
Chapter 16

"You going to ask her out for Hoco?"


Ahhh, great memories.

[Hoco, or 'Homecoming' is a tradition in high schools and colleges that was initially made to celebrate the return of people in a community.

It evolved into a yearly event that usually consists of a sports game, activities, a marching band parade, and a dance.

They are similar to Prom Dances (promenade dance), except where Prom parties are only for upperclassmen (juniors and seniors — 11th and 12th graders), Hoco includes all high schoolers.]

To be honest, I had completely forgotten about it… But now that everyone was making a fuzz about it, I probably should.

Right. Throughout her years of high school and college, not once did she experience the innocence and sweetness of flourishing adolescence.

"Yeah. I probably will," I answered my friends who widened their eyes.

"Damn, no way bro. Really?"

"Duudeee… Haven't you heard? She's already rejected four guys…"

"I think she'd be down for you, though."

"No cap."

I felt way too old for my own good, listening to their slang that felt expired and out-of-time for me.

"We'll see."

"What will you do to invite her?"

I brought a hand to my chin, "To be honest, I don't know."

"Dude, dude dude…" he punched my shoulder repeatedly, excited about an idea, "She watches your basketball games, right? Ask her out when you win a home game, bro…"

"Dude that's a great idea."

"Bruh is a genius."

"The love doctor."

"Call him Love Doctor Nathan."

His suggestion was great, but I am not calling him Love Dr. Nathan.

"Dude, look. Get a poster n' write 'Hoco' in big bold letters with a question mark… and then, get someone to hide it for you and some flowers, and then when you win the game just give her the poster and the flowers…"

"Love Doctor Nathan never misses."

"Haha, no way… Those are actually great ideas, Ivan I think you owe him some."

Well, that's what I'll end up doing.

I felt a ring in my pocket and heard a specific ringtone set for a very special person.

Yes. She realized I was too lazy to look at my messages often and made me set a special ringtone so that I could answer her messages quickly.

Although she was joking around when she said not texting back immediately was cheating and she'd murder me for it, she'd be extremely annoyed and think I'm purposefully ignoring her if I don't see her messages.

Right. A little inconsiderate if she were to be like that with other people, but I'll let it slide since she's so cute and has such little experience.

'See, I sent you a message half an hour ago and you haven't answered. Are you trying to upset me on purpose? Is this your idea of a prank? Ignoring me? What are you doing in class that makes you so busy?'

I still heard her nagging to my ear with a shy and timid expression but a talkative mouth.

I opened my phone immediately.

[Alice: Good morning!]

[Alice: :Sticker:(cute cat sticker)]

[Alice: Are you inviting me to the Homecoming event?]

[Hayes: Good morning]

[Hayes: Yes but im still planning it]

[Hayes: whyd you ask tho?]

[Alice: Thank you, but I will be rejecting that invitation in advance. Next, I will propose my resolution. I will be the one inviting you out.]

[Hayes: Quit speaking like we are still in the company and why do you want to be the one inviting me out?]

[Alice: I'm only practicing my English mechanics. You might want to adopt it, too.]

[Alice: I want to invite you because I have a really good idea.]

[Hayes: how about we both just accept each others invitations?]

She read my message and contemplated it for a few seconds before I saw the 'typing' symbol again.

[Alice: You're right. That would work too. I will look forward to what you have planned.]

[Hayes: this is not a business deal or negotiation. Speak a little less formally]

[Alice: I'm sorry…]

[Alice: :sad-cat-sticker:]

[Hayes: Ill see u at school dont forget to bring the materials for the project in lang]

[Alice: Shoot.]

[Alice: …I am running late and completely forgot to buy the materials yesterday. Could you help me, please?]

Yup, that's definitely a first for her— forgetting her materials.

It's a little weird how… Not Alice, she has become.

[Hayes: You forgot to buy materials?]

"Hey, you guys," they perked up from their phones while we were sitting on the bench. "Thanks, Love Dr. Nathan, I've got to go buy some stuff for my project."

I'll probably buy the poster and the decorations too.


Their expressions fell like it was the end of the world.

"We have a fucking project?"

"Guys… remember that he's in tons of AP classes n' shit now. Us normal people don't have projects."

They all sighed in relief and waved at me as I walked away to the school's supply shop.

Since it was mid-September, league high school basketball games had already started.

To be honest, I never really knew or paid attention to the fact that Ivan played basketball. It was when I returned a year ago and got all chummy with him that I noticed he enjoyed basketball.

He's pretty good at it. He mentioned it was one of his hobbies, one that started because his friends had mentioned that his 'height was a waste if he didn't hoop'.

Though he's a sophomore, he's on the school's principal Varsity team. He sits out for the unimportant games to let the Seniors show out since it's their last year anyway. Whenever they're in a serious game, he'll play as a starter.

As a sophomore, he'd be a great talent but I know that he's a 24-year-old man that has played against these players before, so I'm not as shocked as the others are.

Currently, we were finally watching a home game.

A senior briskly bounced the ball up into the air and caught the ball in the air to slam it into the rim.

The entire gym roared in excitement. After a 6 game-win-streak from constant away games, students were itching to watch them play, especially since this was their first homecourt game.

Friends that were fans told me today would be an especially difficult game because we'd be going against our constant rival for the number one seed

Finally, the warm-ups were over and the impatient students would finally get what they wanted.

I'd never understood the feeling of these events and why people got so excited over sports games like these, but since last year I can finally start to see the appeal.

I want the team representing my community to win. Or rather, I just want Ivan to win.

I'd never admit it but I also felt slightly impatient to watch…

Ivan was played as a starter which gained many questions from the students that weren't too informed on the state of the team but liked watching the games anyway.

The oldest players are usually the strongest and the best… so it's not common for one to be subbed out.

"Uh… Why's Connor sitting out? I thought he'd be playing?"

"Bruh… what is the coach doing?? Why's that guy in?"

"Who is that? Is it a senior?"

"Not a senior," one of the seniors to my side confirmed.

"I don't think he's a junior either…" a junior spoke up.

"He's a sophomore," I interrupted their conversation and heads turned.


"Ohhh… okay," it got a little quiet after I talked…

The junior glanced at me and then glanced between his own friends.


The players walked into the court and the other starters were happily patting Ivan's back and giving him very long and intricate handshakes.

It's cool… I guess. But I don't really see any point in just not high-fiving instead.

"Hey well, Ed doesn't look angry about it so he must be pretty good."

I wasn't planning on interrupting their conversation again, seeing how awkward I turned it the first time.

Players got around the center for the tip-off, with two tall guys getting ready to jump for the ball.

A whistle sounded and the referee clad in striped black and white clothing tossed the ball into the air.

The guy in our team's colors beat the other and Ivan's teammate received the ball.

"Yes!" some whisper-yelled and unconsciously clenched their fists.

The person dribbling the ball walked down the court while the others quickly got into their positions.

Ivan walked slowly to the middle of the enemy team's zone. He hooked and brought his defender deep into the inside, and quickly shuffled to get back outside.

He stopped just outside of the three-point line and received the ball. Without looking at the ball, his eyes were locked on the basketball rim, and he jumped up to shoot.

The ball went out of his hands confidently.

It followed a beautiful 45º arc and finally fell cleanly into the net.

His toes tapped back onto the floor, and the crowd roared in excitement.