
Chapter 15.5


Walking through the hallways after the end of class, I heard my voice being called.

I turned back, to where the unfamiliar voice was coming from.

It was a blonde guy from my grade level.

Uh… what was his name again?

Hmm. I can't remember his name again.

"Alice, are you okay?"

I tilted my head in confusion and remembered I had broken down not just a few hours ago.

With a smile, I told him I was fine to which he looked content about.

He seemed to be waiting for something but made small talk as if deflecting whatever he wanted to say.

Finally, after an awkward silence of wondering if there was anything else, he looked down at my eyes with hesitant words.



He paused and considered his words.

I waited, though with a slight impatience because of the limited time of our break.

"Is it true?" He finally spoke up in a low voice.

"Hmm? What's true?"

"That… you're going out with Ivan."

"No. Not yet."

He hardened his face. "Do you like him?"

I tilted my head and looked at his face to read his expression. "Yes."


I frowned. "He's funny, mature, and not afraid to be himself."

I don't know where he's going with this.

Still. I want to see what his main point is.

"But… you've heard of what he's done before. He's a terrible guy."

I won't deny that he's done terrible things. But he's changed and become a better person. Not to mention he's the Ivan that's from the future and has matured considerably.

I did not owe him an explanation.

I cut the argument short. "Is that all?"

Unwilling to lower his pride to change my mind, he looked down at the floor.



"I've liked you a lot since we were younger, but I won't do anything more. I hope he knows he's a lucky guy to have you…"

"...I appreciate it."

"And I hope you have a good relationship."

Ah, that's right. His name's Samuel.

"Thank you, Samuel. I hope you also find someone for you."

I have a few shards of memories regarding him, but there's nothing concrete.

He smiled weakly and walked away as his friends watched with gaping mouths.

They hugged him and I left to walk back to my class.

"Damn… that's the fifth rejection this year, Alice?"

My friend, Kira, bumped her waist into mine and greeted me with a smile.

I nodded and smiled at her. "How are you doing?"

She hugged my arm. "Better, now that you're here."

"Save those words for your boyfriend."

"Hah… he's consoling Samuel right now… It's strange because they were so hyped up in the basketball match and rooting for Ivan, but now Ivan ended up breaking one of their hearts."

"... No comment."

"Aww, come on. Isn't that super cool? They might become friends. The other day they were saying they should invite him out for some drinks considering how badly they destroyed our school rivals."

I laughed. "You're crazy." I exchanged books from my locker and my backpack as we spoke.

"I'm so crazy for you, baby girl," she fluttered her eyelashes at me. "Ivan's stealing you from me…"

"..." My eyebrows twitched. "Didn't you warn me against him at first? Saying how he's such a piece of trash?"

At the beginning when I flirted incessantly with Ivan, she was really against the idea and told me off heavily.

She had friends who had also been played by him.

"I thought my queen deserved only the best… My thoughts were only for your good."

I scoffed and looked away from her with a smile.

"By the way, is Ivan asking you out for Hoco?"

Hmm… I had completely forgotten about Homecoming.

I wasn't too interested in my younger years, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to do it.

Ah, well. My mental exhaustion today has reached a high. I've never felt so mentally and emotionally tired before.

Ivan's fault again.

"Hey, you okay?"

Remembering I was having a conversation with my friend, my eyes buzzed before landing on her.

"Haha, Alice. You look so confused, you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. What was your question?"

"If Ivan was inviting you for Hoco?"

My dazed eyes focused again. "No. I want to invite him."

"Oooh," she teased, "What's with that?"

I laughed. "I just want to see his face."

"Ew. Shut up."

"Weren't you exactly like this before your boyfriend asked you out?" To be honest, I did not remember how she was before, but I can just automatically assume that she would act very lovestruck.

She blushed. "Shut up."

I laughed. Bull's eye.

"Anyway, let's do something fun today?"

"Really? In the middle of the week?"

I've never met people as crazy as this. Sometimes Ivan and I went out together to eat some fast food or something after a long overtime in the middle of the week, but nothing of this sort.

"I forgot you were a loser nerd who only stayed at home," she teased.

Remembering my breakdown a few hours ago where I freaked out on Ivan about me being a loser, I felt a little shame rising to my face.

"Uh, I'll go this time."

She widened her eyes in surprise. "Wait. Really?"

Seeing her genuine astonishment, I had the shame to scratch my face at the neglect I had of my friendships.

"Yeah. I'll go this time."

"WOO!!" She cheered with her arms wide above her head. "Guess what guys!! Alice is actually coming!"

She practically yelled at her friends.

They too yelled and gathered around to hug me.

I hugged them back. If this had been a year before right when I went back in time, I would have stood stiffly like a stick. Good thing I've gotten used to this now.

"So what's the plan?"

"We go to Vanessa's and just watch a movie. I mean, we don't have a lot of homework this week anyway."

Seeing my thoughtful head, she squinted her eyes and opened them animatedly, "Oh! I forgot you were in a dozen AP classes. Sorry, sorry. If you have too much homework you don't have to come…"

I grinned, "Nah, let's go."

"And don't worry about the boys and... Samuel. It's a girls-only night. So you can't invite Ivan either."

Double release today.

Hope you're enjoying the story!!

Make sure to comment on anything that's on your mind, I'll always reply :).

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