with other fellow Players. Merchant was one among the many friends he had made.

Felix had met him at the Tavern when he had come for a drink and they hit it off immediately.

Merchant was a Pirate Player, so they both had much to gain as they could learn more about each other's respective classes to prepare for when they traveled to each other's worlds. They both understood the importance of trust in business, so they exchanged information and favors as a form of currency between them.

Felix got himself an Iced Tea at the bar and approached Merchant. As Felix approached Merchant, Merchant noticed him and then greeted him.

"Ah, Esper. My good fellow. How have you been? It's been so long since I last saw you."

Felix smiled, already used to his antics.

"The same as when we talked yesterday. But let's skip the banter for today. I have good news."

"Ooh, how exciting." Merchant chuckled. "Do lay it on me."

Felix cleared his throat, more so for dramatic effect than anything.

"Pretty soon, I will start learning the Hunter Power System, so I will have more information to share. For a price, of course."

"That is indeed good news." Merchant twirled his imaginary mustache.

"Now, I am happy to announce that I have also gotten a hold of two pieces of information that will catch your fancy. First, about the Mission Points."

Merchant then spoke:

"As you already know, we can acquire Mission Points after completing our first 'Tutorial' Mission. Of course, no one has been able to complete it before as we were still literal 4-year old's. But the story has now changed. Little by little, Players have started to be able to complete the Tutorial Mission, giving them the opportunity to start earning Mission points. Though, considering that we're still six and that we can only do the Missions once a month, it isn't too much of a concern yet."

Felix nodded. It made sense that Players would begin to be able to complete the Tutorial Mission. It was just a matter or time. However, it did worry him a little that he may be falling behind, further strengthening his resolve to learn the Hunter Power System.

Merchant then continued.

"Second, I've got information regarding the Devil Fruits themselves and the Devil Fruit Trial Pass that the Players possess."

Felix sat up, his attention wholly focused on Merchant.

"Really? I would've thought that it would have taken longer for the others to spill the beans. What changed?"

Merchant chuckled.

"Oh, nothing much. One of the Pirate Players finished their trial and obtained their respective Devil Fruit power. The real kicker is that after obtaining it, they realized that it was utter garbage. They went on a whole tantrum spree in the Pirate Chat, whining about how they sacrificed their ability to swim for nothing. It was a whole show."

Felix laughed, already imagining the scene. "That must've been a riot. Wish I could've seen it for myself. But enough of that, spill the beans."

"Very well," Merchant cleared his throat.

"As you already know, the Pirate World is one made up of mostly oceans, with islands dotted across the globe. The world is governed by strange laws and is filled with mysteries. One of the biggest mysteries present is regarding the Devil Fruits. They are mystical fruits that grant the eater special abilities."

Merchant continued. "The abilities and their respective fruits can be categorized into three types: "

"First, the Zoan grants the wielder the ability to transform their bodies to take on the characteristics of specific animals or beings. They gain 3 basic transformations. A human base form, a human-beast hybrid form, and a full beast form."

"The logia, can transform their bodies into a specific natural element and create it at will. The logia are known as the rarest type of devil fruit to obtain. Also, without special means, they are invulnerable to most basic attacks."

"The remaining fruits that don't fall into either of the previous categories are the Paramecia. The Paramecia, gain supernatural abilities that can range from being able to become invisible to making their body turn into blades."

"The downside of gaining these powers is that you lose the ability to swim. And I mean it quite literally. You will be unable to physically move and will sink like a stone. Quite a heavy punishment to have in a world full of oceans, but some think that the trade-off is worth it. Some have equated it to a sort of curse placed upon devil fruit wielders by the world to restrain their unnatural powers."

'A curse, huh?' Felix pondered on it for a bit, thinking back to his Paladin's necklace, before being drawn back into Merchant's long monologue.

"There is also a special mineral that possesses the same debilitating effect when in contact with a devil fruit wielder. So there's also that to watch out for." Merchant warned.

"Huh, that's pretty cool," stated Felix as he sipped his drink. "Then what about the Devil Fruit Trial Pass?"

"Hold your horses, I'm getting to that," Merchant said.

"The Devil Fruit Trial Passes give you the chance to challenge different Trials to acquire a specific Devil Fruit. It is on a first-come, first-serve basis, so if you are going for a specific Devil Fruit, it's a good idea to go get it quickly. You could also try your luck in finding the physical fruit in the Pirate World, but that's like finding a needle in a haystack."

"The Devil Fruit Trial Passes come in two forms: The Basic Trials and the Hell Trials."

"The Basic Trials are in a sort of Marathon fashion. It gives you a variety of trials that you have to overcome until you fail. The more trials you pass, the better the options you have in choosing your Devil Fruit. The only catch is that the trials are one after the other without a break, so unless you have a way to rest in the middle of said trial, you are screwed. Also, the trials get progressively harder the more you complete."

"Some players have even claimed that they must've spent a few days inside the trials trying to complete them, though no time had passed in the real world when they returned. Also, the higher quality fruits require you to complete the trials for at least a few weeks, so unless you have good strength and stamina, you're not getting them."

"Now, the Hell Trials. These are the real jackpots. They are specialized Trials that grant the user their desired Devil Fruit Power if you pass the trial. As a prerequisite, you have to know beforehand the name of the fruit and have a basic understanding of what abilities the fruit gives you. Meaning, you could potentially get the strongest Devil Fruit Power that you know of, if you pass the specific Hell Trial for it."

"Each Hell Trial is different for each individual Devil Fruit and they are ten times harder than the Basic Trials. The upside is that you don't have to bust your ass for weeks trying to complete the Basic Trials hoping to finally see the option to choose the Devil Fruit you were gunning for to appear."

Felix thought out loud. "So, it's basically a one-and-done deal if you pass the Hell Trial for your desired Devil Fruit. That's interesting to know."

"I know right?" Merchant smiled widely. "That's why the other Pirate Players are desperate to get their hands on information regarding the different Devil Fruits in the world. Information on them is selling like hotcakes."

Felix remained silent, processing the information that he had just received.

In the two years he had been training, he had been tempted to go to the Pirate World just so that he could unlock his Devil Fruit Trial Pass to try out the trials to see what he would get.

However, considering that the Pass disappeared after choosing a Devil Fruit Power, he had held himself back until he had gotten more information on them. Plus, considering how he hadn't even been able to use the Hunter Power System, he thought that it would be jumping the gun.

Now that he knew more, his next goals were to be able to use the Hunter Power System, get proficient in it, and get more information on the different Devil Fruits that were obtainable.

"Well, that's all for today," finished Merchant. "My two hours are almost up and I'll be sure to update you on new deals when the time comes."

"Thanks, I'll also let you know on any further developments.

Felix looked down on his now empty drink.

"I should probably also get going now. It was a pleasure doing business with you."

Merchant smiled. "The pleasure's all mine."


A.N. Heya!

So sorry for the delay. Life has been a bit hectic as of late so chapters might come out at random. 

Thanks as always for the support!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Give me your stones!

NeptuneMaplecreators' thoughts