
Times Up

A girl named Thea has to go through difficult times in her life since her father died, she feels her world is shattered and problems keep coming into her life, she feels she doesn't have anyone in this world even though she still has her mother whom she hates so much. It doesn't stop there; problems keep happening and she has to go through it alone. Until she met someone who changed her. The introverted Thea slowly becomes someone who opens up since meeting Luna, a friend she finally had during high school. Luna helped Thea get out of her comfort zone and convinced her that life was much better out there. But she has to meet Milly, someone she saved earlier. After knowing her, Thea's world was getting messy, and problems started to bother her, it was not her responsibility to solve the problem, but a feeling of guilt continued to grow inside Thea. The problem opened her up and made her a new person, she had no friends but because of that problem, she had many enemies who were ready to destroy her. But for Thea her life was shattered long before she encountered that problem, to be precise when her father died and her mother abandoned her. She went through many problems, from family, friends, school, love to grudges, and becoming one in this story.

inpeaceplace · Adolescente
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs

Chapter 12

That afternoon it rained quite hard, Thea watched the raindrops falling from her classroom window. Some of the students there chose to go home but not with Thea. She leaned back in the chair and closed her eyes, listening to the music playing in her ears.

But suddenly someone came and took off the earbuds in her ears, making Thea open her eyes and turn towards that person sharply.

"What are you doing?" Thea said, she stood up from her seat and saw Milly in front of her crying.

"What happened to you?" Thea said.

"I thought you wanted to help me, but I was wrong."

"What do you mean?"

"I already told you, he won't to take responsibility, don't force him to take that"

"But he has to take responsibility"

"You don't understand! Just stop it!" Milly came out of Thea's class, some of the students there just stared at Thea.

Thea took her bag and left the classroom, she looked for Milly, she saw her walking towards the gate without an umbrella. Thea immediately ran towards Milly.

"Milly, wait.." Thea pulled Milly's hand to make her stop.

"What?" Milly said, their bodies started to get drenched from the heavy rain.

"Tell me, what's wrong with you?"

"Thea, what did you tell him? You're only making it worse"

"I'm not saying anything but the truth"

"No, you don't know anything Thea"

"Milly, I just want him to know and take responsibility for what he did to you"

"He's going to post my video Thea" Thea just silent.

"He will post my video and everyone will know, everyone will see it"

"What.. what do you mean? What video? Did he--"

"I also don't know if he recorded it, but he will upload it if everyone knows about this, Thea, why do you have to do this?"


"Go away from me!" Milly just left and Thea was silent, she didn't know what was going on, and what she should do. It seemed he was too quick to make up his mind.

"Theaaa!!" Luna ran towards Thea with her umbrella.

"What happened? Why are you raining like this?" Luna said.

"Luna" Thea looked at Luna sharply.


"Give me Noah's address"


"Give it to me!" Thea snapped at her and left from there.

"Theaa!!" Luna tried to call her but Thea just ignored her.

Thea came home with her body soaking wet, she ignored her mother in the living room and immediately went into her room, locking the door so her mother would not try to enter.

She threw her bag on the bed and screamed, she was so frustrated with the trouble that was slowly coming her way. She messes things up when she starts talking and she hates it.


"Thea, open the door, what happened to you?" Her mother called from outside her room, she was worried about her daughter.

Thea kept staring at her phone screen, Luna kept sending her messages but only one message she read. She doesn't like meddling in other people's matters, but she has to do something, she has to stop Noah before it's too late.

The next morning Luna ran towards the bus stop, she saw Thea was there alone. Of course she was worried about Thea, she couldn't be contacted since yesterday.

"Thea, why didn't you pick up my phone? What happened? Did you go to Noah's house last night? Tell me"

"Shut up!" Luna flinched at her shout.

"Thea.." Luna's phone suddenly rang, she took her phone to see who was calling, and it was Sam.

"Hello" Luna said.

"Where are you?" he said.

"I'm waiting at the bus stop, what's wrong?"

"It's about Milly"

"What? What's wrong with Milly?" Thea who heard that name immediately looked at Luna.

"She was found dead"

"What?!" Luna screamed after hearing what Sam said.

"Luna, what happened to Milly? Why are you screamed?" Thea said.

"She killed herself, the police and her parents were at school" Luna just looked at Thea with tears on her cheeks.

"Luna, what happened?" Thea said.

"Milly.. Milly was found dead by suicide"

Thea was silent in front of Luna who was crying, she never cried other than about her family, she wasn't even someone who cared about other things besides herself, but this time, she didn't know why she felt broken. Guilt slowly enveloped her.

"No!! No way!! She promised not to do that" Thea muttered.

The two of them arrived at school, the police were still there, they were still checking on some of Milly's friends. They had to do it because their parents suspected that someone was forcing her to do it.

Thea, who was standing beside Luna, couldn't stop looking at her parents who were still crying hysterically there. Then someone caught Thea's attention, someone who was looking in the same direction as her.

"Thea where are you going?" Luna held her hand.

"I have to finish what I started" Thea said, she withdrew her hand from Luna's grip and approached Noah and his friends.

She stood beside Noah without saying anything until Noah realized Thea's presence beside him.

"She's dead" Thea turned to Noah who was already looking at her.

"Are you happy?" Thea said.

"What? What do you mean?"

"If she's gone, that means you don't have to be responsible for anything."

"Shut up!" Noah tried to keep his voice down and Thea held Noah's cheek.

"Okay, I'll keep this secret, just for the two of us" Noah was silent in front of Thea who smiled at him.