
To Be a Hero: A MHA fanfic

So where do we go after we die? There are a lot of theories on that matter Most people all over the world assume that the dead move on to the after life. The good people end up in heaven while the bad have to suffer in hell. Others assumed that you just wake up in paradise or something. She even remembered someone saying that maybe you get to watch over the lives of those you love. And others like the Hindus and Buddhists believe in reincarnation. They believed that someone who died with good karma they would be reborn into a good life. Those who did not have good karma end up with a bad life. Like any normal anime fan that had read a ton of reincarnation fan fiction of course the thought of being reincarnated into a cool anime world crossed her mind... ________________ You guys know how this thing goes. I could give ya more details, but that would just ruin the fun

Archer_Phoenix · Cómic
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61 Chs

Chapter 1

Death. A concept she never really thought about. The permanent cessation of all biological functions that sustain a living organism. That is the correct and short description of death. Everyone and everything dies. That is common sense. No one ever knows when their time will come and they like it that way. They live their lives to the fullest not thinking about the dark concept that is death. She never thought about it. She never worried about it. She was going to live a long successful life. She was going to achieve all her goals. She was going to make a difference in the world. She had so much planned for her future. So many cool ideas.

Sadly it all came to an abrupt end. She didn't live the long life she thought she would. She didn't even graduate high school. She never even got her first job. Hell she never even had a relationship. She never finished the MHA manga. She didn't know who Deku's father was. She'll never get the chance to find out.

Her death was very painful. She didn't even see it coming. It was a normal day like any other. She was just on her way home from school. She was walking the usual path. Passing the usual houses. Nothing seemed off about that day. Nothing was off about that day. On her walk she was excitedly thinking about the new chapter of My Hero Academia. She couldn't wait to get home, get some snacks and plop on her bed with her manga. Life was good. Until it wasn't.

She wasn't aware of what happened. The memory of it was very fuzzy. She remembered there being a truck. The screetching of tires against asphalt. And then pain. Excruciating pain. She had never felt pain like that before and couldn't help the scream that left her throat. That's all she remembered of it though. For some reason her memory was a mess. Was it because she died? Was she starting to forget about her life? How had the truck even hit her? She remembered walking on the side of the road like any sane person. How in the world did she get hit by a truck?

Trucks always find a way, huh?

Welp she died. That was obvious. She was disappointed, but there was nothing she could do about it. Now she just had to move on.

She felt calm. She felt warm. She felt safe in the darkness she found herself in. She had tried to move, but was very weak. She had tried to open her eyes, but it seemed impossible. She didn't know where she was and in actuality she didn't care all that much. She had already died. Whatever situation she found herself in couldn't be worse than that. And it's not like she was uncomfortable. She was very relaxed in the odd space. She felt as if she was in some sort of odd liquid. She was breathing fine even though it felt very strange for some reason. It was as if she was breathing from her stomach. How very odd.

She thought back to how she died. Hit by a truck. She couldn't help but find it ironic. She had read so many fan fictions and novels about main characters getting hit by a truck. They would almost always wake up in either a bright white space or a pitch black one. Then they would sometimes meet God and get three or five wishes grated. And then they would be given a second life in another world. She loved those stories. It was hilarious sometimes and also fun to read about the cool adventures. Sometimes she wished she could be in another world. She would definitely love to be in the world of MHA. The MCU of anime.

The longer she thought about those reincarnation stories the more her situation seemed to match the stories. At some point all amusement died as she realized the very dark space she was experiencing matched the very description given by the main characters when they found themselves in their mother's womb. Plus she was killed by the famous Truck-kun.

But that couldn't be it right?

Of course not. They were all just stories. Figments of some genius' imagination. There is no way she could be reborn. It was impossible.

But how could something unknown be impossible. No one knew what came after death. There were probably a billion ideas about what transpires after someone takes their last breath.

Most people all over the world assume that the dead move on to the after life. The good people end up in heaven while the bad have to suffer in hell. Others assumed that you just wake up in paradise or something. She even remembered someone saying that maybe you get to watch over the lives of those you love. And others like the Hindus and Buddhists believe in reincarnation. They believed that someone who died with good karma would be reborn into a good life. Those who did not have good karma end up with a bad life.

in conclusion there are tons of theories about what goes on after death. No one knows for sure so being reincarnated could not be impossible if one never knew it could happen.

That still didn't answer her question though. Where was she? What was going to happen? It's funny how a while back she didn't care about what would happen to her, but after the mere thought or reincarnation she suddenly wants to know what is happening.

If she was being reborn she wondered what her new life would be like. Would it be the same as her old one? Would she be in the same world? She hoped not. Humans were killing mother earth and she would rather not be reborn onto a dying planet. She hoped her new world was completely different. Actually she hoped she was reborn into an anime. Now any other anime fan would say that any anime world would be awesome.

Not her.

She would only love to be reborn into the My hero academia world. Or the Fairy Tail world. Or the One Piece world. Those three worlds are her most prefered worlds. All three or them were nice world that didn't offer overbearing dangers like that of Dragon Ball or JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. My Hero academia seemed the least dangerous and a lot of fun. Who wouldn't want to live on a earth where humans have evolved to the point of having super powers? She didn't even care if she was born quirkless. There are a ton of heroes who have no super power. IE. The black widow, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Falcon even Batman and co. So quirkless or not she would still try out for UA and still try to be a hero.

To tell the truth she didn't like Izuku at first. That guy goes on saying that it is his dream to be a hero. Of course his little heart was crushed after finding out he was captain powerless, but he still had his dream didn't he? And if you have a dream you have to do everything in your power to make it a reality. So what if you didn't have a quirk? The least you could do was train your body and build up strength or something. Take martial arts classes. Learn how to defend yourself. Izuku is smart. Super smart. If he had started training as a kid he could be a downgraded Captain America.

Well she likes him now. He's not all that bad. He's just a shy little broccoli that is doing his best. Who wouldn't want to be friends with that guy? Even Bakugo is starting or trying to be a little nicer to the kid. He gets an A for effort.

It would be cool to be a wizard in the world of Fairy Tail. Dragon slayers are the hype, she wouldn't mind being one. Or maybe she could be a never seen before slayer. A Phoenix slayer for example. That would be awesome. A Phoenix's flames should be hotter than that of a dragon. Plus it would suit her seeing as she was reborn. Phoenix's never die. A Phoenix is unique bird that lived for five or six centuries in the Arabian desert, after this time burning itself on a funeral pyre and rising from the ashes with renewed youth to live through another cycle. The endless cycle of rebirth. That is what a Phoenix represents.

If she was pushed into the world of pirates that is One Piece she would be just as happy. She would prefer to have the will of D because those guys are overpowered and bring all the action. She wouldn't want a devil fruit though, unless it's one that gives her control over the four elements. She wondered if such one existed. Whoever had it would be overpowered seeing as the water would no longer be a threat to them. Maybe she would join Luffy's crew. She could always create her own or join some other crew.

Oh well. She figured there was no use in over thinking everything. For now she would just sit and wait to see what happens.

Maybe she would have to sit in this darkness for eternity.

That didn't seem very appealing.